Tuesday, December 1, 2020

True Leadership is Not the Democrat Party Way


True Leadership is Not the Democrat Party Way

True leadership sometimes demands the hardest thing of all, doing nothing, a wait and see attitude, especially if one is uncertain of which path to take. Upon Trump's election in 2016, had Democrats given him the opportunity to fall on his face or succeed on his own, to flourish or flounder, America would have experience unbridled prosperity.

Instead, they spent limitless energy on obstruction, rebellion, vengeance and revenge in order to remove him from office. A partisan-based failed coup attempt, designed to remove him for office, was based on unfounded accusations and outright lies, fed and nurtured by the like-minded hatred of Trump by the Liberal media.

Obstruction was more appealing to them than seeing him succeed in any way. The more campaign promises he kept, the more they dug in their heel and resisted. Their opposition ever spurred a #RESIST movement on social media.

Resist what? A growing economy? Jobs returning from overseas that former failure of a president Obama said would require a magic wand to accomplish, but that Trump brought back?

Or was it the fact that he had the nerve to shatter the dreams they had of placing the first woman in the Oval Office, one who felt she was entitled to it? Was it his killing of terrorists who were responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans? Democrats scolded him for that. Trump had the uncanny ability to make Democrats even moan for the conquered terrorists.

It really did not matter to them what Trump was accomplishing. They were unable to do the hard thing, just let him succeed or fail on his own. Displaying their own failure to understand what it means to lead, they continued to hate the purest American to take the helm since Ronald Reagan.

Obstruction and ridicule became the daily arrows that filled their quiver and they let them fly with every opportunity. Regardless of the action he took or the accomplishments he made, they foamed at the mouth and swore regularly to take America back from the tyrant they pained Donald Trump to be. But back to what? An Obama era fraught with failure and scandal? Unemployment numbers they simply accepted as fact but that Trump erased?

For the Democrat Party to be declared as “Progressive” is a curious label seeing as how they strive without mercy to turn America backward rather than to enable its progress forward.

Racism was not erased nor was it even abated during Obama’s tenure. It flourished and racism reared its ugly head like it had not in decades. Riots in Black communities of Ferguson, Missouri, Oakland and Los Angeles, California and Brooklyn, New York emphasized the growing divide between the races that Obama was supposed to have alleviated with his very presence.

The divide between the classes, the 99% and the 1%, widened and resulted in the Occupy Wall Street domestic terrorism events that destroyed and trashed cities, a movement praised by Democrats.

The Fast and Furious fiasco, a scenario designed by the Obama Administration to bring attention to the gun trade in America and get public opinion on the side of doing away with the 2nd Amendment, actually funneled guns into Mexico. Americans died and the idea backfired.

Still through it all, Democrats never attacked and obstructed Barack Obama for his failures. Democrats are nothing, if not ideologues and partisan to the core.

Barack Obama may have not been the choice of millions of Americans, but the Republican Party did not commence an endless parade of false accusation and charges to run him from office. He lost over 5 million voters between his elections but no impeachment proceeding based on nothing but dislike, were ever brought against him.

But with Donald Trump, it was different. A smaller, less dedicated man, would not have survived the onslaught. The fact that he has a list of accomplishments numbering into the hundreds is testament to the fact that, as he always said, he was there to fight for America and place American interests first. That very idea still revolts Democrats who desire to see America fall from grace and become just another failed country embracing Third World status.

So, had Democrats taken a real leadership role and allowed Trump to rise or fall on his own, America would not be as divided as it is. But with Democrats, obtaining power is Priority #1. Removing Donald Trump from office, righting what they saw as a wrong in 2016, was their top priority. And it never relented.

It was reported 19 hours after Trump was elected, “The impeachment of Donald J. Trump has begun.” The man who unselfishly gave up his salary to work for America, was never to see a moments peace.

Democrats nor the Liberal and biased media ever gave him a chance. What he was able to accomplish, he did in spite of them, not with the help of them. It will never be known what America could have become had he not had to fight them every single day of his term, much less what could have been done for America with them working side by side in unity, a myth Democrats still claim they are for.

Allowing Trump to do his thing, fail or succeed was never an option for Democrats. Their continued obstruction cost America more than we will ever realize, but Democrats never gave that idea a second thought. America needed real leadership and they got it, in spite for the Democrat Party and the role they played in trying to bring him, and America down.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The New Racists

We are living in an era when America is consciously attempting to erase the painful memories of its past. And as in often the case, the past needs to be let go of. It is impossible to climb further up a ladder until we remove our feet from the rung we are on.

