Monday, November 12, 2018

The Left's Mid-Term Election Hypocrisy

The Left’s Mid-Term Election Hypocrisy

While the term “Blue Wave” was on every newscaster’s and Liberal pundit’s lips leading up to the mid-term election earlier this month, the reality was far from a wave, perhaps more of a splash.

For a year now, Democrats have been blasting Republicans and Conservatives by calling them, "deplorables" (by Hillary Clinton), "dregs of society" (by Joe Biden), Nazis (by Nancy Pelosi) and racists, bigots, Islamophobes, sexists, xenophobes and homophobes and more by almost all of them. Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters has openly called for the public harassment of Republicans at restaurants, stores, parking lots or any place they might be encountered. She believes, as do many other Democrats, that Republicans are true enemies of state and she wants them treated as such. Some such encounters have already happened due to her incitement.

And that Blue Wave that was supposed to be an affirmation that millions of Americans believed that way also, just didn't happen.

Democrats won 20 seats in the House. Not really much of a wave. In the 2010 midterms, Republicans took 63 seats. That could be considered a wave next to the Blue ripple we recently saw.

American voters have shown that the Left’s falsehoods and misleading tactics are not to be believed or validated and their attacks upon President Trump, Republicans and Conservatives, say more about them than it does about those they attack.

Among some of their victories that they took great stock in were: Ayanna Pressley became the first Black congresswoman from Massachusetts. Jarod Polis won the governorship in Colorado making him the first openly Gay governor in the United States. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar became the first Muslim women elected to Congress.

All these are legitimate victories in their own right. But you may notice they were all Democrats. Liberals are quick to applaud victory by a woman, Muslim, Gay, Transgender, Black, overt Socialist, or almost any other category of individual who wears a label they endorse. They call for more “women of color” to be elected as evidence of a great progressive move forward. But in their minds, some things simply cross the line of acceptable tolerance.

Strangely absent from all the accolades was Young Kim, who became the first Korean-American woman to be elected in Congress. Why the omission? Simple, she happens to be a Republican. It matters little that she was a “first” or for that matter a woman. They feel being a Republican nullifies all of that.

During the election cycle of Barack Obama, anyone who did not vote for him, no matter the reason, was labeled a racist. It was par for the course. People who did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 were labeled sexist, even though there may have been a hundred reasons not to vote for her, and her sex had nothing to do with any of them.

But when it comes to Republicans, it matters little if you are a woman, even though they clamor for more women in politics. You’ll be ridiculed and smeared, as was Sarah Palin in 2016. It matters little if you are Black if you are Republican. You’ll be labeled an “Uncle Tom, a “sell out” or traitor to their race. After all, Democrat votes for Ben Carson or Herman Cain were hard to come because being Black in their cases suddenly didn’t advance the prejudice of their narrative.

So, what happens now that the Democrats will resume some power in January? Will they, as Hillary Clinton promised, bring civility back to politics? Don’t count on it. Power only feeds their aggression and Nancy Pelosi has already vowed to heighten the search for more evidence to impeach President Trump with, ever being the obstructionist, she and her party members have proudly become.

We can only hope they will not continue the nonsense they have become known for, and will cease the attacks on the other side of the aisle in favor of working for America. Perhaps they’ll stop trying to prove that Hillary’s loss was due to then-candidate Donald Trump’s corruption efforts or collusion with Russia. Perhaps they will even remember they are Americans and do something positive like, you know, their job of working FOR America. That would be a refreshing change. Oh well, hope springs eternal.

1 comment:

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