Saturday, March 14, 2015

Islam's Most Successful Campaign

Prior to September 11, 2001 most Americans knew little of the second largest religion in the world, Islam, outside of the fact that most Muslims lived in foreign countries. In the decade since we have been acutely aware of Islam's role in the world, almost all of which has been negative in scope.

The term Jihad was not known or understood and for the most part Muslims were seen through Western eyes which provided a distorted view at best. Distorted because we tend to view the world as if it is an extension of our own perceptions. We try and imagine Muslims as "being just like us." Americans tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. When we see conflict we try to invent a cause that puts people in the best light, often excusing behaviors we would otherwise deem unacceptable.

This has caused us to see Muslims as not much different from ourselves. After all, they, like us, are human beings so how different can they be when we get right down to it?

With the rise of various terrorist organizations we have had no choice but to attempt to understand Muslims and get a grasp of just what Islam is. This in itself is a very difficult task seeing as how there appears to be as many views of Islam as there are people trying to explain it. But one thing is certain, we are more aware now than we have ever been that we share a planet with a culture vastly different from ours.

Since its founding in the 7th Century, Islam has been on a campaign of self-promotion. More recently, it has had a great deal of help in public relations as many strive fiercely to make excuses for actions made in the name of Islam, either on behalf of their Prophet Mohammed or their god Allah.

One of the first things that happened following the events of 9/11 was that government agencies began to shape our perception of Islam. Airport security, such as it was before that fateful morning, was instructed not to profile Muslims for special attention. This in itself caught many of us  by surprise seeing as how the 19 hijackers that took the lives of 2,996 Americans, were all Muslims.

In the events that have occurred since then we have seen a refusal to acknowledge even the participation of Muslims even when it was the first obvious conclusion that could possibly be drawn.

Upon taking office as president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has made it a personal mission to erase obvious connections with Islam when terrorist attacks happen whether here or abroad. Terms like "Islamic terrorism" or "Muslim terrorist" have been removed from official documents in efforts to cover-up connections even a child could make.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been forced to change its training methods that singled out Muslims even though 99% of all the world's terrorist activity is Muslim-related.

The actions of Army Major Nidal Hassen on November 5, 2009, though he shot and killed 14 including an unborn child on the Fort Hood Army base and wounded over 30 others while shouting "Allahu Ackbar," was called "workplace violence" by the Obama administration in efforts to hide the Muslim connection, as obvious as it was.

This attack wasn't the first to happen on American soil. For that one would have to go back to April 14, 1972 when ten Muslims, members of a mosque in New York city phoned in a false alarm only to ambush responding police officers, killing one and injuring three.

A police officer were also killed and another wounded by Muslims on January 19, 1973 in Brooklyn, New York when he responded to a robbery at a sporting goods store where they were trying to steal weapons.

Since then we have had Muslim terrorist attacks in cities across the country, such as Bethesda, MD, three times in Washington, DC, Berkley, CA, eight times in Oakland CA, Ingleside, CA, Savou, IL, St. Louis, MO, Tuscon, AZ, New York City, NY, Langley, VA, Lompoc, CA, and in Atlanta, GA all prior to September 11, 2001. These attacks killed 45 and injured another ten. Most were never reported honestly.

Since September 11, 2001 there have been 32,580 separate deadly Islamic Jihad attacks worldwide as of February 21, 2018. Today the entire world is aware of the Islamic threat, though too often excused or downplayed by the media or government agencies.

But these attacks or campaigns, against the non-Muslim world do not include the most successful Islam has perpetrated since its inception. Here are some contenders:

Jihad today has its roots in both the actions of Islam's Prophet Mohammed and in their Holy Scripture, the Qur'an. For Mohammed's part, when he entered Medina there were three tribes of Jews. As Mohammed's political power grew he began to take the property of those Jews, killing some and exiling others. When he finally dealt with the last tribe he lay siege on them for twenty-five days. Upon their surrender, the women were sold as sex slaves to raise money for his continued Jihad, the children were placed into Muslim homes to be raised as Muslims and 8oo men and boys who had reached puberty were beheaded in the marketplace as their bodies fell into a trench dug for that purpose. This however, was not Islam's most successful campaign.

