The Obama administration has released a video on their YouTube channel entitled “Muslim Americans Serving in the U.S. Government”. This 3:37 minute video is designed to show three Muslims in America, supposedly representative of all Muslims here, are just like you and me.
Being an American Muslim and a good American are considered equal things it seems by the White House. Obama has touted diversity as a strength from the beginning of his being thrust into the national limelight. Listening to these Muslims speak of their love for America one must wonder just what part of Sharia Law, Allah’s law, that ALL Muslims adhere to, is akin to American jurisprudence?
“To me there is no contradiction between being an American and being a Muslim,” one Muslim woman named Affefa said. “In fact, I think with all the travels that I have done and worked in so many places, for me the comfort zone that I have is here in America because of the seamless connection between the two identities that pours into one.”
The ingredients that make a Muslim a Muslim, apart from being born into it, are the teachings of the Koran, the example of Muhammad, about who the Koran states about 90 times is the perfect example to follow “in all manner of behavior”, and the Hadith or traditions of the things Muhammad said and did during his life.
These three things, in one accord, denounce Western thought, culture and lifestyle. They all denounce even being friends with a non-Muslim. Befriending an unbeliever is done only to protect a Muslim from harm or to deceive his until you have the upper hand and can then force subjection to Allah upon him.
There is no “Golden Rule” in Islam which instructs Muslims to be compassionate in treating others they way they would want to be treated. Islam is a philosophy of dualism, one set of rules for the kafir and another set for the Muslim community. It has been that way from the beginning of Islam.
In America we understand the importance of the "Golden Rule" even if we fail miserably at times in implementing it. But can you imagine a society where it does not apply. Islam creates such a society.
At no time has Islam sought to treat non-Muslims the same way Muslims are instructed to treat or deal with each other. That fact is evident throughout the Koran.
So how is being a good American and a good Muslim the same? Where is the compatibility? Where is the “seamless connection”. Simply, it is non-existent and to say so is to engage in the art of deception that Allah and Muhammad allow when dealing with kafirs, taqiyya. No other godhead that I m aware of encourages deception and lying, yet Allah does repeatedly when citing ways Muslims can behave in the global community.
Rashad, a male Muslim lawyer working for Obama in the White House, said “Like many other Americans, people of faith, a lot of the core values are very similar.”
This statement is as far off-base as it can be. Comparing the faith of Islam with Christianity, the most widely professed faith in America, and calling it “similar” is sheer deception and holds no basis in fact. The core values of all religions differ greatly form those of Islam. There is not universal command in Islam to love your neighbor. Love Islam-style is reserved for Allah, ones kin and family. No non-Muslim is invited into that circle of trust or even friendship.
To be blunt, to even say that Islamic core values are similar to the values we have cherished in America, is an affront to all Americans who place any value upon humanity, as Islam does not.
Rashad states further that in Islam there is a doctrine which encourages Muslims that see something “objectionable” (and of course he means objectionable to Muslims, which almost everything is), then he should seek to change it with his hands. If he can’t change it with his hands then he is to try and change it with his tongue.”
As we see the population of Muslims growing in the United States we are seeing more of this form of “change” being forced upon Americans whose ideology differs from what Islam considers “unobjectionable”.
Islam is a set of rules for behavior set down by Allah and Muhammad which denies all human beings the individuality they were endowed with by the Creator, and for me that is God not Allah. Islam itself means “Submission” and a Muslim is “One who has submitted”.
Based upon that definition, how can any “good” Muslim be a “good” American. A good Muslim seeks to bring change into what they call this “Era of Ignorance” that America finds itself in. Muslims see this time as an opportunity to “rescue” us form our ignorance by shining the light of Islam upon our wretchedness.
To pursue such a goal is to act in ways we as Americans call treasonous because the desired result is to replace our heathen form of government & corrupt society into one which adheres to Allah’s perfect law, or Sharia Law. That submission would in effect bring an end to America and all it has stood for since it was founded and that is insurrection.