However, as human beings often do, we overreact and the solution becomes more painful, harmful and damaging than what we trying to forget.

But we all know, and we usually try to incorporate into our life experiences, the importance of learning lessons from our past. We all do it. We try not to repeat the same mistakes in relationships or business dealings, for example, as we did in the past. We don’t set out to destroy the past but to learn from it. It is what mature adults do. Human progress depends upon it.

But what we are seeing now, as America endeavors to erase the ties we have to our past, especially to those steeped in racism, bigotry and prejudice, is an overreaction, if not overkill.

Rarely a day goes by that I do not see where someone has hand painted on their car window, “Black Lives Matter.” No one disputes that ideal, for in reality all lives matter. But that is not the message BLM supporters are sending.

While everyone has heard of George Floyd, few has heard of Jessica Doty Whitiker, an Indianapolis woman and mother of 24, and a home care nurse, who was a part of a group of people that when confronted by another group of people along the canal, lost her life for her ideal.

Tensions arose between the two groups when someone reportedly used a version of the N-word, offending members of the second group. When one person said, “Black Lives Matter,” either Jessica or someone in Jessica’s group returned the declaration with the affirmation, “All Lives Matter.”
The groups separated without incident but moments later, as Jessica and her fiancĂ© walked under a bridge, shots rang out and Jessica was hit and was declared dead at the hospital. Where was the crime, saying “All Lives Matter?” Should not all lives indeed matter?

Actress Kate Beckinsale criticized someone who had posted “All Lives Matter” in response to Kate’s post about Breonna Taylor who was shot by police in her bed. Kate called it “mean-spirited” as she tried to negate the idea that all lives should matter equally. She explained that "for some people, black lives don’t matter at all,” presuming that because someone choses to remind us that all lives matter, they mean Black lives do not. Are not the lives of Blacks included in the inclusive term “all”? So why get offended, because to some, Blacks and only Blacks, should get top billing now.

The Black Lives Matter Movement has gained traction and some say it has been hijacked by radicals and domestic terrorists. But when you go to the official BLM website, there is very little spoken of racial equality, though one would expect that to be declared as its main goal. In its attempt to to be all inclusive, it makes a special point to lift up the LBGT community and to reject violence inflicted on the Black community “by the state.”

Their “About” section states, “We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location. We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.”

BLM has become a platform to promote equality for “transgender brothers and sisters” although this motive is not publicized along with “racial equality.” As they put it, “We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

It further states, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

The BLM Movement is apparently also determined to “disrupt” the “nuclear family structure” in favor of the “It takes a village” ideology, ignoring the importance of the family unit in creating both a unified and healthy community and nation. In reality, the Black community aborts more babies than any other race, so their declaration to support the “comfort” of Black parents seems disingenuous at best, hypocritical at worst.

Racial equality seems to take a back seat to the ideology presented here. If any hijacking has been done, it has been done by organizers of BLM themselves under a false pretense of eliminating racism.

We have seen statues of Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, General Robert E. Lee, Frederick Douglas, Jefferson Davis and numerous Confederate soldier statues have been vandalized, decapitated or torn down.

When BLM protestors, or more accurately vandals, target Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves, and Frederick Douglas, himself a Black man, abolitionist, activist and a former slave himself who dedicated his life to removing slavery from the American landscape, it is evidence that this is more about erasing our history than it is about social or racial justice.

The BLM Movement is more than a grassroots movement, but is backed by large corporations. Companies like Amazon, who gave $10 million, Microsoft donated $250,000, Unilever gave $350,000, Fitbit, the Atlantic and Warner records and many more have given all totaling millions given to the BLM cause.

Other businesses have pledged to stand with BLM and backed that commitment with donations, Doordash has pledged half a million dollars as has Deckers, Airbnb, Nabisco, Dropbox, and Gatorade.

Once we understand that BLM is as racist an entity as any they are pretending to erase, we see the hypocrisy. It exists for the purpose of promoting Blacks over all others, the very definition of racism, and it is done in radical ways, supported by those, well-meaning or not, who fund their destruction of America, its past and its present.

