Sunday, January 31, 2010

Attack of Second Amendment Troublesome At Best, Criminal At Worst

Those who seek to take away our Constitutional rights whether it be during a robbery, mugging, car-jacking, home-invasion or any other means, or by taking control of a country, must be preceded by a removal of arms from the populace. It cannot happen any other way. Our Second Amendment right to bear arms keeps that from happening even if we never fire our weapons. Their very presence is a deterrent. Once they are taken, we are helpless victims.

The United Nations has long been a thorn in the side of America and rails consistently against our sovereignty, security, use of energy, position of power and laws which do not reflect the rest of the world’s views or privileges. Based in New York, the United Nations enjoys its prestigious location and takes advantage of the fact. We have nothing in common.

A statue, located outside the UN headquarters reflects their extreme anti-gun stance. It is a work of art depicting a revolver with the barrel twisted into a knot. Their stand on self-defense is appalling and is reflected in the United Nations Human Rights Council Subcommittee on Human Rights’ declaration that “no human has the right to self-defense”. (That should raise a few eyebrows!) It also states that there is however a “mandatory international human right to extremely restrictive gun control”.

The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Second Amendment much to the United Nation’s dismay. I consider the statue of a pistol with the barrel twisted into a knot which stands in front of the UN offensive as it seeks to debase and reject one of the pillars of our Constitution upon which this country was built.

To make matters worse, Obama has appointed Harold Koh legal adviser to the Department of State. A legal adviser should be a strong defender of America rights and liberties and should stand against any foreign interference with those rights. Koh’s purpose as he sees it is exactly the opposing view.
In the climate where so many politicians are seeking out international opinion in establishing legal opinion for us here in America, it is troublesome that a man in his position leans towards the United Nations to determine his conscience.

Koh considers the honoring of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms a stand against a proposed “global ban on illicit transfer of small arms and light weapons”. He stated in a speech published in the “Fordham Law Review” in 2003 that, “If we really do care about human rights, we have to do something about the guns”. He obviously supports a global system of effective controls on small arms, thus allowing the global opinion to set the course for America.

He reinforced this belief when he stated, “too much work left undone. After a few sleepless nights, I wrote myself a list of issues on which I needed to do more in the years ahead. One of those issues was global regulation of small arms”. He apparently isn't content in the regulation of guns here at home but wishes to regulate handguns across the entire globe.

The Second Amendment is under attack as never before by narrow-minded liberals who haven’t a clue as to its importance or necessity. They ignore study after study that reinforces the fact that communities and states with legal carry permits have few gun-related crimes, fewer gun-related suicides and even fewer children harmed in handgun accidents. The facts simply do not bear out their twisted paranoia.

According to the FBI during the first six months of 2008 nationwide violent crime fell 3.5%. In fact, since 1991, the violent crime rate fell more than 40% proving that in spite of alarmists and anti-gun advocates, the rise in gun sales has not increased gun-related or even violent crime over all.
While school shootings and gun-related violence is always a tragedy, it is far from the norm. With over 110 million households being the registered owners of at least one firearm and being law-abiding citizens, the few that use guns violently are by far the minority. In fact, most criminals who use guns in their “trade” are not registered gun owners anyway. New gun restrictions and laws will not affect them in the least but will only impair honest citizens in the exercise of their constitutional right to bear arms.

The number of instances of crimes being stopped and lives saved because a trained person with a legal carry permit was on the scene and acted appropriately is rarely reported by the basically anti-gun press. Of course every misuse of a firearm signals another chance for them to rally around the “Take the guns away” sentiment and those stories are reported over and over.

Even former President Jimmy Carter is getting into the act once again. Unsuccessful in passing his gun control legislation while president, he is pushing for it again. He recently said that anyone who owner a semi-automatic weapon was a “killer in waiting”. He says that the reason people own such weapons is because of their desire to shoot up schools or a workplace or to murder policemen seeing how many bodies we can pile up before ending the spree with our own suicide. His lack of knowledge is astounding, and his accusations insulting.

Speaking of the National Rifle Associations efforts to fight gun control legislation, Carter tried to side step the move to outlaw guns when he said, “The NRA would be justified in its efforts if there was a real threat to our constitutional right to bear arms. But that is not the case”. In all actually, his drive to ban “assault weapons” and the labeling which guns are to be considered such at the whim of politicians, is a real threat.
Although President Obama says he isn’t considering taking our guns, proposed legislation and restrictions by numerous politicians are making it difficult to find certain popular firearms, reloading materials and tools, and ammunition. As ammo becomes much more scarce owing a gun will be of little practical use. After all, what is the value of a handgun for self-defense if it cannot be loaded because bullets cannot be purchased or cost so much that no one can afford to buy them? Such efforts are simply back-door attempts to do what they say they aren’t doing, removing our right to defend ourselves.
Every country that has enacted gun bans against private ownership has experienced sky-rocketing gun-related crimes. And rightly so because the criminals who seek to use their guns illegally don’t register guns and don’t turn them in. Such bans only adversely affect law-abiding citizens who wish to be responsible for the safety of themselves and the ones they love.

The threat is being multiplied with Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court as she has long been anti gun ownership. She believes that the Second Amendment does not entitle states to establish gun laws of their own but should rely upon the federal government to do as it wills on this issue.

I remember reading a Supreme Court decision in a case where the police of a town were being sued because they did not show up fast enough when called to stop a crime in which someone was killed. The Court ruled that we have no constitutional right to expect to be protected by the police department which is basically there to react to the crime and follow-up. Self-defense is actually on us.
The debate on this issue is far from over but every politician should be made aware of our belief that constitutional rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights must be defended vehemently by those who are swore to represent the people of the United States. If they don’t understand that, or refuse to act accordingly, the voting booth is a powerful persuader and we will use it to replace them with someone that understands our determination to have our rights protected by those we put into office.

This issue obviously means little to the elite but to common folks, especially in the South, it is very important. However, anytime a fundamental right such as given to us in the Second Amendment is threatened by misguided and ill-informed politicians, every American should stand up and take notice.

Even if you choose not to keep and bear arms, which is also your right, the liberties you personally hold dear may be next on the “Endangered Rights List”.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Inconvenient Gun Facts

The United Nations has long been a thorn in the side of America and rails consistently against our sovereignty, security, use of energy, position of power and laws which do not reflect the rest of the world’s views or privileges. Based in New York, the United Nations enjoys its prestigious location and takes advantage of the fact. We have nothing in common.

A statue, located outside the UN headquarters reflects their extreme anti-gun stance. It is a work of art depicting a revolver with the barrel twisted into a knot. Their stand on self-defense is appalling and is reflected in the United Nations Human Rights Council Subcommittee on Human Rights’ declaration that “no human has the right to self-defense”. (That should raise a few eyebrows!) It also states that there is however a “mandatory international human right to extremely restrictive gun control”.

The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Second Amendment much to the United Nation’s dismay. I consider the statue of a pistol with the barrel twisted into a knot which stands in front of the UN offensive as it seeks to debase and reject one of the pillars of our Constitution upon which this country was built.

To make matters worse, Obama has appointed Harold Koh legal adviser to the Department of State. A legal adviser should be a strong defender of America rights and liberties and should stand against any foreign interference with those rights. Koh’s purpose as he sees it is exactly the opposing view.

