Most of us remember the Westerns when the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black ones. Telling enemies from friends used to be easier and politicians today do little more than obscure our vision. It is more important than ever to be vigilant in the protecting of our freedoms and rights in America.
As a child I remember students taking turns reading the Bible as we began our school day. Then we cited the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Children then grew up with a profound respect for America.
During the early years of this country the Bible was the book children learned to read from, along with the New England Primer which taught children the ABC’s based on Biblical truths. The Primer was the second best selling book after the Bible.
Many of our universities were started by preachers. Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Princeton, King’s College, Brown Rutgers and Dartmouth were begun by Christians. A quick view of what most universities have become, bastions of atheism, Communism and liberalism, shows they have forsaken the ideals upon which they were created.
Misguided politicians and anti-God activists fight to remove the Ten Commandments from every corner of public life in efforts to negate the role it has played in creating our society.
Somehow we’ve forgotten the sentiment of people like Patrick Henry who said, “The Bible is worth all the other books which have ever been printed.” Such people were willing to put their lives on the line for ideals that today we easily discard.
Inscribed in the Lincoln Memorial are his immortal words, “We are highly resolved that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.” Activists who deny our Godly roots seek to abort that celebrated birth of freedom.
This is not my America.
Along with Biblical principles that are being outlawed and demeaned, patriotism is also a causality of the cultural war being waged today. Waving the American flag has always been a sign of respect, appreciation and gratitude for this great country. Being proud to be an American now has become a racist thing to be because some mistakenly feel that to display patriotism will alienate those who do not share that sentiment.
Children wearing shirts designed after the flag are sent home chased by shouts of “racist” and “bigot”. Foreigners who come here proudly display their flag of origin but somehow being proud to be an American is supposed to make us feel guilty. In California the flag of Mexico has been seen flying above the American flag. Not only is it a violation of proper flag etiquette, it shows a contempt for this country that many foreigners have. Such people come here to turn American into another Mexico not to become proud Americans.
Burning the American flag is considered free speech and hailed as an art form. Walking on the flag by Muslims in New York City is considered protected speech. Their calls for jihad against America is considered free speech instead of being viewed as a call for insurrection.
Patriotism is dying and the Stars and Stripes will soon be replaced with a meaningless, multi-colored flag of Diversity. No country in the history of man has survived such a change.
This is not my America.
There is an assault being levied against religion in America. Catholics are told their religious convictions don’t matter and they must endorse and even supply contraceptives in violation of their long-held beliefs. Churches are being threatened with removal of their tax-exempt status if they become politically involved according to their conscience.
Muslim students who freely opted to attend Catholic Universities are demanding that statues of Saints and crosses be removed from the college landscape because it offends them. Pandering to demands of Muslims in America is growing. It is called Dhimmitude in accordance with Mohammed’s establishment of a doctrine demanding compliance from all non-Muslims to Muslim wishes.
This is not my America.
Christians who passed out copies of the Gospel of John to people on the streets of Dearborn, Michigan were forced to stop during last years Arab Festival, even though they were not in the festival area but a full block away. This year, while wearing “Jesus” shirts & carrying posters, Christians were removed from the area by police officers after Muslims began throwing rocks, full water bottles and anything else they could get their hands on at them.
Muslims, from children to adults, shouted profanity-laced slurs at the Christians but were never asked to stop. Instead the police decided to look the other way even with video evidence on hand that they refused to view.
The Dearborn Police Department, in their opinion, felt that if the Christians had not been on those streets in America, no problem would exist. Dearborn is being taken over by a growing Muslim population and Americans are neglected their right to free speech in favor of a Muslim’s right to throw stones as an exercise of their “free speech”. (Speaking to a Muslim about Christianity in an Islamic country is incidentally against the law.)
This is not my America.
The world is faced with the greatest threat to its very survival in the history of mankind, radical Islam. Yet when a devout Muslim soldier kills 14 people, including an unborn baby, wounds 33 others, all while shouting “Allahu Ackbar” (the “God is Greatest” Islamic phrase coined by Mohammed 1400 years ago when the severed head of an enemy was thrown at his feet) it is called merely “workplace violence”.