Following the Battle of Khaybar Mohammed established a new form of status, the Dhimmi. Realizing that a dead Jew brings only so much material and monetary reward, Mohammed created a class of people who were to be granted certain rights. They could, should they choose to, remain a Jew and continue to worship in their religion, although with many very restrictive regulations and if they agreed to pay the jizah, a tax equal to about half their income. They continued to work the land as farmers or operate as businessmen as they had before so they could pay the heavy tax. Of course, not accepting this arrangement meant death. This form of oppression was the last great political creation to rule the world. However, this was not Islam's most successful campaign.

There were many Muslim leaders over the centuries. One such ruler was Al-Hakim (996-1021) who served as Caliph in Egypt. It was under his rule that a special department was created for the sole purpose of keeping track of all the property he confiscated from his murdered victims for the ten years of his reign. Christians and Jews were directed to wear special clothing so they could not be mistaken for Muslims. Many Christians converted to Islam to escape the oppression and his destruction of holy sites and murder of Christians were a part of the reason for the Crusades years later.  He built the House of Science, the first real Islamic university and he was notorious for his regulations on behavior. Chess, musical instruments, gambling, wine, beer, grapes, honey, some vegetables and some fish, singing, the wearing of jewelry by women, and even their leaving the house were all forbidden. Dogs were slaughtered and a hatred for dogs persists until this day by Muslims. He even murdered members of his family, high-ranking officials and drowned his concubines. His power was almost unequaled yet this was not Islam's most successful campaign.

Tamerlane became an Islamic ruler in 1370 and was widely known for his building of citadels, baths, gardens, and markets, much of which still exists today. His military campaigns saw the entire area of Central Asia under his control. In Afghanistan he was known to have removed the heads of his enemies and built them into his towers with the faces turned toward the roads as a warning of any with the idea of resisting his rule.

When one of his garrisons was destroyed he countered by killing one city's entire population of 70,000 including a delegation of children sent to appease him. Later he killed 50,000 Hindu captives as retaliation in a single bloody hour. Still this campaign was not the most successful of Islamic conquest.

Abdul Hamid II was quoted as saying "I will soon settle those Armenians. I will give them a box on the ears that will make them smart and relinquish their revolutionary ambitions." His perception of the Armenian reform that he feared would take place caused him to be true to his word. In 1984, at the sound of a bugle to signal the planned attack, mobs of Muslims and troops attacked Armenian headquarters. Men were murdered in the streets, women were raped, property destroyed and when it was said an done over 200,000 were dead, although the number has been given as high as one million. The world stood silent and scarcely reported the massacre. Still this was not Islamic most successful campaign.

Jihad against the non-Muslim has survived to this day, taking a total of 270 million lives in the process over the past 1400 years. Of those murdered by Islamic Jihad, 120 million were Africans, 60 million were Christian, 80 million were Hindus, and 10 million were Buddhists. But these campaigns were not the most successful for Islam.

The most successful campaign of Islamic advancement and progression began quietly in 1996 when the Runnymede Trust created the Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia. The following year in their report entitled "Islamphobia, A Challenge for Us All", Islamophobia, which some believe has been around for decades, took on a more defined face. It was explained to be "an outlook or world-view involving an unfounded dread and dislike of Muslims, which results in practices of exclusion and discrimination."

To describe it in more detail, the report went on to say that Islamophobia is the "dread or hatred of Islam and therefore, [the] fear and dislike of all Muslims." Since that time the term has become so widely used one would think it has been with us for centuries. It has effectively stifled and muzzled any critical view of Islam. It has make it easy for anyone who questions Islam or Muslims in general, to be labeled an Islamophobe and therefore even their comments are forever deemed unworthy of even addressing or replying to. The term has incorrectly been expanded to mean "racist" and this stigma further shelters Islam from any critical review. The opinion of a Islamophobe is considered one which sees no value in Islam either culturally, socially, economically or even in the public forum. Therefore, it is to be disregarded and not worthy of note, no matter how pertinent or important it might otherwise be.

Once identified as an Islamophobe, nothing that person has to say ever reaches the mind of the listener for in fact, they cease to listen at all. Important issues are never intelligently discussed. Debate is impossible when one party refuses to acknowledge the validity of the opposing point of view.

