Sunday, February 24, 2019

Unreasonable Concessions Being Made to Muslims

Anti-Semitism is inherent in Islam and ingrained into all Muslims. Muhammad gained power and became a leader not by preaching Islam but by enforcing Islam, first on the Jews and then on the rest of the world. Liberals in America talk against anti-Semitism and at the same time promote the election of Muslims who believe and act just the opposite. Hitler's Mien Kampf is actually less anti-Semitic than the Qur'an is, so that should tell any intelligent person how deeply it is ingrained into the Muslim mindset. But then, being hypocritical is a Democratic Party trait.

Two Democratic Party Muslim Congresswomen are perfect examples. Ilhan Oman is the first person to be allowed to wear a head covering in Congress, even though there has been a ban on such items since 1837.

Concessions to Muslim culture is gaining a foothold in American politics. Along with such seemingly harmless actions as this, comes the more radical ideas as well.

In November of 2012, Omar released this anti-Semitic statement on her Twitter page: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Considering she now has a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, this should be very disconcerting to all who see Israel as an ally in the Middle East, a beacon of democracy in an otherwise theocratic landscape.

Another newly-elected Democratic Party Muslim also shares the same anti-Israeli sentiments. Rashida Tlaib, along with Omar, has given her support for the Palestinian-led BDS Movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) which has taken a stand against the Israeli government and its treatment of Palestinians.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have both voiced their disapproval of the BDS Movement in the past, but even though they have called for an apology from Omar for her anti-Semitic Tweet and obvious outrage against Israel, they have not taken a very firm stand in reality. It seems easier to let it pass from the news cycle than to rock the boat of these two new superstars of diversity the Democrats have help into office.

Although Omar has apologized, she has not turned from her blaming Israel for the ills of the Middle East, a typically Islamic stand.

Anti-Semitism is nothing new to Islam. On his deathbed, their Prophet Muhammad called for the extinction or exile of every Jew in Arabia and today that country is basically an apartheid-run country where Jews are not welcome.

Consider this hypocrisy. Democratic Representative John Yarmuth has called to ban teenagers from wearing M.A.G.A. hats, saying on Twitter, “I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers wearing MAGA hats until we can figure out what is going on. They seem to be poisoning young minds.” (I had no idea hats could poison the mind.)

As she spoke of an incident involving Covington High School students that he was far too quick to condemn for their behavior before it became evident, through actual complete video coverage of the event in question, that the charges of racism were unfounded and false. “The conduct we saw in this video is beyond appalling, but it didn’t happen in a vacuum. This is a direct result of the racist hatred displayed daily by the President of the United States who, sadly, some mistake for a role model.”

Once the more complete video was released, it showed that this was not the case, but this Congressman quick-to-judgment moment shows prejudice rampant in the Democratic Party against anything they can attach to Donald Trump. This example was used here because he showed an effort, without evidence, to restrict the wearing of a hat because it represents a President that he disapproves of but he has said nothing about the wearing of the hijab in Congress which is evidence of hatred, bigotry and racism against Jews that has been the mainstay of Islam for 1400 years. Apparently, this symbolism, which represents the oppression of women in Muslim countries, doesn’t get a rise out of him or any other Democrats, for that matter.

I see it as the first of many concessions to Muslims we will continue to make and it should be noted that every capitulation is an act of dhimmitude on the part of non-Muslims. Muhammad established the dhimmi class of people when he discovered that he had found a way to continue to reap the monetary rewards of Jews for generations whereas simply killing them had a limited and single reward.

He established that if a Jew, for instance, who lived in a country that Islam had conquered wanted to continue to practice his/her faith, they could do so after agreeing to pay the jizya, a tax sometimes amounting to half their yearly income. As a result of doing this, they were allowed to practice their faith but under certain very-restrictive circumstances.

Among other things, non-Muslims could not own expensive horses and if they wanted to ride an animal, it must be a mule or a donkey, and sometimes they had to ride backwards. There was even a specially designed saddle with the “horn” on the back. Funny hats or missed-matched shoes were commanded to be worn by Jews and other non-Muslims, or a yellow patch on their clothing, so that they could not be mistaken for a Muslim.