In the climate where so many politicians are seeking to seek out international opinion in establishing legal opinion for us here in America, it is troublesome that a man in his position leans towards the United Nations to determine his conscience.

Koh considers the honoring of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms a stand against a proposed “global ban on illicit transfer of small arms and light weapons”. He stated in a speech published in the “Fordham Law Review” in 2003 that, “If we really do care about human rights, we have to do something about the guns”. He obviously supports a global system of effective controls on small arms, thus allowing the global opinion to set the course for America.

He reinforced this belief when he stated, “too much work left undone. After a few sleepless nights, I wrote myself a list of issues on which I needed to do more in the years ahead. One of those issues was global regulation of small arms”. He apparently isn’t content in the regulation of guns here at home but wishes to regulate handguns across the entire globe.

The Second Amendment is under attack as never before by narrow-minded liberals who haven’t a clue as to its importance or necessity. They ignore study after study that reinforces the fact that communities and states with legal carry permits have few gun-related crimes, fewer gun-related suicides and even fewer children harmed in handgun accidents. The facts simply do not bear out their twisted paranoia.

According to the FBI during the first six months of 2008 nationwide violent crime fell 3.5%. In fact, since 1991, the violent crime rate fell more than 40% proving that in spite of alarmists and anti-gun advocates, the rise in gun sales has not increased gun-related or even violent crime over all.

While school shootings and gun-related violence is always a tragedy, it is far from the norm. With over 110 million households being the registered owners of at least one firearm and being law-abiding citizens, the few that use guns violently are by far the minority. In fact, most criminals who use guns in their “trade” are not registered gun owners anyway. New gun restrictions and laws will not affect them in the least but will only impair honest citizens in the exercise of their constitutional right to bear arms.

The number of instances of crimes being stopped and lives saved because a trained person with a legal carry permit was on the scene and acted appropriately is rarely reported by the basically anti-gun press. Of course every misuse of a firearm signals another chance for them to rally around the “Take the guns away” sentiment and those stories are reported over and over.

Even former President Jimmy Carter is getting into the act once again. Unsuccessful in passing his gun control legislation while president, he is pushing for it again. He recently said that anyone who owner a semi-automatic weapon was a “killer in waiting”. He says that the reason people own such weapons is because of their desire to shoot up schools or a workplace or to murder policemen seeing how many bodies we can pile up before ending the spree with our own suicide. His lack of knowledge is astounding, and his accusations insulting.

Speaking of the National Rifle Associations efforts to fight gun control legislation, Carter tried to side step the move to outlaw guns when he said, “The NRA would be justified in its efforts if there was a real threat to our constitutional right to bear arms. But that is not the case”. In all actually, his drive to ban “assault weapons” and the labeling which guns are to be considered such at the whim of politicians, is a real threat.

Although President Obama says he isn’t considering taking our guns, proposed legislation and restrictions by numerous politicians are making it difficult to find certain popular firearms, reloading materials and tools, and ammunition. As ammo becomes much more scarce, owing a gun will be of little practical use. After all, what is the value of a handgun for self-defense if it cannot be loaded because bullets cannot be purchased or cost so much that no one can afford to buy them? Such efforts are simply backdoor attempts to do what they say they aren’t doing, removing our right to defend ourselves.

Every country that has enacted gun bans against private ownership has experienced sky-rocketing gun-related crimes. And rightly so because the criminals who seek to use their guns illegally don’t register guns and don’t turn them in. Such bans only adversely affect law-abiding citizens who wish to be responsible for the safety of themselves and the ones they love.

The threat is being multiplied with Obama’s nomination and later confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court as she has long been anti gun ownership. She believes that the Second Amendment does not entitle states to establish gun laws of their own but should rely upon the federal government to do as it wills on this issue. This shows a severe lack of understanding of the Constitution or an outright desire to disregard it.

I recall reading of a Supreme Court decision in a case where the police of a town were being sued because they did not show up fast enough when called to stop a crime and as a result someone was killed. The Court ruled that we in the United States have no constitutional right to expect to be protected by the police who are basically there to react to the crime and follow-up with an investigation. Self-defense is actually on us.

The debate on this issue is far from over but every politician should be made aware of our belief that constitutional rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights must be defended vehemently by those who are swore to represent the people of the United States. If they don’t under that, or refuse to act accordingly, the voting booth is a powerful persuader and we will use it to replace them with someone that understands our determination to have our rights protected by those we put into office.

This issue obviously means little to the elite but to common folks, especially in the South, it is very important. However, anytime a fundamental right such as given to us in the Second Amendment is threatened by misguided and ill-informed politicians, every American should stand up and take notice.

Even if you choose not to keep and bear arms, which is also your right, the liberties you personally hold dear may be next on the “Endangered Rights List”.

Freedoms Unappreciated Are Freedoms Lost Forever

Just as money freely given is seldom appreciated because we did not invest our own blood and sweat in the attaining of it and is quickly and easily lost, so do the freedoms and liberties we have that we did not invest our own blood and sweat in attaining become taken for granted, unappreciated and can be quickly and easily lost.

The liberties and freedoms that all in this country enjoy are due to the sacrifice of those past and present who offered their own blood and sweat to create and to preserve this Republic. Few understand that it is easier to give birth the idea of a free nation than it is to keep it once it becomes a reality. It has taken thousands more sacrifices to preserve America than it did to give birth to it.

Not only do we not fully understand what that cost has been, we don’t fully understand what the true cost will be should we fail to keep it, both to us as Americans and to the world that has been blessed by our very existence.

America was created with the full knowledge of the dignity and sanctity of life but over the past 4 decades we have replaced that precious responsibility with casualness toward the unborn and apathy toward life itself. What some see today as an infringement upon other countries and a will to impose our lifestyle upon them is actually an attempt to make sure that people all over this globe experience what freedom taste like.

American has always been a moral nation but as those morals have eroded and the sanctity of life of both born and unborn has suffered neglect, we are losing our position of respect and influence in the world. Powerful politicians and the “Blame America First” crowd would have us believe it is because of our arrogance and interference that we have suffered this diminished reputation, but as we began to devalue human life, especially of the unborn, God’s protective hand began to be lifted from our shoulders.

Value for human life is not only a Biblical principle but it is a foundational principle of a civilized society. To lose that principle means to cease to be a civilized community and the door is opened for a myriad of problems and challenges and all the while we struggle to understand why they befell us.

With the slipping of traditional morality, traditional marriage and family values began to erode. Families are what makes up a community, communities make up cities and states and states make a nation. When the foundation is cracked and crumbling, all that was built upon it begins to show signs of stress and cracks and its days are numbered.

As we devalue one building block of a strong society after another all that America once was begins to change and we all suffer because of it.

Our 33rd president Harry Truman penned it perfectly when he wrote, “The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus, and Saint Matthew, from Isaiah and Saint Paul…. If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State”. America is in danger of that very prediction today.

As he left office in 1796 President George Washington warned us with these words, “It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?

I echo his sentiment. No one calling themselves a friend of free government and freedom of the people can allow apathy to cloud their vision when they see concerted efforts being made to shake the very foundations upon which this great country was founded. To do so informs us all that he is not a friend of America who turns a blind eye to those who would dismantle this Republic. And it certainly says the same of those who would shake America in an attempt to “fundamentally change the United States of America”, to use our current presidents own words spoken five days before being elected to our highest office.

