Tuesday, December 1, 2020

True Leadership is Not the Democrat Party Way


True Leadership is Not the Democrat Party Way

True leadership sometimes demands the hardest thing of all, doing nothing, a wait and see attitude, especially if one is uncertain of which path to take. Upon Trump's election in 2016, had Democrats given him the opportunity to fall on his face or succeed on his own, to flourish or flounder, America would have experience unbridled prosperity.

Instead, they spent limitless energy on obstruction, rebellion, vengeance and revenge in order to remove him from office. A partisan-based failed coup attempt, designed to remove him for office, was based on unfounded accusations and outright lies, fed and nurtured by the like-minded hatred of Trump by the Liberal media.

Obstruction was more appealing to them than seeing him succeed in any way. The more campaign promises he kept, the more they dug in their heel and resisted. Their opposition ever spurred a #RESIST movement on social media.

Resist what? A growing economy? Jobs returning from overseas that former failure of a president Obama said would require a magic wand to accomplish, but that Trump brought back?

Or was it the fact that he had the nerve to shatter the dreams they had of placing the first woman in the Oval Office, one who felt she was entitled to it? Was it his killing of terrorists who were responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans? Democrats scolded him for that. Trump had the uncanny ability to make Democrats even moan for the conquered terrorists.

It really did not matter to them what Trump was accomplishing. They were unable to do the hard thing, just let him succeed or fail on his own. Displaying their own failure to understand what it means to lead, they continued to hate the purest American to take the helm since Ronald Reagan.

Obstruction and ridicule became the daily arrows that filled their quiver and they let them fly with every opportunity. Regardless of the action he took or the accomplishments he made, they foamed at the mouth and swore regularly to take America back from the tyrant they pained Donald Trump to be. But back to what? An Obama era fraught with failure and scandal? Unemployment numbers they simply accepted as fact but that Trump erased?

For the Democrat Party to be declared as “Progressive” is a curious label seeing as how they strive without mercy to turn America backward rather than to enable its progress forward.

Racism was not erased nor was it even abated during Obama’s tenure. It flourished and racism reared its ugly head like it had not in decades. Riots in Black communities of Ferguson, Missouri, Oakland and Los Angeles, California and Brooklyn, New York emphasized the growing divide between the races that Obama was supposed to have alleviated with his very presence.

The divide between the classes, the 99% and the 1%, widened and resulted in the Occupy Wall Street domestic terrorism events that destroyed and trashed cities, a movement praised by Democrats.

The Fast and Furious fiasco, a scenario designed by the Obama Administration to bring attention to the gun trade in America and get public opinion on the side of doing away with the 2nd Amendment, actually funneled guns into Mexico. Americans died and the idea backfired.

Still through it all, Democrats never attacked and obstructed Barack Obama for his failures. Democrats are nothing, if not ideologues and partisan to the core.

Barack Obama may have not been the choice of millions of Americans, but the Republican Party did not commence an endless parade of false accusation and charges to run him from office. He lost over 5 million voters between his elections but no impeachment proceeding based on nothing but dislike, were ever brought against him.

But with Donald Trump, it was different. A smaller, less dedicated man, would not have survived the onslaught. The fact that he has a list of accomplishments numbering into the hundreds is testament to the fact that, as he always said, he was there to fight for America and place American interests first. That very idea still revolts Democrats who desire to see America fall from grace and become just another failed country embracing Third World status.

So, had Democrats taken a real leadership role and allowed Trump to rise or fall on his own, America would not be as divided as it is. But with Democrats, obtaining power is Priority #1. Removing Donald Trump from office, righting what they saw as a wrong in 2016, was their top priority. And it never relented.

It was reported 19 hours after Trump was elected, “The impeachment of Donald J. Trump has begun.” The man who unselfishly gave up his salary to work for America, was never to see a moments peace.

Democrats nor the Liberal and biased media ever gave him a chance. What he was able to accomplish, he did in spite of them, not with the help of them. It will never be known what America could have become had he not had to fight them every single day of his term, much less what could have been done for America with them working side by side in unity, a myth Democrats still claim they are for.

Allowing Trump to do his thing, fail or succeed was never an option for Democrats. Their continued obstruction cost America more than we will ever realize, but Democrats never gave that idea a second thought. America needed real leadership and they got it, in spite for the Democrat Party and the role they played in trying to bring him, and America down.