While Americans rejoice in their hearts and celebrate in the streets at a perceived victory over radical Islam with the death of Osama Bin Laden, in reality, it is a mere bump in the road for Islam. Though a devout Muslim who followed the Koran and teachings of Islam, Bin Laden was not Islam. Islam did not die with him. Radical world-changing strategies did not die with him. The Islamic quest for global domination is still alive and well, and we will soon have proof of it.
For Muslim apologists to admit to the tie that binds all Islamic terrorists - the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad – they would have to admit that the very philosophy of Islam is what we are at odds with. Few have the stomach for that profession though an increasing number of Americans are coming to that realization.
Bin Laden followed the teachings of the Koran and operated exactly as Muhammad would operate were he alive today. Some say that the attack upon the financial system that occurred on 9/11 is not an Islamic form of warfare. However, Muhammad burned the fig trees of a Jewish community when he attacked them which was a direct attack at their financial means of support.
Destroying the Twin Towers financial district was exactly what Muhammad’s Islam commands. All that study Islam know that if Muhammad did it or said it, it is forever a part of Islam. (The only exception being that Allah gave Muhammad permission to marry as many women as he wanted while “regular” Muslims are only allowed to marry four.)
Suicide is forbidden in Islam so do we conclude that suicide bombers are not following Islam when they destroy themselves? No we can’t. They are not suicide victims in the eyes of Islam, but rather martyrs and as such will have the gates of Paradise swung open for them and 70 virgins eagerly awaiting their arrival.
We must understand the dualism in Islam and true meanings behind its beliefs, which often differ greatly with what our perception is. Martyrdom, especially when it takes the lives of unbelievers in the process, is not only encouraged, but celebrated. Their deaths are not mourned but their “wedding in Paradise” is the celebrated joyous occasion. We have a lot to learn about the motives of Islam, its purpose and goals. Sadly, Political Correctness denies us the truth.
Worshipping at the altar of Political Correctness must stop if we are to survive the onslaught against the freedom and liberty we have always enjoyed as a nation. We are told to tolerate philosophies such as Islam knowing full well that once it has a foothold in America, freedom and tolerance will be the first casualties of war.
Bin Laden followed Muhammad’s example in his attacks upon us on 9/11. Moderate Muslims may disagree but moderate Muslims don’t set policy for Islam or the umma, the Muslim community. The Koran and Muhammad does that.
If the death of Bin Laden brings retaliation upon us, it is to be expected and unavoidable. Yet his death was necessary because negotiation "without preconditions" was never a viable approach to getting Bin Laden to cease his efforts against the United States. And unfortunately for President Obama, who called for such an approach in dealing with Iran in 2009, such a tactic will never be effective against an ideology which allows for no compromise. If anything is to be given up in this war against radical Islam, it will be given up by us, not them.
If Bin Laden was following the Koran, as I state here, which verses led him to treat us with contempt and gave him the motivation to attack innocents when Islam teaches that such an action is forbidden? First understand this: Non-believers, kafirs and infidels are not considered innocent to Islam. Because we have not accepted Allah as the only true God and Muhammad as his prophet, we are fair game.
The Koran states clearly its contempt for the kafir and that contempt guides all of Islam’s actions toward us. Consider that a kafir is cursed by Allah (Koran 2:89), deaf, dumb and blind (2:18), fuel for the Fire of Hell (3:10), headed for severe, shameful and humiliating punishment (3:176,178; 4:151), friends of Satan (4:76), blasphemers (8:35), impure (8:37), worst of beasts (8:55), liars (29:68), deceivers (40:4), delusional (67:20), vain (74:45), stingy (75:31), Doers of Iniquity (80:42), and the worst of creatures (98:6).
Legally a kafir can be mocked (Koran 83:34); beheaded (47:4); schemed and plotted against (86:15); terrorized (8:12); and is cursed by Allah (33:60). Is it any wonder that America is a target for Islamic terrorism? We are the lowest of the low in the eyes of Allah, thus it follows that all devout Muslims see us the same way, no matter what we hear the misleading apologetic “talking heads” say on TV.
There are nine things held by Islam as inherently “unclean”. Listed in order they are: “urine, stool, semen, blood, corpses, dogs, pigs, kafirs and intoxicating liquids”. Number eight, right next to pigs, is the kafir. That is you and I and all those in the world who have not yielded their will and devotion to Allah. We are considered as unclean as the rest on the list, yet Islam and many misinformed, misguided Americans and politicians demand we tolerate it.
Kafir is the “N” word in Islam and we will never be respected as human beings worthy of existence, much less ever be seen as equals.
The origin of the word “kafir” means a “concealer”, or one who conceals the truth of Islam. The dualism of Islam established two sets of rules that govern how people are to be treated. One set for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. They are never melted together into one rule of ethics but are always separate and at odds. Bin Laden operated with this principle in mind.
Osama Bin Laden hated the kafir and he brought to us, who he saw as kafirs, what Allah and Muhammad instructed him to, nothing more, nothing less. It would be foolish to believe, as many do, that our struggle against radical Islam has been struck a mighty blow with the death of Bin Laden. It hasn’t.
Islam’s goal of bringing the entire world under the rule of Allah has not been revoked. The intolerance and racism of Islam against all of those considered less than Muslims has not been rescinded. Islam considers itself the “Religion of Peace” simply because it believes that once the entire world is under Allah and Sharia Law, it will be a world of peace. Peace Islamic style is not peace American style.
If you want a picture of Islamic peace, look at what is happening in any Islamic-controlled country. Chaos abounds, religious persecution is the order of the day, intolerance of any opposing viewpoint is tantamount to supreme order. Men and women convicted of adultery are stoned in public display. Women whose dress doesn’t meet “code” are openly beaten in the streets. Islamic “tolerance” is a myth.
The “Golden Rule” we seek to aspire to follow, though we often fall short, is non-existent in Islam. Likewise, Jesus’ instruction to turn the other cheek does not exist in Islam. Islamic guidelines, as instructed by Allah in Koran 2:190, reads thus: : whoever offereth violence to you, offer ye the like violence to him, and fear God, and know that God is with those who fear Him." Yet we are daily asked to be tolerant of Islamic presence in our communities, schools and government.
Celebrating the death of Osama Bin Laden as a final victory is like celebrating your team’s win because they made a basket to end the first quarter. The game isn’t over and victory is yet undetermined at that point. To think so is foolishly premature.
The victory against radical Islam is not over either. The violence will continue. The advancement upon our own soil will continue with certainty. The death of Osama Bin Laden is merely a bump in the road that will barely slow down Islamic advancement toward its eternal goals. Ignoring that will only make us more vulnerable to attack and more open to acceptance of the world’s most intolerant philosophy mankind has ever spawned.
So who is the victor here? That is yet to be seen. Only one question remains: Will Islam’s resolve to see us under Allah’s rule be stronger than our resolve to remain free? Those who desire victory the most and pursue it whole-heartedly and honestly will be the ones who claim it. This is one contest of will and determination in which we cannot afford to come in second.