This shaking is not coming from without, even though we have been openly attacked from outside our borders. The greatest danger America faces is from within the ranks of our own self-serving government which boasts of the fundamental changes its leaders want to make. I say boast because they are obviously more proud of their attempts to degrade and tear down America than they are of what America stands for. When our fundamentals change, we are no longer the same country. While some desire it, I warn against it.

And what becomes of those who speak to expose such treason against America? They are labeled as Nazis, paid-dissidents, part of a false movement with no value and even un-American. All the while the ones whose desire is to destroy the foundation of this country are heralded as patriots. Somewhere we have gotten our wires crossed.

Why are Tea Party participants maligned daily by those in power? Why are those who ask probing questions smeared at every turn? Why is every voice that speaks against a socialistic take over of the health care industry tagged an un-American “Right-winged extremists”? There is but one answer and it is not a complicated one. They are purveyors of the truth and the truth cannot be tolerated by those who wish to re-make America in their image. Their agenda cannot withstand exposure to the light.

Politicians need to understand fully that the desire to debate issues like freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear arms, climate change, energy resources, independence, renewal and responsibility, true health care reform, moral integrity, freedom of, not from, religion and so much more IS truly the American way. It is the desire to stop and to hinder debate and questioning that is un-American and politicians should know that or they have no business taking our money on the pretense of “serving” us. They do not deserve the trust we placed in them and it is time to give their seat to one who does.

Exposure to the truth is to them as one who exits a dark theatre on a bright sunny Saturday afternoon. The sun’s light hurts their eyes. They wince. They try and shield their faces from the light until their vision adjusts.

Today’s politicians with only darkness as a goal for America, are blinded by the light of the truth. They wince. They shield their eyes from the truth. Truth can be blinding when one does not desire to see. There is nothing wrong with the truth, just as there is nothing wrong with the sunlight.

They have simply been living in the darkness of their own greed, self-serving policies and the interests of those who spread money for them to walk on. It feels like soft clover to bare feet and they love it more than they love the responsibility they swore an oath to serve. They love the darkness more than they love the light of freedom and to correct the situation they try and extinguish the light.

It is time that we shine the light of truth squarely into their face, pull their hands from their faces and force them to see the light that is America. It is time we hold them to their post as they try and retreat back into the darkness they have grown to love for the darkness is the only place that their actions can thrive. It is time to remove that option.

Why do they continue to love the darkness? Why do they continue to slip acts past us in the dead of night? It is their way and they love the darkness more than they love the light. Eventually the truth always manifests itself. So why do they try so hard to deny the truth and hide from the light? Stubbornness? An un-teachable spirit? A childish, “I want my way” attitude?

It is time that our leaders put away the childish ways of name-calling, degradation of true citizens, and embrace debate. It is time to shy away from the half-truths and outright lies that plague the political system and embrace the light of the truth, even if it is uncomfortable to do so. And they should be fore-warned: If they cannot embrace the light of the truth, they will be replaced at the earliest opportunity with a true American who understands the foundations upon which America was built and who understands that their office is a place of service not entitlement.

If “public service” feels beneath them, cut them free to find work in the real world where responsibility and accountability are the norm. Let them reconnect with the common people by once again becoming one of them. Let them learn the hard way that the elitism of political office is a fairy tale and theirs is about to end.

The disgrace that has become our system of government has run its course. It is time for a correction, not a “new system” like the radical Van Jones shouts about. America needs some tweaking, some refining, some modifications but it does not need a total overhaul. It is time to recognize the good and the bright among us and to listen to them giving no regard to whether they wear the Republican, Democrat, or Independent label.

America is circling the drain and she did not get here in the past eight months. It has been a long time in the making and there is plenty of blame to go around. But the time for blaming has past. Only so much can be blamed on George W. Bush. Only so much can be blamed on Barack Obama. And we as a people shoulder part of the blame because we did not recognize the power we have to change a system that is bound to destroy America. We allowed apathy to overcome us and we chose the posture of an ostrich rather than a lion to challenge the system.

As we all shoulder the challenge for returning America back to her fundamental values while they can still be recognized, we must put aside the labels when they divide us but not be afraid to label those who pose a danger to America. Political Correctness can no longer be tolerated and it should be shown the door.

The issues that need to be faced must be faced even if it hurts someone’s feelings or ruffles a few feathers. There is too much at stake and the time for games is over. It is time for the truth to prevail even if it is uncomfortable to implement policies that are controversial. Controversial is acceptable but those bulging with half-truths and lies, misleading platitudes and our-right lies are not.

It is time we question boldly those policies that serve a few and play to the pettiness of politicians. It is time to wake and be counted among the ranks of those that readily admit to the importance of our foundational principles, their source and vow to preserve this Republic.

America was founded upon morality and it is to that end, or to that renewed beginning, we must submit ourselves.

Should we neglect the moral instruction with which this country was begun, as the Statesman Daniel Webster said, “no man can tell how suddenly a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity”.

We cannot afford to forsake our morality for the sake of any cause. Without it America is nothing and we need too reclaim it with utmost haste. Time is not on our side, but we must always be on the side of truth.

Our Government’s Role in the Terrorizing of America

What is the object of terrorism? What does it mean to terrorize? The definition of terror is “an overwhelming impulse of fear, extreme fright or dread. That which or one who causes extreme fear.”

The entire purpose of terrorism is to bring about an overwhelming feeling of fear or helplessness. That is what terrorists do. Since you cannot terrorize a dead person, the killings that result from terrorist acts are not the purpose of the act itself. The purpose is to strike fear in the hearts of those left alive, those who can legitimately feel that they could be next.

The definition of “terrorize” is “to coerce through intimidation”, a definition which in itself would even implicate our government in the action it has taken of late to intimidate members of Congress into voting for the policies of the more powerful. But obtaining votes for health care through means if intimidation and coercion is not my main purpose in focusing on terrorism in this article though it is a valid one, suitable for another day.

Onto the issue of what we consider terrorism. When a government downplays the actions of terrorists, dismissing them as “isolated acts” and asking us to not connect the dots which would clue us into the extreme danger such acts actually impose upon us, the government is aiding the goal of the terrorists. It aids them in their desire to terrorize you and I. When we see our government act with ineptness and not making our society more secure, we can draw the conclusion that they are in fact aiding in the terrorizing of the nation.

Unclosed borders which allow thousands into our country daily without any way of knowing who they are or their purpose here, terrorizes us. Our government having the lack of courage it takes to call a terrorist a terrorist but to make excuses for him, terrorizes us. Terrorist cells operating within our own borders and not closed down terrorizes us. Choosing to ignore ties to Muslim organizations and practices by killers by police officials by order of the government terrorizes us. In effect, our government is terrorizing us.

In this ever increasing dangerous era, the governments misguided attempts to hinder our right to self-protection and self-defense, terrorizes us.

The only way for Americans to not be terrorized by the escalating events occurring in this dangerous world, would be for us to find peace of mind in the actions of the government in curbing those threats and making us feels secure in our beds at night and in our daily activities. This they are not doing.