Smearing one person or a whole group of people with the term Islamophobia, effectively silences their opinion. Curiously, personal growth only comes when one is open-minded to other possibilities other than the ones they currently hold. Using the Islamophobia brush to paint anyone or any group has dangerous consequences. It hides the truth and even when it is a matter of life and death.

Like a child holding his or her hands over their ears as they chant "La La La La La La" to drown out he speakers voice, the term Islamophobia has become a childish act to silence dissent and even the asking of important questions. Good people with their hearts in the right place, who seek to warn others of the terrible consequences of their ignorance and lack of knowledge, are not heard.

That is the true purpose of this word, to obscure the truth and protect it from being exposed. In today's world groups like ISIS work their most atrocious evil and for fear of being called Islamophobic, we are subdued into silence. Things that must be said are kept inside. For fear of being called a racist, a bigot, a hater, in other words Islamophobic, good people, with good questions or necessary observations, cower quietly in the corner. The term Islamophobia has won another victory and the evil that should have been displayed for all the world to see is hidden once again from sight, even if it is in plain view.

The creation of the term Islamophobia and its acceptance into our culture is the most successful campaign Islam has ever won. Every time you hear the term used, whether by a talking head on TV, a speaker at a university, in front of the green wall at the United Nations or from the podium of the President of the United States, be assured that Islam just won another victory and their campaign to cloud the issue and hide the truth of what Islam is and what its goals actually are, remain unseen.

That is the most successful campaign Islam has ever engaged in. It will be the most successful tool in Islam's arsenal used to spread its oppression, racism, bigotry and evil across the face of the globe, because we help wield it for them.

Glen Spicer

Friday, January 30, 2015


While We Slept

“But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.” Matthew 13:25 (KJV)

Is this what we are witnessing with the advent of Barack Hussein Obama on the world stage? I think so. Christians have been lulled to sleep by flowery rhetoric and smooth promises, just as has the rest of the world when it comes to Obama. Far from being the unifying force he promised to be, he has become the most divisive president to ever hold the office. He has divided America in the areas of religion, race, family, social interactions, economy, and anything else he touches.

His alignment with the Muslim Brotherhood is no secret but his continued advancement of it escapes many. Islam's influence is far reaching and aided by Obama and the mindset that put him in power. Illinois Democrat, Andre Carson, is the second Muslim that has been elected to Congress. The ideology that causes one to identify himself with Islam should have ruled him unacceptable to hold any office in America, especially in this post 9/11 era. But instead of awakening us to the dangers imposed by Islam in the United States, which should have become apparent on that Tuesday morning when almost 3,000 Americans lost their lives due to Islamic Jihad, America has been lulled back to sleep as if nothing had happened or it were only a scary dream. "Move along. Nothing to see here" could be the cry of the day.

When we think of Chicago we often think of corruption in government, past and present, and the misfits that it has spawned like Eric Holder, Rahm Emmanuel and Barack Obama. Now Chicago has become the birthplace of an Islamic organization under the direction of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO). If there is anything that is incompatible with the ideal that is America, a Muslim political organization tops the list.

In reality, Islam is more political than religious but it takes advantage of every religious freedom it can grasp. The religion of Islam is the matador's cape that hides the spear designed to kill the bull. Political Islam is that spear. We focus on the red cape and are unaware of the dangers it hides through its political side. I have often stated that if Islam were treated like the political organization it really is, we would chase it from our shores.

Consider this easy explanation of the difference between religious and political ideology. Most religions say, "Here is what I believe. You are free to choose it or not." Political Islam says "Here is what I believe. You have two choices, convert to my belief system or die. Your choice."

However, it appears that now Islam is becoming openly political, especially with the formation of this new political group with the aid and assistance of President Obama himself. It seems I gave America too much credit. We aren't even paying attention.

A stepping stone for this came in 2014 when Sabri Samirah, a Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood member, was allowed into the United States by President Obama. He had previously been banned from the US for 11 years.  He immediately began the groundwork for this political organization to influence politics in America to be more in tune with what Islam's goals for the country are. Yes, while we slept, Obama helped sow weeds in America's wheat field.