Recognizing an enemy is the first step in being able to fight that enemy. Islam is an enemy we are unprepared to fight because it is an enemy we are unprepared to call an enemy no matter how much evidence there is to reinforce the fact.
Light and darkness cannot exist together. Even the smallest candle will chase darkness from a room but instead this administration chooses to extinguish our candle in preference to the darkness rather than let it shine.
This is not my America.
We currently have a president whose favorite past time, next to golfing, partying and campaigning, is blaming others for his own ineptness. After almost 4 years in office, increasing the national debt from $9 trillion in 2009 to a staggering $15.5 trillion as of 2012, increasing the food stamp recipients from 23.5 million to 39.5 million, and watching home ownership fall to the lowest point since 1965, Obama has taken no responsibility for having played any role in it. After all this time he claims it is still George Bush’s fault.
John F. Kennedy knew that being presidential meant taking responsibility for what happened under his watch even if it was not his fault. That is leadership. Obama instead thrives on twisting the numbers to see that he is never held accountable for anything from the rising debt to rising unemployment, which is the worse since WWII.
This is not my America.
Almost every drop of gas we pump into our cars puts money in the pockets of countries that hate America. We fund Islamic Jihad against our own selves while having leadership that refuses to allow for more oil drilling so that we can cut the apron strings that bind us to ideologies that seek our elimination. While halting much off shore drilling as unsafe, Obama sent millions of dollars to Venezuela for their off shore drilling endeavors.
George W. Bush increased domestic drilling for oil 116% over his predecessor Bill Clinton. Obama, however, placed unreasonable restrictions on drilling and as a result drilling is down 36% during his term. We are going in the wrong direction if we are to be in control of our own destiny. America needs to be free of foreign countries that demand our money to fund their campaigns against us.
This is not my America.
With a president that has conducted an almost non-ending Apology Tour aimed at the United States, America is rapidly losing the respect of the world. Our enemies see it as weakness and are emboldened, not placated, by it.
Political Correctness did not exist when I was growing up. We “called a spade a spade”, black black and white white. Today there are so many colors of gray that one can hardly keep track of what is to be praised and what should be criticized. In reality, the end zones have been changed like at the middle of a football game. We have changed what we move toward. What was once good and moral is now bad and immoral and soon to be discarded.
Commonsense has always told us that not everything can be tolerated, not everything is good for us and that not everything permitted is beneficial. Commonsense has become a causality of this cultural war as well.
This is not my America.
There is not a single study that shows gun control laws have ever been effective in reducing crime. The bottom line is that “more guns equals less crime”. Citizens owning guns creates a hostile work environment for criminals. It is supposed to and will continue to as long as we legally retain the God-given right to protect ourselves.
President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have both vowed their support for the UN Small Arms Treaty which will in effect, should it be ratified by the Senate, nullify the Second Amendment and our right to bear arms. They are attempting to surrender the sovereignty of America to a foreign organization that has repeated stood in opposition to our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
As Senator, Obama voted against a bill that would give homeowners the right to defend themselves in their own homes with a handgun. As president he has more guns around him daily than any other president. He obviously considers his life more valuable than those of ordinary citizens.
Today 84,999,987 firearm owners did not kill anyone. Read that again. This inconvenient fact is ignored by Liberal gun-control advocates. Commonsense plays no part in their agenda.
Gun control does work, however. Just ask Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Qaddafi, Kim Jong II, Idi Amin. They knew that before they could advance their tyrannical agenda against their people, the citizenry had to be disarmed. (We don't need his college transcripts to know that Obama was present for that class. I imagine he got an A+.)
This is not my America.
For America to survive we must remember our true roots and find the strength, no matter how unpopular it may be, to embrace the principles that made us great in the first place. Once lost, freedoms are rarely ever regained.
Today as I survey this country, this is not my America. But as long as a remnant of people still love America, what it has always stood for and will stand up tall and defend it against all enemies “foreign and domestic,” it can be again.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
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