As long as the government is continuing to deny the real threats and is operating in a defensive bungling manner rather than an effective offensive one, we will continue to be terrorized. As long as Islam is heralded as a religion of peace and not for what it promotes in its own holy writings and with words spewed from the mouth of Islamic clerics every day, we will continue to be terrorized, aided by our own government.

Refusing to see a danger does not make it disappear or become more docile. It only makes us more vulnerable and easy targets for the devout who want us dead or under their Shariah law. It is time we confront the true dangers for what they are, even if that means to recognize our own government’s complicity in terrorizing America. It is a stand we can no longer hesitate in taking.

America's Unrecognized War

America is engaged in a war not of her own choosing. It isn’t a war that you will see statistics printed in the newspaper listing deaths, injuries or costs. It isn’t found as the headline story of any TV or Cable network. In fact, you may not even realize it but it is a war that has been fought many times in history. It is the war between a people and their government and the United States government is at war with its people.

When one stops to ponder the idea, it is apparent that this is nothing new. Wars are not of nation against nation. Even our own Revolutionary War was not a war between nations. Wars are government against government. Wars are declared by governments against governments but the cruelest are those declared by a government against its own people.
Sometimes, as after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the people condone an
d even insist upon a declaration of war. They see it as justified and necessary for their own survival. But the most dangerous of wars, the wars I refer to between a government and its people, doesn’t come with public support but at public expense.

Adolph Hitler’s greatest atrocities were not committed against the American soldier, or the Russian soldier, but against the people of his own country. Chairman Mao was a man with the blood of upwards by some estimates of 70 million of his own people on his hands.

During the 70 years that Communism infected this globe, the U.S.S.R. was at constant war with its own people the greatest victims, with some estimates reaching 150 million. Any government that seeks to deprive its people of liberty, freedom and property has chosen to walk a path that can only lead to war. Why? Because people do not voluntarily hand over their liberties, freedoms and property but only do so when forced to do so by the might of a powerful government. At that point they are no longer free but subjects.

Never in the history of this country has there been such an attempt to repress liberties, restrict freedoms and confiscate and redistribute property from its people as it is under the Barack Obama Presidency. Almost daily it seems the hands of this administration reaches in to meddle with another aspect of America, creating problems where there are none, attempting to “solve” problems that do not exist, demanding obeisance and homage from a questioning people who are growing more considered every day.

Every politician makes promises that they feel will endear them to the voters, and many times those promises are not kept. Often those promises are impossible to keep and should have never been made. But sadly such is the political scene.

Yet this administration has made a practice of breaking those promises, the very commitments that got Obama elected in the first place. Closing Guantanamo Bay detention center and justly dealing with the detainees held there has become much more of a problem than he, in his naiveté, thought it would be. But the promise sounded good to those who are more concerned with the rights of those who killed 2,800 innocent Americans than for the rights of those who died.

America was attacked by a visible enemy and yet on the last anniversary of that fateful day, President Obama neglected to single them out in his appeasement speech and insulted every American. Not being willing to call out ones attackers for what and who they are is an affront to those who died that day and an insult to every America that was horrified by the events of 9/11.

Calling it a “Day of Remembrance and Service” was nothing more than an continued attempt at appeasement aimed at the Muslim world, one that now elected Obama, embraces with understanding but denied his connection with during the campaign. The “War on Terror” has now, under the direction of the White House, become an “Overseas Contingency”, a way of toning down its importance yet it belittles the sacredness of every life lost in this endless battle.

Other promises such as swearing not to take away our guns was a lie of misdirection with every appointee of Obama’s strongly anti-gun ownership. The laws and regulations underway that will hinder every Americans right or ability to possess a firearm, while doing nothing towards the removal of guns from the lawless criminal, is another broken promise.

The majority of people in the United States do not believe that abortion should be as accessible as it is and see the 50 million babies that have been aborted since the Roe vs. Wade decision a national shame. Yet this administration in pushing its pro-abortion stance doesn’t care what the majority of people think.

Obama was the only Senator to speak out against a bill that would assure that a baby born through a botched abortion would receive every available medical treatment to protect his/her life. He said it would someday have an affect on a woman’s right to choose even though the bill dealt entirely with a baby already born. To show how out-of-touch he was, the bill passed 90-1 in spite of his gauged rhetoric on the floor.

In showing his lack of concern for a newly born baby he showed his contempt for life and liberty of the most innocent among our nation. His agenda and continued approval of the slaughter of 4,000 babies a day is more important to him than protecting life. In a campaign speech he called babies a “punishment for making a mistake”. It sickened and angered me to hear that phrase.

Now with health care, abortion, as much as he has denied it, is included in the final bill he wants written. Efforts to keep it out have been blocked, making it clear that abortion is important to this administration and to the Democratic Congress at large.

Most people in America believe that the illegal immigration issue be addressed firmly while Obama seeks amnesty for the 12-20 million lawbreakers who disregarded our laws to come here. Crossing our borders every day are Hispanics seeking a better life and that is commendable but there are lawful ways to enter this country. Showing a disregard for our laws is not the way to do it.

Not addressed are the OTMs that are crossing the border as well, “Other Than Mexicans”. And that number could include Muslim terrorists or anyone else who simply walks across the invisible line in the sand or climbs an inadequate fence. Border agents are understaffed and often have their hands tied where they cannot properly do their job. Government wishes over the wishes of the people once again are evident.

Freedom of speech is under attack daily. From Cable news outlets to individuals that dare to question this administration are labeled as “opponents”. Opponents? Are battle lines being drawn in a stand-off to restrict freedom of speech? You had better believe it.

“No taxes on the middle class” was a promise that is disingenuous as well and the health care proposals will ensure that almost every American will see higher taxes. Higher energy costs are in effect taxes as EPA restrictions are increased to chase a phony “green” policy.

No civilization has ever survived when the energy source they depend upon is cut or hindered. We are an oil-based society and until we create another source to replace it we cannot afford to expand costs and levy heavy restrictions because of its use. In this economy it is suicidal. But the government really doesn’t care about the people in this respect but cares more about the planet, buying into the phony science that redistributes the wealth and hinders progress into the future.

Just as no sensible person quits a job until the have another one and we as a nation should not close the door to progress that continued use of oil can bring until we have an alternative that works. It doesn’t hurt the government as much as the people.

Make no mistake about it, our government is drawing a line in the sand between itself and its people and that path only leads to war. There are 300 million Americans that love their way of life and they will not give it up or hand it over to bureaucrats freely. And the war between a people and its government and its people lies down the path that this administration has chosen to walk.

We have the examples of Russia, China, Germany and some African nations to study and pay attention to. An oppressive government is simply that, an oppressive government and people who have tasted liberty, freedom and prosperity will not allow it to be striped from their grasps.
But of course before that ever happened in any country, the populace was disarmed and that is happening in America today. And then it will matter little what the people will have to say. The government will have free reign to force its agenda, no matter how radical and no matter how anti-Constitutional it is, upon a helpless people.

Before you say it can’t happen here, tell that to the people of Germany (20.9 million civilians killed), Russia (83 million), China (45 million), Japan (5.9 million), Vietnam (1.6 million), Poland (1.5 million to “ethnic cleansing”). Tell that to the two million people slaughtered by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia as they lost 30% of their population to violence from their own government. Tell that to the one million Armenians that lost their lives at the hands of the Turks after they were systematically disarmed in the early 1900’s.