Known as the UMMA, it is registered as a "non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to promoting the public and political empowerment of the American Muslim community as well as serve its interests".  One can only imagine what those interest are in light of Islamic desire to see the entire world submitted to Allah and Mohammed's Islam.

The UMMA also endorses candidates, 85 % of which are Democrat and 15% Republican. This reinforces the fact that even some Republicans nowadays don't know where they stand when it comes to the Constitution of the United States. The Democrats are no surprise.

A list of donors to the political ambitions of Andre Carson's who have Islamic ties brought him $33,911.00. While Carson denies he is doing anything against America's interests, accepting money from CAIR, ICNA, ISNA and MPAC clearly have strings attached and would serve as a red flag to anyone paying attention.

Political campaigns usually begin to gain momentum about two years before an election. Does anyone think it is a coincidence that Obama lifted this ban on this Muslim's entrance into America to become politically active two years before the 2016 presidential election? Being naive is one thing. Being willfully ignorant is another.

Since the UMMA promises to galvanize the Muslim community for political reasons, it is a given that shaping the 2016 election was the plan all along.

Remember when President Obama told the people of the world during his UN speech “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”? It appears he thinks it needs to belong to those who follow him instead.

He also stated that “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” For a man who professes to be a scholar when it comes to the Constitution, this sounds like an outright deception aimed at promoting Islamic acceptance in the America, something he does on a regular basis.

And, of course, it takes only a casual glance at any real world news to see that "dignity for all human beings" is not Islam's strong suit.

How much influence the UMMA will have upon our political system is unknown but based on their dedication and those high in government who are giving them a helping hand, it promises to be considerable. Working within the system of a country it seeks to conquer is the Islamic way. Islam's Prophet Mohammed directed Muslims to "not offer peace when you have the upper hand". Muslims now in America do not have the upper hand, but with government assisted immigration from Islamic lands by President Obama, the trend of increasing Muslim population is well underway. Seventy-five thousand are expected to arrive from Syria in the next five years alone. Step by step a goal is achieved.

America can't be conquered from the outside because we are too powerful a military force. But as Abraham Lincoln and others since warned, it is vulnerable to attack and ever destruction, from the inside. Every mosque that dots our changing landscape is a headquarters to that very end. Every militant training camp in America (the estimates are near 35) is a headquarters from which to spearhead those attacks. That is obvious to anyone with their eyes open.

However, with the aid of people like Muslim Congressmen Andre Carson and Keith Ellison, and the president himself, the eating away of America has already begun and that appears to be escaping the notice of most Americans.

As it always does, Chicago is not content to keep its corruption to itself but is determined to export it as we have seen with Obama and numerous politicians connected to him and that city. Every destructive cancer always has a place where it started and although small, it grows, especially when left unchecked and unnoticed. Islamic influence in America is a cancer that will, as cancers tend to do, destroy the host. This Islamic cancer is growing and left unchecked, will send America to the dust bin of history as it has other cultures throughout the centuries.

Turkey used to be called Anatolia, a Greek and Christian nation, now about 97% Muslim. When Islam annihilates a culture, it changes the name to erase everything that came before Islam. Egyptian culture has vanished and replaced with Islam. The face of the Middle East in particular has changed from freedom-loving nations to enslaved by Islam. America will be its crown jewel and it makes its mouth water.

Yes, while we slept, our enemies crept in and sowed weeds and slipped away unnoticed, content in the fact that the seeds they planted will do what military force could not do, infiltrate and saturate. It took 400 years for Greek/Christian Anatolia to become Muslim Turkey. How long will it take for the United States to be no longer recognizable? At the speed with which we are assisting in our own destruction, in will be sooner than later.

I find it interesting that the Arabic word for tare is tarhah  and refers to something discarded, from taraha meaning to reject. If anything in America is considered worthy of being discarded and rejected, it is Islam.

The time to deal with unwanted weeds is when they first stick their heads above the soil. It is much easier before they get established. With the new creation of the UMMA and the acceptance of such organizations as CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, USCMO, MSA and others along with the Muslim Brotherhood as valid organizations free to operate openly within our borders, unchecked, sadly America has more years behind her than ahead of her. These destructive weeds need to be dealt with now, decisively and with prejudice. It is America's only hope for survival.

Glen Spicer