For all its attempts to erase racism from America’s past, it has dedicated itself to promoting a new form of racism. With the aid of American companies, who claim to have bought into the vison of a new, racist-free America, and are giving their support in the seemingly virtuous attempts to remove racism, they have become devout racists themselves.

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Relentless Weeds of Radicalism

Have you ever noticed that gardens do not always grow as we want them to? We have a couple of wildflower gardens in our yard that although they seem to be budding with plants, are slow to put forth any blooms.

So we try to be patient, to continue watering them and pulling stray shoots of grass out of them, while we wait.

But that scenario does not hold true for weeds. They grow without being planted. Dandelions, for instance, can push through the grass and stick up a yellow bloom overnight and go to seed just as fast. We don't plant them and certainly do not consciously water and nurture them. But they grow nevertheless. It is a daily job to search them out and uproot them before they bloom and these blooms turn into seeds and propagate more of the same.

Good ideas and ideals worth defending are like flowers. They tend to be slow to come to fruition. It takes hard work, determined efforts and convictions before they take hold.

Bad ideas and radical thinking, on the contrary, are like the dandelions, springing up overnight and going to seed at the speed of sound. America is experiencing that reality today. The true virtues of American life has taken the backseat and the rapidly growing weeds of discontent are seemingly controlling everything.

Who would have thought, three or four months ago, that entire sections of cities would have been surrendered to radical domestic terrorists while the police either refuse to control the area and enforce the law, or they are being told not to by misguided leaders? Who would have thought that Antifa would be teaming with Muslim Sharia Police to "govern" No-Go Zones in American cities, as have been prevalent in Europe for years?

The blooms of radicalism has popped up and gone to seed at a record pace. Police departments are being defunded. The police are being removed from the schools because radical thinking sees them as more of a threat than protectors of our children.

Congress is passing laws to regulate the police all across America by instigating regulations they have been trying to do for decades but could not. Now the political climate has changed and they are advancing their long-desired ideals.

Environment matters. You have always known that water is a liquid, but when put in a pan on a stove and heated, it becomes a gas, steam, and when placed in a freezer, it becomes a solid. Same water, different environment. Different reality.

The environment enveloping America is changing who and what we are. Not just by chance, but by consciously changing the environment. This new environment has opened the door for tyrannical regulations being forced on all of us in the name of public safety and for "our own good."

Over 50% of all retail space in America was shut down by Democrat governors, for "our own good." Trillions of dollars has been lost to the economy. Almost 50 million people were forced out of work by their responses to the Covid-19 "crisis." Wearing masks is mandatory in many places and some leaders want it to be a permanent thing.

This could not have happened a decade ago, or even last year. It took the new environment of chaos and turmoil and an agenda to feed the weeds. Our history is being destroyed by over-sensitive radicals who know nothing of the history they are destroying, and they don't care. People who love to watch fires, don't always care what is burning.

We must realize that, just like the weeds that we must deal with soon or they will take over the garden and the yard, this reluctance to confront the radicalism that we are so far both permitting and promoting, will take over every community and as the communities of America go, so goes the country.

The weeds of discontent and aggression are as stubborn and relentless as dandelions and they must be removed from the root up. Picking off a bloom here and there won't do the trick. You have to be serious and determined about their eradication.

Tolerance will only lead to more weeds, bigger weeds until they are all we will see. And tolerance of radicalism, incivility, and anti-social behavior will only lead to more of the same. The longer we wait to begin to uproot this evil, the more difficult it will become.

At some point, what was once a garden will be an unappealing weed patch that no one wanted, and no one saw coming. But the path we choose determines the destination we will one day arrive at. It is as sure as any law of nature. So, at this crossroads, we will either choose the survival of America or its demise. We can't have it both ways.

It is time to pull some weeds. Glen Spicer

Monday, June 22, 2020

A Method to the Madness

I understand that many try and steer away from politics because it tends to be a volatile issue. But with the screwy things that are happening in America today, it is time to take a stand.

We are seeing the Left getting student-aged millennials and young people fired up about the “evils” of the Confederacy, the historical importance notwithstanding. So, the destruction or removal of statues of Confederate soldiers and leaders was guaranteed to follow.

The Confederate Flag has always been a popular target but has grown even more so as of late. Even the state of Mississippi is under fire because a corner of their state flag displays a small version of that flag.

But the drive for “ending racism” did not stop there. Statues of Abraham Lincoln has been vandalized, even though he “freed” the slaves. A statute of Teddy Roosevelt is being targeted now because it shows him on horseback with an Indian standing on one side and a Black man standing on the other side. So, how is this racist?