This scenario was repeated in Uganda, Rwanda, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, and Sudan, to name a few. Our founding fathers did not wish for us to be armed as a protection against each other as much as a protection against a government gone awry.

No government can exercise genocide against or even undue control over its people as long as they are armed. Any government seeking ultimate control knows that and will disarm its people as a prelude to their going to far in their thirst for power. It is the first step even if taken years before things get out of hand. Even using those weapons is not necessary but that possibility keeps out-of-control governments in check.

An armed people are a free people. Slaves are not allowed to “keep and bear arms”, only free men can. The removal or severe limitation of this one specific right will spell the end of freedom in America. History has proven that power hungry men choose to dominate their people and power hungry certainly describes this administration.

While there are no records that indicate any democratic government has directly or indirectly been involved in the extermination or genocide of its own people, absolutism certainly has. When a government garners absolute control of the populace by government take over of private industries, banks, large corporations, as apparently is the aim of this administration, dangerous times loom ahead.

Will America right its course and not become another added to the above list or will it continue to travel the road of denied liberties, withdrawn freedoms and stolen property? There is a point of no return and I can’t say where that line is. I simply hope we don’t cross it.

Wishful Thinking _ An Exercise in Futility

Too many in America are suffering from wishful thinking. They wish that Islam was a religion of peace. They wish that if we were more friendly and appeasing in our approach to them that they would lessen in their resolve to hate us and see us destroyed.

They wish that if we closed our eyes to the danger that it would go away. Like a child hiding under the blanket on a stormy night, we have no effect upon the strength of the storm and neither do we affect the results of its rage by ignoring it. Hiding only keeps us from protecting ourselves from imminent peril.

They wish that we could, led by our misguided diversity policy, live side by side with the radical elements of Islam without having to sleep with one eye open. They wish that helping relieve the poverty of third world countries would lead to less violence and a reduction of jihad-like actions when jihad has nothing to do with poverty but a commitment to global domination in the name of Islam.

They wish that there was strength in diversity instead of there being an inherent danger in following such ideology blindly. They wish, in effect, that the world was a fairy tale in which all things work themselves out as if by some effortless plan. They wish the world was a place where we all will live happily-ever-after, no matter whether we are involved in making it a reality or not.

Basically, the wishful thinkers desire to live in a make-believe world. Unfortunately the world is under attack by an enemy that seeks our destruction, has always sought the destruction of opposing cultures and nations and will continue to do so. An enemy we refuse to face is an enemy with an unfair advantage over us.

We are playing into their hands daily by our complacency, our ignorance and willful blindness to the greatest threat the world has ever seen. It is nothing new and we have had 1400 years of warnings. America has had 200 years of warnings and we still, as a nation, refuse to admit to the danger of radical Islam.

Our greatest challenge may be in our differing attitudes. Radical Islamists love the idea of martyrdom more than we love the idea of living life as free people. They will tirelessly pursue their goals while we have become lazy in the pursuit of ours.

We are the most vulnerable when we are asleep. Radical Islam never sleeps. We lock our doors at night and leave our borders open. Such foolishness. Such naiveté.

The time for waking up, for arming ourselves with the knowledge of our enemy and the resolve to defeat him is long overdue. The survival of America is at stake, as is the survival of our lifestyle and the freedom of the world. One day, sooner than we think, our very lives will be at stake.

Radical Islam will cease its advance upon the world only when there is no world left to conquer.

Is More Muslim Appeasement On The Way?

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says that “there is too much emphasis on telling the U.S. story and not enough on building trust and credibility”. Since Obama became president, some feel that the image of the U.S. has improved in many parts of the world. However, the troubling news is that this is not true in the Arab and Muslim world, particularly Turkey, Pakistan and Palestinian territories, where animosity toward the U.S. continues “to run deep and unabated” in spite of Obama “Apologetics Tour” of the region where he railed against America’s intolerance of Islam and its arrogance.

I am sure this troubles Obama as he has tried to convince these people, at the expense of America, that we are not to be feared but should be seen as one offering an olive branch for mutual understanding. Having mutual understanding with an enemy, and yes I did say “enemy” contrary to what the president wishes were true, is impossible when hatred for us, simply because we are not like them in our culture and religion, persists. And how long will this hatred persist? It will persist until we are governed by Sharia Law and Allah is our only God. These requirements are non-negotiable and set in the stony regions of the heart of Islam.

So the continued apologies coming from this administration, and now from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are both a waste of energy and a delay in addressing the real problem. With all due respect Mr. President, contrary to what you so boldly profess, we ARE at war with Islam and we have been for over 200 years. The non-believing world has been at war with Islam for over 14 centuries. Facts are facts, period, politically correct or not.

Our desire to appease Muslims goes all the way back to the battle fought against piracy and Islamic terrorist during the turn of the 19th century at Tripoli,” a Muslim stronghold that was used as a base of operations for Barbary pirates. Muslim nations were hostile to what they perceived as “Christian nations” habitually preying on their ships and enslaving their seamen. This war against Islamic terrorists is nothing new and the desire to appease them as a means to ward off trouble and battle is nothing new also.

But just as it did not do anything more than embolden them in 1805, it does nothing less in 2009. When we refuse to learn what history has shown us, we learn the lesson all over again, only this time the losses and the death toll will far surpass the historical lesson. The Treaty of 1797 was supposed to appease the Muslims and yet it did not. We promised that we would not try and convert the Muslim people. And in our present world words such as “Islam is a great religion” and “a Religion of Peace” that came from President George W. Bush did not make them back off. President Barack Obama’s words that “America is one of the largest Muslim nations in the world” and that “America is no longer a Christian nation” did not either.

The continued stroking of Islamic terrorists only makes us appear weak and easy targets unclear about the rules of the game. We should remember the words of Thomas Jefferson who said, “Too long, for the honor of nations, have those Barbarians been suffered (permitted) to trample on the sacred faith of treaties, on the rights and laws of human nature!” That being understood, how can mere words calm the turbulent waters that span the gulf between Islam and any nation who rejects Islam? They cannot. The basic tenants of Islam haven’t changed so it is still submission and conversion, becoming a second class citizen and paying for the privilege with a special and often disproportional tax, or death are the only options given to unbelievers. And my prayer is that America will always be listed among the infidels who refuses to submit.

The sentiment of the Ambassador Abdrahaman, Tripoli’s Ambassador to Great Britain during that time, still pervades Islamic attitudes today. He said, “A non-aggressing nation is still at war with Islam, as long as it hasn’t embraced Islam”. Understand fully what he is saying. “A non-aggressive nation” meaning one that is not engaged in fighting back, is still at war. It is much like two kids on the schoolyard with one determined to punch the face of the other and the second one being content to allow it and not fight back. There is still a battle going on with the one doing the most damage being the one who does not refrain from throwing the punches. Even if America is determined to remain passive and not fight back, Islam still sees us as the enemy, albeit a weaker one. As long as we refuse to “embrace Islam” they will gladly continue to throw punches.

