Monday, November 19, 2018

Are We Seeing "Fire Jihad" in California?

Are We Seeing “Fire Jihad” in California?

Just as the calls for more gun control are the result of every mass shooting as regular as clockwork, a new fire, or tornado, hurricane or any other normal weather activity, increases the surge of calls for more money and effort to be put into climate change, the most popular wealth distribution ploy seen in recent years.

When I was in high school the greatest fear was the coming ice age, which of course never materialized. Now it is Global Warming and the disasters that man has caused and will continue to cause, if you believe the official storyline.

Everything that happens now is blamed on climate change (the adopted term because global warming didn’t cover enough scenarios and limited the eco-terrorist’s agenda).

In spite of its many flaws, the “science” of climate change has been relegated to the bin of junk science. Yet, many still tout it as the greatest threat known to man. And, as it always does, to adopt a myopic, narrow view of anything, always becomes a filter that hides the truth. It pays to look at what is right in front of our eyes.

On a daily basis, the fires in California demand our attention as they spread and continue to destroy much of our national and natural forests. Few disasters destroy as much as wildfires which are so hard to contain, much less eradicate. And of course, according to the Liberal mindset, is caused by man-made climate change.

They may be half right, the “man-made” half anyway. Yet, here is a theory few want to consider because of the tendency to excuse actions of militant Islamists and radical Muslims without honest consideration.

As most would have you believe, the term “jihad” is basically a doctrine referring to an inner inspection and a spiritual awakening and introspection. In reality, only 3% of Islamic jihad deals with that benign perspective while 97% of all cases and instruction deals with overt, outward assaults upon the “infidel,” or non-Muslim, who denies the deity of Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad.

Besides the Qur’an and the life of Muhammad as a guide to determine Muslim behavior, Islamic instruction also comes from modern clerics in the form of fatwas, which range from how to live an acceptable Islamic life, to direct calls for jihad against non-Muslims, especially Israel and the West, specifically the United States.

The tactic I refer to is “jihad by arson.” The principle has been around for years but only recently has it gained popularity, perhaps because of its ease of operation and its effectiveness and the fact that it rarely points fingers at Islam itself.

On October 27, 2011, this fatwa was issued by Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi: “Every Muslim should participate and contribute in sabotaging the economies of the Crusader states, whether this is through economic boycott or by targeting their property with vandalism and arson.”

This fatwa calls for the direct participation of all Muslims to conduct jihad in this manner. We tend to label this the rants of an extremist and in so doing we choose to dismiss his commands. But It has been acted upon since its issuance.

As far back as 2007 jihadis have claimed credit for starting California wildfires. A G2 bulletin reported a post which stated, “this is an invitation to the Muslims of Europe and America, Australia and Russia to burn forests.” Could it be any clearer than that?

A video by Abu Mus’ab al Suri circulated around that time which advocated for the setting of forest fires as a tactic of jihad.

As far back as 2003 an FBI memo warned law enforcement officials when it said a detainee affiliated with Al-Qaida had bragged about masterminding a plot to set forest fires in the western United States.

Fast forward to today and we are seeing the greatest devastation by forest fires in history. The fatwa called for an assault on the economy and almost $3 billion of damage has occurred already and millions have been spent on fighting the fires. To date 7,579 separate fires are burning and 1,667,855 acres have been destroyed. Over 80 confirmed dead and over 1,000 still missing and unaccounted for.

Do we really think that so many fires happening all at the same time is a coincidence? Honestly can this all be blamed on climate change? Is that even plausible?

Of course, it is not plausible, but that story is far easier to believe and defend than to examine the possibility that perhaps, just perhaps, Islamic assault is being taken against us in unprecedented ways.

Israel was possibly the proving ground for this tactic as was evidenced by five sperate fires in five different neighborhoods in Israel all burning at the same time back in 2012 and many since. Another coincidence?

In a July 2012 news report, hundreds of fires were burning in Jerusalem and the surrounding forest areas. Two Arabs were arrested in that case.

A recently released statement read: “O America. This is the punishment of bombing Muslims in Syria. This is Allah’s punishment for you. And in shaa Allah (Allah willing), you will see more fires. Praise be to Allah.”

An ISIS inspired magazine reported, “incendiary attacks have played a significant role in modern and guerrilla warfare, as well as in “lone wolf” terrorism.” It claimed a fire at a furniture factory in Russia and other wildfires in Israel as events that “demonstrated the lethality of such an effortless operation.”

Yes, setting fires is easy and effective and a go-to tool now that Islamic extremists see as viable and effective. Unfortunately, there is little we can do to stop it either.

So, any intelligent person might ask, are these 7,500 plus fires a result of a coordinated effort to follow Islamic fatwas and burn America to the ground? Can we not at least investigate this possibility without making blanket excuses of denials without honest evaluation and consideration? Sometimes our worst fears, the ones we refuse to acknowledge, do confront us and only by addressing them honestly can we ever defend ourselves and protect what is precious to us, whether Politically Correct or not.

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