Sunday, September 5, 2010

Obama's Real Top Priority

Obama once spoke about the horrendous practice of Human Trafficking when he said to Pastor Rick Warren, "This has to be a top priority". After almost 2 years in office the issue of human trafficking has yet to be addressed. However, there has been plenty of time to address other “top priorities” for this busy president.

He insisted on ramming health care down the throats of American when 3 of 4 did not want it, taking 6 vacations, golfing, funding abortion with federal money, making speeches for fellow Democrats, golfing, bashing Bush, lying to the public about what was in the health care bill, whittling away at individual liberties of Americans who want to make their own decisions for their lives, throwing 60 White House parties, praying with Muslims on Muslim Friday Prayer, golfing, blaming Republicans even though they were powerless to halt anything the ruling party wanted to do if they were in one accord, hiring Communists for White House positions, continuing reckless spending, suing Arizona for doing what he said was his job although he refuses to do it, bragging on non-existent jobs created & fictitious jobs saved, golfing, buying shrimp, crying about how terrorist suspects are mistreated, making racial slurs against white policemen before he admittedly had all the facts, gleefully meeting Hugo Chavez, golfing, running infomercials to try and convince us not to believe our own gut and ears about what was in the health care bill, covering up crosses with plywood to hide the hint that he is a Christian, pandering to ACORN buddies whom he promised would join him in Washington to “set the agenda” for the transformation of the United States, praising the many contributions Muslims have made to America (although he failed to mention 9/11 as one of them), hiring a few more Communists and radicals, quoting the "Holy Koran" as an example of how all humanity should fashion their lives, shutting down cities and construction projects so he can make 10 minute speeches, going on The View to gain swooning women support, watching his poll numbers slide into the ditch and pretending not to care, golfing, making speeches to the Muslim community to show that he is on their side against any criticism aimed in their direction, promoting an unneeded Islamic mosque near Ground Zero and not being sensitive to all Americans who were attacked on 9/11, renaming 9/11 as a Day of Remembrance and refusing to identify the attackers as having any ties to Islam, golfing, backing up on his support of a mosque when he heard Americans state their disapproval, deciding to never attend a church anymore because it is disruptive and yet continues to disrupt city after city as he continues his speaking career, promoting a global climate change agenda Americans do not want and can't afford in this economy, lying about the upswing in economic recovery while unemployment remains above what he promised it would reach if we passed the stimulus bill, flying to Copenhagen to corral the Olympics for his hometown buddies at the cost of a million dollars wasted, golfing, making more campaign stops and speeches after he was elected than before, initiating a war against Fox News as an enemy of his design for America, apologizing for America more times than can be countered, touting an over-priced electric car as proof that Americans are ready to switch from oil-based transportation, making ineffective concessions to Russia so they would like us more, continuing not to promote nuclear power in USA but sending millions to South America so they can build a nuclear plant, caring more for the 'rights' of terrorists than the people they kill, trying to fulfill his promise to be the greenest president ever, avoiding his promise made nine times that the health care process would be televised on C-SPAN, slighting our military by going to the gym instead of visiting wounded troops overseas, fighting against anyone who would dare obstruct the steady flow of “Undocumented Democrats” coming across the border into California, Arizona and Texas, promising to make us eat more health while he visits ice cream parlors and BBQ joints, redistributing the wealth and making sure we don’t have much of it left for ourselves, praising withdrawal of troops from Iraq while leaving 50,000 still there as violence continues and the job is not complete, seemingly taking credit for the Surge after bashing Bush for the idea and voting against funding it, praising his efforts to make this a “Summer of Recovery” in speech after speech when all America watches a “Summer of Job Loss”…..

Oh, did I mention playing golf? Do I really need to continue? Americans are not stupid and have eyes to see that electing an inexperienced politician who saw a whooping 145 days experience in the Senate as qualification for becoming the President of the United States and the most powerful political figure in the world, was nothing if not pure folly. Obama labors under the delusion that making promises is equivalent to keeping them.

And what of human trafficking issue that “must be a top priority”? Well, it came in way down the list behind hitting the links, slurping ice cream and swaggering in White House Conga Lines while many Americans are deciding whether to pay their house mortgage or eat . In fact, after all these months I am uncertain if he has even mentioned it again as he did during the campaign when he was intent upon making vain promises in effort to gain support and get votes and prove his love for suffering humanity.

Proclaiming himself to be the politician that would “change the way Washington is run”, Obama has proved to be the ultimate politician, self-serving instead of serving the people who put their trust in him. With back-room deals, hiring and firing in the middle of the night and other dubious actions, Obama has created the most obscured presidency. It has become his legacy instead of the transparency he promised.

Obama has so many “top priority” issues that, in effect, only his liberal agenda of making America less safe, poorer, and seen as more evil in the eyes of all of the world is his top priority.

The once outwardly praised Messiah who rode into Washington on the Democratic donkey amidst praises and heartfelt tears, has shed his Messianic robes and went from being the Messiah to being Judas, a betrayer of all he once said he stood for and to the American people.

Under his “leadership” and I use that term very loosely, we have not seen the oceans recede and the land heal as he promised. “We are the ones the world has been waiting for” now echoes as pure, shameless narcissism.

And what of the 27 million living the hellish life of forced slavery that Obama promised to rescue? They’ll just have to wait a while longer. It’s tee-off time.

So while his promise to work to end human trafficking went unaddressed, Obama has succeeded in trafficking in the dreams of Americans and people all over the world as he sold them on the auction block. To be fair, in his mind he probably thinks that he ‘kind of’ kept his promise.

1 comment:

  1. Youre saying bad things about your own country. Youre poisoning our minds. Why are you doing this?
