The border that surrounds the United States of
America, is America's skin. When it is breached and open, we are in the same
danger as a country as we are in when our personal skin is cut as a human
Our southern border is being
assaulted as a test to our resolve to defend ourselves and our way of life. It
has become a polarizing issue and a confusing and a complicated one when really
it is very basic.
When the president Bill
Clinton called for stricter immigration laws and tighter borders he was applauded
and got a standing ovation. Obama spoke of immigrant children crossing our
borders and he said, “Send them back.” Hillary spoke of strengthening our
borders. No one disagreed and everyone approved. Then comes the stain of
Enter 2018, and the “Not My
President,” as they call him, Donald Trump seeks to remedy the situation and he
is called a racist, bigot, and a heartless monster.
Obama used pepper spray to
force aggressive immigrants back from the border and we hear not a peep from
the media or the global community. President Trump uses tear gas after barrages
of rocks are thrown at Border Agents and crowds rush the border, and he is accused
of cruelly assaulting women and children. (Incidentally, reporters to the scene
report that the men, which comprise most of the caravan, forced women and
children to the forefront as human shields as they attacked.)
Thousands have arrived at
the border to California and even the Tijuana city government does not want
them there. Bemoaning the fact that it costs that city over $30,000 a day to
house, care and pick up after them as they trash the town, they just want them
It has been reported that about one-third of the
immigrants have medical conditions such as lice, drug addiction or communicable
diseases dangerous to the public at large. Maladies such as TB, syphilis, gonorrhea,
leprosy, and an ever-changing list of current threats like polio, cholera,
diphtheria, smallpox, or severe acute respiratory syndromes are a fact. HIV has even been found in several among those now at the border. Chris
Cabrera, a Southern Texas Border Patrol agent warns us: "What's coming
over into the US could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chicken
pox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus infections, and different viruses."
When people attempt to immigrate to America the correct
way, they undergo medical screenings in their home country before they are
allowed into this country. If they fail, they aren’t allowed to come. That is
another reason the uninvited thousands making up these caravans are so
dangerous. We don’t have a clue what they are carrying medically speaking nor
what their intentions are once they arrive, as in the case of MS-13 and other
brutal gangs who have infiltrated the caravan.
These are diseases many of which we have eradicated from
America over the years and they are being reintroduced into a population which
has not been vaccinated for them. This is not just a political issue, but a
safety and national security issue.
Thousands more are on their way, so the situation is not
even close to being resolved. This is a very important test for America and
this Trump administration. Even the UN weighs in on the issue and demands we let
them in.
Europe is seeing the negative effects of their open
borders with crime, rapes and murders but they are too stubborn to admit they
need to change their open-border policies. Some countries are getting the message, but sadly, not all of them.
The Democrats are shaping
the debate instead of having any commonsense discussions about immigration.
Historically, most immigrants vote for Democratic Party, perhaps because they
think that the term “Democratic” means they stand for Democracy and America,
when those of us who live here, and who pay attention to their deceptive
actions and words, know differently.
It was once said that “The
truth is a lion that does not need to be defended; just let it out and it will
defend itself.” I hope that is true, but daily I see evidence that the truth is
scoffed at, maligned, ridiculed and given unfair labels that tag it as being anything
but the truth.
The truth always seems to
take a back seat to an agenda of one kind or another and instead of logic and sensible
debate, everything devolves into name-calling and outright dismissals because of
alleged claims of racism, bigotry, supremacism, Islamophobia, homophobia,
xenophobia or whatever other term they choose to use at the moment to stifle and
smother the conversation. Such terms remind me of children who put their
fingers in their ears while saying, “na-na-na-na-na” so they won’t be able to
hear what you are saying. Childishness is truly an appropriate word these days.
If they can’t debate the
message, and they usually can’t, they attack the messenger and label him or her
negatively so they can declare they are not worth listening to. A successful
tactic that all too often works, but it is like cutting off your nose to spite
your face. It is counter-productive to the expanse of the truth and of
information we, as concerned Americans, need to know.
In an ideal world, politics
and agendas would take second seat to truth, honesty and what is good for
Americans and people in general. But I guess that utopia will never arrive,
even though Liberals actually think that if we all thought like they did, it
would be a paradise. But remember, even Paradise had a serpent bent on
destroying the work of God, so how do we ever expect to stand a chance of
preserving the America God helped design and create, when we can’t recognize the
serpent for what it is?