Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Corrosive Power of Liberalism

 Does anyone else get tired of the hypocrisy and the double standard that exists in the Left and with the media these days as I do? It is beyond infuriating.
 For example: The same immigration policy has been in effect for 8 years of GW Bush, 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama and now almost 2 years of Donald Trump but President Trump is declared a bigot and a hater who separates families. Never mind that he has literally rescued 10,000 children from human traffickers and smugglers, not stripped them from their parents, who, incidentally, willingly gave them to the smugglers.
Then there’s their eagerness to declare a Christian baker a bigot and a homophobe for refusing to bake a cake celebrating gay marriage because it is against his Christian belief. However, the Left and the media applauds the Red Hen restaurant when they kick out Sarah Huckabee refusing to provide service to her and her family because she works for the White House.
Then there is Rosanne who had her show canceled because they didn’t like what she said, but Peter Fonda was perfectly in line when he said that Barron Trump should be locked in a cage with pedophiles. He can still make all the movies he wants without worrying about being black-balled.
Black actor Jamie Foxx went on Saturday Night Live and talked about how cool it was for him to kill a bunch of White folks in his movie Django and he gets cheers from the crowd. Were there repercussions? Not exactly; he now has his own show on TV.
Hollywood’s Superman has had his “Truth, Justice and the American way” tossed in the trash in favor of “Lies, Unfairness and any way but American.” Sylvester Stallone was once asked if he had considered his movies of the “Expendable” series too patriotic, as if that would be a bad thing. Hollywood’s Wonder Woman’s costume was changed from the Red, White and Blue it has been for decades to a more neutral, all-inclusive one because the former one fashioned after the American flag might offend someone.
The logic of the Left and the Left-pandering media is non-existent. Whatever they want goes. No rhyme or reason needed. They have a license to be rude, crude, bigoted, anti-Christian, anti-American hypocrites and outright liars and they get standing ovations for it.
Our values are no longer reflected in commercials or TV shows, much less honored. Liberal politicians who have God the furthest from their minds most of the time, invoke Him when they can use a quote from the Bible as a slur against President Trump, as if it adds credibility to their attacks and logic to their reasoning.
Liberalism is a cancer that is eating away at its host – America. Socialist presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders take center stage as if their desire to turn America into a Socialist nation like the others that have failed, is a badge of honor. Proudly they declare, as candidate Barack Hussein Obama did before his first election, to “fundamentally change America.”
We have Keith Ellison, a Muslim Senator, in office who, after the swearing in ceremony, was photographed with his hands on the Qur’an, along with smiling and clueless Nancy Pelosi, as a sign of his allegiance to Allah over the God of the Bible. Considering that no true Muslim prefers the American system of government over Islam’s totalitarian one, what is he doing in office in America in the first place? There are currently over 90 different Muslims vying for public office in America. Their elections will change the face of America forever.
Even President Trump declaration to “Make America Great Again” and to “Put America and Americans First” seems so offensive to Liberals that they foam at the mouth in hatred and vow to block him at every opportunity.
The greatest change that America can make today is to declare that we will no longer tolerate the attempts of Liberals and America-haters to represent us and that their place in our political system will no longer be tolerated. We must show bold support for the values of America and deny their corruption a foothold.
There is a point when it will be too late to take America back and the great experiment that was begun as a shining example of what a country can be, will have failed. God’s hand was actively involved in the creation of the United States of America and since His presence is no longer desired in our schools or public squares, we have replaced a dependence upon God with human arrogance. 
The crosses on soldiers’ graves are being targeted for removal. Some demand that “In God We Trust” be erased from our money. His Ten Commandments are time and time again being stripped from our courthouse walls as if to declare that He isn’t needed or wanted any longer. Statues of Satan are being erected in public squares to show our inclusivity.
High school students who wear an American flag on a tee shirt are made to go home and change because that symbol might offend an immigrant from Mexico. The names of holidays are being changed as to not offend people. Some businesses are too afraid to even say “Merry Christmas” for fear of offending someone who doesn’t celebrate it and opt for a neutral “Happy Holidays” instead.
Muslims enroll in Catholic schools and then demand statues of Saints be removed because they, and the sign of the cross, offend their faith. Muslims can block streets for prayer and announce their message over loud speakers but Christians are arrested for passing out Bibles on the street corner.
Traditional marriage is now on the hate list but Gay Pride celebrations of the vilest nature are acceptable on our streets and promoted by city governments.
America is under siege and we don’t know it or we refuse to admit it. At any rate, we are slack in defending either America or God and when someone stands up for either, he/she is slandered and attacked to the point that they cowardly apologize for offending the easily offended.
American history is being rewritten as if that will change the past. All it does is to transform informed individuals who have the opportunity to learn from history into ignorant people who don’t know their history and will be doomed to repeat its mistakes.
Our politicians finish their speeches with “God Bless America” and yet they do everything in their power to see that he has no reason to.
America is more than its buildings or its land. It resides in the hearts of people. It is defined by who we are as a nation and what we hold dear, and all that is changing. It is time that America wake up or we will be like the legendary character Rip Van Winkle and awaken one day to find the America we once knew and loved, no longer exists and what has taken its place, will be a shameful place forsaken by truth, integrity, dignity and honor, and even by God Himself.

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