Jefferson argued that the United States was not at war with Tripoli and Islam (sound familiar?) but that did not make any difference. The reason was explained to him this way: “it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise”. It was requested of America that they pay a fee to keep the peace which amounted to $1.3 million a year by the time all concerned were “paid off”, (a tremendous amount of money for a young country). This came with no guarantee that the Muslims would honor the treaty as they had not honored the Treaty of 1797. Nothing has changed for Islam and the demands they make of infidels.

Fast forward to 2009 and ask how could this be made clearer? And why does our weak, appeasement-bent President still think they don’t mean it? How can he believe that they will not continue to take aim at us even if we “play nice” or even if we bow to them, literally? Their stern warnings have been ignored at the peril of all Americans. America IS at war with Islam Fundamentalists. As long as they see us as their enemy they are ours and must be treated as such. To do less is to proceed in folly at the risk of American lives here and abroad.

The Koran is not a “living document” that changes over time depending upon society the way that Obama feels our Constitution is. Islam does not change their laws or rules of conduct and to even suggest they do can be a death sentence. Muhammad, the wishes of Allah spoken to him, the Koran and the books of the Hadith, are infallible. Negotiation is out of the question. Our president wishing it was different and that his smooth tongue will convince them otherwise plays no role in their faith.

And how does President Obama seek to handle the treat here at home? Quietly, and unknown to most, he and Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano have appointed Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as Assistant Secretary of Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security. Alikhan was instrumental in the halting of “Muslim Mapping” programs in the Los Angeles Police Department back in 2007, a program that was believed needed to identify hotbeds of extremism in the area.

But surely the new Assistant Secretary of Policy Development won’t let a silly thing like aggressively pursuing Muslim extremists get in the way of defending the country against another attack, would he? Or is a fox now guarding the henhouse?

To add icing to the “Insanity cake”, they also swore in Kareem Shora, a Syrian born Muslim as the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee National Executive Director as a part of Homeland Security. So now we have a Muslim who will be instrumental in setting policy concerning the American position concerning Muslims and another Muslim in charge of making sure no one discriminates against Muslims.

Perhaps they will be great at their job, but with all that is happening in Washington these days, I am having trouble discerning just what Obama’s appointees are considering their job.

With countless czars, some professed Communists, radicals and convicted criminals, what do you suppose is their main goal? Keeping America safe or continuing their efforts to undermine the society they deplore might not be one of their goals. And it seems that their previous actions have been rewarded by Obama’s confidence and we all know what rewarding someone for their efforts gets us – more of the same. America cannot afford more of the same. Obama’s efforts to stamp out “business as usual in Washington” has caused him to turn America on its head. Business as usual in Washington needed some attention and revision certainly, but even that form of corruption is preferable to what we are being subjected to now.

Speaking boldly and with that ever familiar raised nose and arrogant stance, Obama promised if elected he would “fundamentally change America” and he is determined to do it too. The fundamentals of America do not need to be changed. The fundamentals of free speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and all the rights granted to us in our Constitution, right down to LIMITED federal government not ever-expanding federal government, are the fundamentals that made this country. Even with all her faults, America is still the brightest hope for the future of the planet but changing it into a third-world country where we are no better than the rest, cheats us and cheats the world.

Leave our fundamentals alone. Leave our rights alone. Leave our liberties alone. Leave our Constitution alone. Leave America better than you found it, not in rubble. America is still the “shining city on the hill” and she’ll remain so if we can stop this Administration from turning out the lights.

Are We Safer Now - Not Hardly!

We have heard Obama himself and his puppets proclaim how much safer we are in America now that he is president, when the reality is much different. Bush has been raked over the coals because of the events of 9/11, even though the 19 terrorists entered this country and trained in this country under the Bill Clinton watch. They acted under Bush, certainly, but that being said, we cannot as a nation return to the Pre-9/11 mentality.

Obama does everything he can to pretend that we are still living in a Pre-9/11 world. We will never be able to live there again. That is the sad fact. With the planes hitting the Twin Towers, life n America changed forever. Obama’s call is to change the facts and return to those days when we did not know what we know now.

Simply put, once you KNOW something it is neurotic to try and live as you did before you knew what you now know. Obama is the poster child for Neurotics. He hasn’t a clue as to how to deal with a threat that he rarely even admits exists. His wishful thinking is a threat in itself.

Today we have over 200,000 soldiers all around the world trying to preserve the peace or root out the enemies of freedom, yet a we learned on Christmas Day, we are not safer. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers “over there” does not make us much safer “over here”.

Perhaps having a hundred thousand soldiers along our borders and at our ports of entry and at our airports aiding in searches and screenings would do us more good than on the other side of the world. Perhaps we should expose to the world our devotion to protect OUR people first.

America cannot make the entire world safe, but that is not as much our responsibility as the safety of our citizens. If we are going to fight this war, we cannot neglect where we need boots on the ground – right here on our borders. If we insist on fighting overseas, we need to fight the real war, not the fantasy war that Obama wants to fight. And we need to fight to win. Losing is not acceptable. Surrender is not acceptable. And second-place is not acceptable.

Fight to win. Shock the entire world by letting them see that we are not going to be pushovers any longer. And if Obama is not up to the task, let him be the first causality. Replace him with a soldier, something that we have in most cases done in previous elections, elected a former soldier to the White House. Most of our presidents have been in the military. Now we have one who has no connection and no sympathy for the military as their leader. It is shameful.

As Commander in Chief Barack Obama is an unfunny joke and with the lives of thousands of soldiers on the line, that is not acceptable. This is NOT a Pre-9/11 world. And in spite of the fact that Obama believes it is, this is not a Post-American world. We need a president that understands that fully. Who puts our country’s interest first and foremost should be our only choice. We need to correct this past election’s mistake while we are still vertical. Once Obama’s policies put us horizontally in the ground, it really won’t matter anymore.

Remembering When America Felt Like Home

Even with the all challenges of childhood, the parental control, (all for our own good, of course), and the authority that we were under at school, our lives still once felt very much intact. We felt safe, secure and free. America was a different place than it is today.

I grew up in the era of anti-establishment sentiment, anti-Vietnam marches and anti-war rhetoric at college. I remember holding a small white candle in a dark college room where we mourned and stood in silence honoring the four students senselessly murdered by soldiers at Kent State on that tragic day.

I saw leaders like John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. shot down. I waved at Bobby Kennedy as he went past me on a California street only to see him shot down two weeks later. America was not always a wonderful place but then again, it was.

Among all those periods of chaos, America had a different “feel” to it. America, even with all its unpredictability, held a strange sense of predictability. America felt like “home”.

Days were filled with music as Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan showed us that magic could come from six strings. Later the birth of MTV opened up the world of video and wonderfully it was more than the scantily clad vixens, raw sex and gangster rap that assaults the senses of anyone who tries to watch it today.

The Beatles Magic Mystery Tour exposed us to visions and lyrics never before shared on vinyl, of which is not even a memory for the youth of today. Short-lived eight track tapes and cassette tapes have given way to Cds and DVDs demonstrating progress although some of today’s music of raw noise and screamed lyrics are a waste of the plastic it is recorded on.