If their worship services included clapping as a form of worship, their clapping could not be loud enough to be heard in the street because a Muslim hearing it would be offended. For Christians, they were allowed to wear a cross around their neck, but it had to be a large one, weighting over two pounds in some places. Clothing restrictions also applied.

If it rained, a Jew was forbidden to go outside for fear that water running off his body would pool in the street and a Muslim would be defiled if he accidently stepped in it.

There was three parts of the behavior of Muslims in the dhimmi state. First, they were prohibited to be friends with the non-Muslim or of embracing their opinions or patterns of behavior. Secondly, they were prohibited to even have a discussion with them. And thirdly, there was the obligation to humiliate them.

The historical evidence contains volumes of oppressive attitudes towards Jews and other non-Muslims, and the very fact that we have members of Congress that are Muslims, should stir the concern of every American.

While President Trump is accused of being racist, mainly because of his “Muslim Ban,” a move meant to restrict immigration of people from terrorist-supporting nations and protect the American people, a move which legally he is entitled to implement.

Compare that stretch of the imagination of Democrats who see this as being not in the interest of the American people, to a fact of Islamic history, that Muhammad referred to African Negros as “raisin heads.” You should see the obvious double standard as no Muslim will ever be reminded of their Prophet Muhammad’s own racism.

Because Muslims are instructed 14 times in the Qur’an, as well as being reminded by the example of Muhammad’s life and the instructions of Muslim clerics, that they are not to be friends with non-Muslims, how can any true Muslim have a fair and effectual interaction with any non-Muslim? Simply, they cannot.

Taking it all into consideration, no Muslim should be allowed to hold any office in America where they are enabled to design or vote on any policies that govern the life of any non-Muslim or on a larger more global scale, any ally of the United States.

One last clarification, before the Muslim apologist chimes in, Islam is more of a political doctrine than a set of religious principles. It seeks to govern every aspect of life for Muslim and non-Muslim alike. That makes it political, not religious. If we would treat it as such, all the discussion and conflict with American values would resolve itself, for no real American should see as acceptable the embrace of anyone in government who is anti-American at their core. It is counterproductive, and simply put, ludicrous.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Is America Now Proudly a Nation of Death?

Some may remember the legal proceedings brought against former physician Kermit Barron Gosnell in 2011 when he was charged with illegally performing abortions beyond the state’s 24-week time limit and for the murder of babies born alive during the procedure. He was also charged with involuntary manslaughter of Karnamava Mongar, one of the mothers he gave an abortion to that died afterwards.

Even before this, he had legal troubles surrounding his medical practices. In 2000, he was sued on behalf of a woman he performed an abortion on who experienced abnormal bleeding after the procedure when she had returned home. She called and reported the problem but was ever advised to return for treatment and she subsequently died 3 days later of a perforated uterus and a bloodstream infection. Gosnell settled out of court in 2002 for $900,000.

In the 2011 case, Gosnell and his staff members were subsequently arrested and charged with 8 counts of murder, (7 of the infants had their spinal cord cut with scissors to facilitate their deaths after they were born alive during the abortion procedure), 24 felony counts of performing abortion beyond Pennsylvania’s set time restraints of 24-weeks, and 227 misdemeanor counts of violating the 24-hour consent law.

His 2013 convictions varied slightly as he was finally convicted of 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortions, 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law, first degree murder in the deaths of 3 of the infants and involuntary manslaughter of Mongar. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole when he waved his right to appeal in exchange for the death penalty being taken off the table.

Last week, with much fanfare, New York state passed the “Reproductive Health Act” and it was celebrated in the chamber with a standing ovation. The RHA removes abortion from the criminal code making it no longer illegal, and established the legality of killing a baby right up until the time of its birth.

The convicted doctor Gosnell always declared he was innocent and “just ahead of his time.” Sadly, and shamefully, New York state just proved him right.

It is not clear who originally stated, “Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members – the last, the least, the littlest.” The sentiment is attributed to both Pearl S. Buck and Cardinal Roger Mahoney but is true nevertheless.

Nelson Mandela once said, “The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children.” In another version he was credited as having said, “A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but it’s lowest ones.”

Jesus said concerning those who harm children in Luke 17:2, “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” What more grievous offense could be done to a child than to murder it?

History will indeed judge America for the way it has defended and tolerated, and currently promotes, the murder of our most innocent ones, and God will too.