We have laws about insurrection but somehow Muslims who desire Sharia forced upon us are exempt form them because of our worshiping at the altar of Political Correctness. Therefore the treasonous acts of forcing Sharia upon us in businesses and even in our courts, are down-played or ignored.
We are in effect welcoming our own destruction and smiling all the while. We have a president in Barack Hussein Obama who if anything, has lived up to his middle name, and promoted Islam from Day One in the White House. Instead of seeing a primary obligation to the Americans who put him in office, his first speech was to the Muslim community where he respected Islam at every turn. He reverently quoted form the Koran (or rather mis-quoted if anyone would have taken the time to check his references and see what he left out of his reverent display).
Islam is being given every opportunity to establish footholds in all levels of our government which is in itself lunacy. But useful idiots promote Islam with a toothy grin not realizing that as they allow Islam to exercise the American right to free speech and freedom of religion, they will use them to removed our free exercise of them both as soon as they find it possible.
Lema, the last of the three Muslims to speak, referred to her father who lives in “Northern Palestine” as her Muslim faith behooved her not to call it by its rightful name- Israel. Yet the Obama administration allowed the term to pas and be spread to all America as further proof of Obama’s contempt for the Jewish state of Israel. Not too hard to understand since his early Muslim upbringing makes itself known more all the time.
This same woman is believed responsible for the delay tactics which made military absentee votes not be eligible in both the 2008 and the 2010 elections. One might be a mistake, twice in a row is a pattern of corruption at the highest level by an enemy of the state, as I believe all true Muslims are. They prove it repeatedly and no one seems to care.
So this Obama-endorsed promotion of Islam set up for the whole world to see, speaks volumes of where his heart really lies. With his continued restriction of American freedoms and denial of liberties he is playing the role of the “good” Muslim, who in the name of an American, is dismantled our form of government for the eventual replacement of our rule of law with Allah’s rule of law.
As it has been truthfully said, a journey of a 1,000 miles can be achieved one step at a time. Every infringement upon our rights by bowing to Muslim demands is a step in that direction. Every pro-Islamic consideration such as recognizing Muslim holidays or demanding Muslims be given time to pray in their workplace, sometimes even with pay, is a step in that direction.
While Obama calls himself a Christian he acts like a Muslim. While he pretends to promote American interest he advances Islam’s position in the US at every turn. A tree can be known by the fruit it yields and so can a man, no matter what name he chooses to call himself.
Watch the video yourself and see how many instances of taqiyya or deception can you spot. Pay attention to the words, phrases or sentences that don’t feel “quite right”. This is how America is being sold a bill of goods that will bring her down. Every day we need to become aware of instances where America is expected to defer to Islam. Historically the Dhimmi, a class of subjugated people created by Muhammad, were not allowed the freedom of living their lives as they choose but were to defer to Islam in all things. Any religious “freedom” they enjoyed had to be practiced in private as not to upset Muslims. That is the attitude more and more of America is being asked to adopt as America is becoming the last great Dhimmi State in the world.
This is not a benign warning but a dire one. Islam is an enemy we are not prepared to fight because it is an enemy we are not prepared to call n enemy. And for all his touting the message that “America is not now, nor has ever been, at war with Islam” Obama is dead wrong. We began this country in war with Islam and we are today. If e choose to believe we are not at war with Islam, it doesn’t change the fact that Islam is at war with us. And honestly how can we not understand that. September 11, 2001 is not that long ago that we should forget. Sadly even all the remains of the victims of that day have not even been interred yet and we have forgotten who turned them to ashes.
No matter what struggle America faces and how far we remove ourselves form the foundation upon which we were created and have built upon for over 250 years, there will always be a remnant of people who will fight for America. Choose with me to be a part of that remnant. America’s survival as a nation and tragically our survival as free human beings depends upon it.
See the video here:
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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