Today, America feels like a foreign country, one into which I was thrown without my permission. With all its dangers and insanity, I can’t tell anymore which way is up and which way is down. Perhaps it is because the ways I once considered “down”, ways of Communism, socialism, Marxism, oppression, and political abuse are suddenly being unashamedly proclaimed as the road we should travel.

The people we once reviled and pointed to as the insane madmen we should fight to oust, are suddenly held in high regard by those in power in our own government and even in the White House. Radicals and self-proclaimed Communists surround our president as they lift high the praise of Chairman Mao, “Uncle Joe” Stalin, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Che Quevara. What once was down is now considered the way up.

America was built out of an uninviting wilderness into a nation of promise, wealth, opportunity and high ideals. It was founded on a freedom of religion and free speech and individual rights. That was the way up from tyranny that we chose. And now we are finding those in power saying that way is out-dated and needs to be “changed” into another.

Freedom of religion has become freedom FROM religion. Christianity is scoffed at while Islam is even taught in some schools under the guise of learning tolerance. Too bad tolerance of Christianity isn’t worth promoting. Freedom of speech seems only protected when it promotes pornography, sexual perversion or the same political views as those in power. All other voices are deserving of being stamped out in the name of civility.

Political Correctness is a disease that stops every effort to expose what is wrong in this country. The “City on the hill” is under attack. Its walls are being torn down and its very foundations dug up and relegated to the dustbin of useless history. The way we always saw as “up” is now considered the way down.

The adage that “you cannot step into the same river twice” makes us realize that things do change. But the changes being forced upon us today are not signs of progress but of regression, not of promise but hopelessness, not of a move forward but a rapid move backward toward oppression, control and tyranny. Our freedoms are in jeopardy. Our liberties are being taken away almost daily without even an apology or reasonable excuse.

The Constitution is very specific as to the rights afforded us as people but liberal judges and the current president and all that surround him seek to rewrite it. Will our grandchildren even know the greatness of the country that changed the world?

We fled the narrow, limited existence that held such misery for us and created an America where we could rid ourselves of such wrongs. And now, as we have chosen not to remember that history of struggle, we are being led headlong back into that darkness which we fought and many died to escape from.

That wonderful land we were born into is fading in the mist of uncertainty. The challenges today are greater and the dangers more threatening than ever before. But the America I remember could always find a way to stand tall above it and find our way home again.

How did we get to the place where so many feel America needs to be totally transformed? How did we get to the place where we excitedly elected a man to the presidency whose main goal is to “fundamentally transform the United States of America”, using Barack Obama’s own words that he spoke with enthusiasm, arrogance and pride?

When did America begin not to feel like home anymore? Regardless of the answer to that question of when, we do hope in our hearts that somehow we can find our way home again. The path may be cold and overgrown with weeds but maybe, just maybe, we can still find it buried under the weedy distractions. Maybe we can clear the way enough for us to follow it back to where we were destined to remain.

As a matter of life and death, America needs to make its way home to its roots and once again build on the foundations that made it great in the first place. If we cannot, nothing else matters.

Freedom Of Speech - An Endangered Idea?

Huey Long is credited to having said, “Fascism will come to America, but likely under another name, perhaps anti-fascism.”

Today those that oppose jihad are labeled fascists. By merely speaking a concern in America of the threat of Islamic Extremism, one is labeled “Islamophobic” or a preacher of hate and promoter of hate speech. It seems that in the country that claims to be the most free of all, calling a spade a spade is no long the correct thing to do.

Freedom of speech means to allow expressions of ideals that one does not believe in. It is no exercise of freedom of speech to allow vocal expression of ideals in which you adhere to. It is the allowing of words that promote differing opinions or beliefs that is the true exercise of freedom of speech.

In America’s attempt to be more tolerant, it is becoming less tolerant of ideas that are in opposition of those in power. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi calls “Teas Party” goers anti-American, unpatriotic, and “Astroturf” instead of a true grass roots movement. She is proudly expressing the opinion of many politicians in power that only those who follow their lead have the right to express their beliefs. All others are labeled fascists, “Right-wing extremists” and even compared to Nazis.

Freedom of speech in America is guaranteed by the First Amendment to our Constitution but it is a right that many are told they do not have, all in the name of defining what freedom if speech is. This is done of course according to their new liberal guidelines.

Radio talk show hosts that espouse a Conservative point of view and expose a liberal agenda that is contrary to what the Constitution states is the law of the land, are lambasted daily from the hill. TV commentators such as Glenn Beck, who have the courage to shed light on things this administration would rather have kept in the dark, are attacked openly and shamelessly by the White House itself.

Honest debate on an issue is forbidden if that debate would expose flaws and a hidden agenda. The Climate Change agenda is threatened by those who do not believe the debate has reached a solid conclusion. That is why those that seek to monopolize on the idea of man-made global warming for profit continuously shout that “the debate is over” when in fact it has barely begun.

Few broadcast outlets have the courage to question the agenda of powerful politicians and they do so at their own peril. They are demonized and berated for simply exercising their First Amendment right of free speech. Their silencing is a top priority for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and even President Barack Obama.

In targeting those who dare expose this administration’s socialistic agenda and unconstitutional methods and intentions, those same people who swore to protect the Constitution “against all enemies foreign and domestic” become enemies of the Constitution themselves and promoters of hindering free speech.

What will the result of such arrogance be? It reshapes America into a country that cites freedom of speech as a virtue all the while seeking to deprive this country of that virtue. In their way of thinking, exposing a lie is worse than the telling of it.

In our War on Terror, (which I still prefer to call it rather than the sissified “Overseas Contingency” of this administration), is hindered at every turn and prevents us from becoming effective in this fight. And when the fight is being brought home to us, right here on our soil, it becomes evident that freedom of speech will be a causality of that fight too.

To speak out against the 35 training centers known to be here in America that preach jihad and Wahabbism, a very strict and violent form of Islam, is considered unprotected speech. To draw attention to the 200+ mosques in this country that are a threat to our security is considered “hate speech” and called “Islamophobia”. We can actually be accused of “inciting violence” against Muslims simply by stating the truth about issues that concern us. How can we directly and effectively confront an enemy we are not allowed to speak against? We cannot.

Often C.A.I.R. (the Counsel on American-Islamic Relations) has said that true statements about Islam and jihad should be classified as hateful or “hate speech”. This ploy effectively forbids discussion of the reality of jihad and this gives the advantage of continuing to operate in the dark, unabated and without legitimate criticism.

What happens when we are not allowed to speak against an enemy and expose his agenda? We give aid and comfort to that enemy and actually help them in promoting their aggression. By twisting the meaning of free speech, we are denied freedom of speech.

In this vein of thinking, one who dared to speak out against the atrocities of Hitler’s Germany would be considered by that government as a purveyor of hate speech. Such a person today would be charged and possibly persecuted for hate crimes simply because they pointed out something that was wrong, even inhumane. Since when does exposing an evil become evil?

Still today to point out wrongs in the government is considered more evil that those who seek to promote those wrong policies. President Obama accused Republicans recently of spreading fear because they had the guts to speak out about issues they have with the health care proposition. It is as if everyone should keep quiet about shady deals, corrupt methods, closed-door meetings, special interest arrangements and flaws in their agenda because if people know about them they’ll become afraid.