The statue of Ulysses S. Grant, the General who won the Civil War for the North, has been torn down. Should he not have been seen as a hero? Not by those bent on destruction and ignorant people with no working knowledge of our history.

Even George Washington’s statue did not escape their lunacy and one of the statues of Christopher Columbus has been decapitated and toppled. The statue of Francis Scott Key, who penned the words to the National Anthem, is seen as an undesirable now and they demand it be removed.

What was promoted as an end to displays of racism has devolved into sheer thirst for destruction. Or perhaps it has actually evolved into what it was designed to be from the start, an orchestrated attempt at destroying the history of America by those who hate this country.

We have seen the unprecedented rise of “Democratic Socialism,” whatever that is supposed to be, and we had Democrat Party presidential candidates run on that platform. While their campaign did not run the course, the idea has not died.

The Black Lives Matter movement has also always devolved from the idea of social equality and racial justice to an excuse to loot, burn and destroy America and the assaulting of Whites just because they are White (which is the very definition of racism itself) and into a reason to assault police officers.

Suddenly, every police officer in America is somehow to be responsible and held accountable for the actions of a small handful. By that logic, every Black person should be held accountable for every crime committed by a Black individual. Does that sound logical? Of course not, but logic for BLM is nonexistent.

The Left and BLM are joined at the hip and the erasing of “inconvenient history” or the symbols of law and order has replaced any demand for justice with brutality, savagery and anarchy. The idea of justice for George Floyd, a Black career criminal who was incarcerated nine times on drug, thief and gun charges, who once held a loaded gun on the belly of a pregnant Black woman while his five friends robbed her house, and who was raised to the level of hero and martyr by the Democrats and BLM, has long disappeared.

There is a method to their madness and it involves chaos and civil disobedience carried to the extreme. It is to collapse the economy, overrun society with confusion and turmoil, open the door to whatever “solution” the Left says they represent, and currently to install protestors as a protected class of people and even giving over portions of cities like Seattle to them for their nonsense to be carried out without interference by police, the influence and power they are demanding be stripped from the community.

In Denver, the police have been removed from city schools because the logic of the city council says that this move will make students, especially “students of color” feel safer. How does that work? I guess the possibility of another mass school shootings does not bother them as much as their child seeing a uniformed police officer protecting them does.

State governors have issued warnings to everyday citizens to “remain in their homes unless you are protesting.” After being told for months that the Coronavirus was deadly and we must isolate ourselves to restrict the possibility of spreading it, protestors are allowed to gather by the thousands with no repercussions, further illustrating the fact that responses to this “virus crisis” is guided by politics, not medicine, science or even commonsense.

Both the Covid-19 responses by Democrat governors and the BLM movement have the same goal, the elimination of what we know America to be. It won’t stop any time soon because those governors that are enabling the protestors, and backing off even when their cities are being burned, are Leftists with the same inherent desire, to see America “fundamentally changed” just as Obama promised to do when he was elected. They are carrying on his efforts that he left unfinished.

We will likely never fully understand the extent that the responses to this pandemic will have on America and its population. Apart from the economic impact, where they shut down over 50% of all retain store spaces in the country and cost the economy trillions of dollars, we are seeing a spike in suicides as their fear promoting has driven some past the place where they could see that life is worth living.

And another side of the coin has been the assault on Christianity. Christians and Jews were told by New York City mayor Di Blasio, for example, to remain at home and if they were to reopen their churches and places of worship, they would be arrested, while at the same time, he patted himself on the back for having fed “hundreds of thousands” of Muslims (by his own estimate) during Ramadan.

So, what we are seeing is an assault on America, its heritage, it’s traditions, its history and its future, all in the name of tolerance and civility even though their methods are anything but tolerant and civil.

America is at a crossroads and where we end up will determine which fork we take. Will we demand a return to peaceful communities and the honoring of America’s past and present, even while attempting to make it a better place to live, or we take the path that will cause us to see the destruction of this great American experiment complete?

The time for not taking a stand and for avoiding politics, as nasty and as messy as it can get, is past. We have seen what the promotion of fear and hysteria has done to us and our willful obedience has made us complicit in the result. We will either be an influence in what happens to America from this day forward, or we will find ourselves one day scratching our heads and wondering, “What happened to America I once knew?”

Glen Spicer