I do not think Obama is as afraid of people becoming fearful as he is of them becoming adamant that they do not want and will not tolerate such changes to the way America operates. Why do you think the health care legislation is being done in the dark, behind closed doors especially after Obama promised that such things would be done openly for the sake of transparency? Because evil always works in the dark and shedding light on anything exposes the flaws. After all, he took office to “fundamentally change the United States of America” and to that end he is working tirelessly.

In ancient times when someone was in a pottery shop to buy a vessel for holding water for instance, they would take the clay pot outside into the daylight. Holding it up to the sun caused tiny cracks to become apparent as the sunlight would seep through the cracks and expose the flaw. That is where the phrase to “shed some light” on a matter came from. The light of day always exposes faults. The faulty vessel was then returned to the shelf and a more fitting one was chosen. Sadly this administration loves the darkness rather than the light.

Our Constitution is under attack by those sworn to protect it. Our freedom of speech guarantee is threatened. Our right to keep and bear arms, a right recognized by the founding fathers as a means by which the people could keep a corrupt government in check, is under attack. Our right to own and protect our property is often trampled upon by a government seeking to confiscate it for the “common good” by corrupt politicians who think they have better uses in mind for your property than you do.

The Constitution of the United States is more than a piece of paper. It is the guideline for a way of life that has blessed us and in turn blessed the world. It does not need to be apologized for. It does not need to be dismissed as out-dated. It certainly does not need to be re-written to fit our changing times. We are supposed to operate within the confines of that document, to conform to the guidelines found there, and not to change it to conform to us.

If every piece of legislation considered by Congress was held to the standard of “does this conform to the Constitution”, many laws would never be written and America would not have lost the image it once held before the world and before its own people.

The elections of 2010 will be an opportunity for Americans to show their distaste for corruption and replace guilty representatives. It is a right they have yet to take away, although some desire to see it restricted. It is a right we had better use before our complacency causes that liberty to become eroded as well.

Just as walking from a dark theater into the bright light of the afternoon sun causes us to flinch and squint, so does exposing corruption to the light causes it to flinch as well. And as for the politicians who prefer to operate in the dark, it is time to “shed some light” on them too. As we see them for who they are, with their corrupt flaws, we can choose to make better choices. Put them back on the shelf and choose fitting vessels into which we can pour our trust and confidence.

Diversity – Today’s Trojan Horse

The more I see the apathy when it comes to recognizing the threat of radical Islam against our nation, rights and freedoms, the more I understand the power of the Trojan Horse being accepted through our gates willingly, and embraced through sheer ignorance by uniformed masses and gullible politicians. Overt acts of terrorism are not labeled as such by leaders living in denial.

If you remember the ancient story, the people of Troy accepted the "gift" of a large wooden horse left for them by the Greeks. As the Greeks sailed away the people of Troy brought it into their city thinking it a trophy of their victory. Then, during the night, while the people slept soundly in their beds, the wooden body of the horse opened and Greek soldiers emerged and opened the city gates from within to allow the rest of the returning Greek army to enter. About 40 of them hid in the body, while two spies hid in the mouth of the horse.

While they slept, the citizens of Troy were defeated because of their own unwillingness to assess the dangers posed by this "gift" and their quickness to blindly accept it. While some historians differ on the true meaning of the Trojan Horse and as to whether it was actually a wooden horse that soldiers hid inside of to gain entrance into the city, the end result was the same and the analogy is worth contemplating in today’s world.

We are told every day that diversity is a gift, that it is what has made America what it is, that we should embrace with open arms and trusting hearts everyone in good faith. Security is slackened and made less effective through blindly following political correctness guidelines. Our Southern border is as porous as a screen door. Our security as a nation is no longer seen as a top priority of politicians who give lip service to the idea while undermining the actual implementation of strong measures to assure our safety.

We celebrate diversity as if that is of and by itself a blessing that outweighs the risks it brings. We welcome with open arms threat after threat and then refuse to watch and see what that means for us and what the enemy is doing here in our own backyard.

We have blindly accepted the "gift" and during the hours we least expect it, while we sleep a deceptive sleep, this “gift” will be our undoing and lead to the destruction of the country we were responsible for defending. We smile as we lay our heads down at night believing we are safe when all the while, standing within our walls, is a Trojan Horse of massive proportion.

The Trojan War ended with that siege that night and the invading army became the victors, the masters of the people of Troy. They lost their sovereignty. They lost their freedom. They lost their way of life literally overnight. When they thought they had won, they had welcomed their own destruction.

Unless we wake up today, this battle we wage against devout terrorists and those who openly seek our destruction will be lost. The gift we so readily accepted will become the weapon that is used to defeat us. We have organization operating within our borders that seek to throw out our Constitution and replace it with Sharia Law, the barbaric Islamic form of government which justifies public stoning for adultery, imprisonment, beheadings, and mutilation for punishment for crimes.

So-called “Honor Killings” of family members are done without remorse and the throwing of acid in the faces of women and teenage girls have scarred hundreds for life. Yet here in America, in the name of diversity and tolerance, we embrace every culture irresponsibly in good faith and refuse to see what is right before our eyes.

It should be noted that there were those in that ancient city of Troy that did not trust the gift and spoke against it. Some that knew the truth were killed to stop their warning the people. Some were simply dismissed and ignored and considered misguided. Even the King’s own daughter Cassandra voiced a warning and was ignored. The people were gullible and wanted the gift considering it a trophy of victory when in fact it was the tool of their demise.

Just as in America today, the voice of reason and caution is being ignored, discredited and even railed against. Those that dare to speak up are labeled racist, bigots and hate-mongers nullifying their voice while the dangers continue to go unrecognized.

Our refusal to heed these voices will end in the same "Game Over" scenario as it did for the people of Troy. Refusing to acknowledge the wiles of the enemy spelled their defeat in the war. Will we fall prey to the consequences of refusing to listen? With our leaders among those who have been fooled by the "gift", it is up to us, you and I, to voice the call of danger and to ring the alarm. It always was up to us.

This Republic of America was created to be “of, by and for the people”, not merely the politicians with shameful motives and irresponsible self-interests guiding their actions. Everyday they exhibit their tone-deafness to the concerns of the people and they do whatever they want to do anyway with no regard to the wishes of those who put them in power. Corrupt politicians feel they have a better feel of what we need and we are shut out of the processes that shape our lives.

There are still voices to be heard in America and we ignore them to our peril. Not all gifts are given with pure motives and accepting everything on face value is neither prudent nor wise. Those that we foolishly allow entrance into our country, those who have come for vengeance and to bring the war to our streets must be marked as what they are.

A survey taken of practicing Muslims living in America a couple of years ago found that 25% of them believe that under some circumstances, suicide bombing of innocent people is acceptable. This poll was conducted not on some foreign rocky hillside in Afghanistan but on our streets, behind our gates, as it were. And we still refuse to listen and welcome the “gift” of diversity with open arms.

The FBI has estimated that 10% of the 2000 mosques (200) in America preach anti-American hatred and yet we would rather turn our heads and hope for the best because we don’t want to confront an enemy in our midst. We are more concerned about Muslim community anger and outrage and hurting their feelings than the safety of our own populace. We are running out of time. The Trojan Horse is already within our gates.

Diversity, this insidious Trojan Horse of today, is one “gift horse” we must “look in the mouth”.