The Lies We Tolerate
There is an innate characteristic found in practically everyone on the planet that values honesty and truth and abhors untruths, misinformation, ignorance and especially outright willful lying. As children we often got into trouble because we lied and got caught in it. (In fact, one of the worst things that can happen to us as children is to lie and NOT get caught.) We were set straight in one fashion or another, but in all instances, I would venture to say, we were told that lying is wrong, even sinful, or some other descriptive word was used to get the point across.
I can’t imagine any good parent telling a child that lying is acceptable and that they should strive to become better liars. We spend our entire lives understanding that principle and generally we seek to live up to it, though we often fail in the growth process.
There is a reason why there are no “truth detecting” machines but there are lie detectors. Lie detectors work because even our bodies react to the telling of lies. Telling the truth doesn’t sway the needle, but a lie, unless we become very proficient at the art of lying, always moves the needle. Telling the truth is in harmony with our physical existence. Lying is contrary to it.
I would say that no one tells a lie without a little alarm going off in their brains saying, “That’s not true. Why are you saying that?” After years of ignoring that inner alarm, it becomes merely a faint beep or nonexistent at all.
I am not talking about speaking when you do not know enough of the subject to make a true statement concerning it or when you misunderstand an issue and make a wrong assumption based on not having enough facts. I am speaking of outright lies that you know are lies when you begin to move your lips.
So that brings me to a bold conclusion and a question: How has the Democrat Party become so proficient at telling lies and misleading the American people that they do it with a straight face? How do they ignore that inherently human characteristic which makes them aware that they are about to utter a falsehood? Or do they know it, as every human being does, and they just do not care?
Every interaction that we undertake as human beings in any relationship whether personal, business, family, social, financial, or whatever type of relationship it is, we demand it be based and grounded on honesty and truthfulness. Anything we endeavor to do based on anything else is doomed to fail.
We refuse to accept lies about our money for our banker. We refuse to accept lies from our spouse. We want the true story from our doctor even if unpleasant. So why are we so naïve as to accept them from a politician without question or accountability? We know at the deepest level that lies are counterproductive if not destructive and yet we hear them from politicians daily and shrug them off. We abhor lying and have even made it a crime to do so in a court of law, yet we tolerate lies from our leaders. Why?
If politicians can lie to our faces with a straight face, knowing that they are lying all the while, they cannot be trusted to rule any part of our lives. They have not yet mastered the basic fundamental act of being truthful to themselves, so how can we trust them to be truthful with us or to us? Simple. We can’t.
Democrats have lied about the border, elections, the economy, social issues, capitalism, socialism, the state of the country, climate issues and everything else they talk about, and they pretend to tell us what is good for us, from what we should be saying to what we should be eating.
That inner voice that tells them to not lie and to be truthful, that simple act of honesty they should have learned at 5 years old, escapes them. They lie with impunity and without accountability. They lie to advance perverted agendas and they have no remorse, even when they are rarely called on it. When accountability is removed, the immoral individuals, guided by agendas and ideology, see no boundaries and they run wild.
When one does evil, knowing it is evil, and then continue to do evil, they have indeed become evil themselves. There is no other explanation nor is there another excuse for their behavior. With no conscience to guide them, they wreak havoc at every turn, and they sleep like babies at night any way.
The simple fact is that in all our relationships and dealings, in all of life’s situations, truth must be of paramount importance, and anyone who operates otherwise, deserves no position of power over us. It is time that truth replace dishonesty, deception and outright lies in all levels of our lives, and that means government and the press too. We are willfully being led down a rocky road that coming back from will soon be impossible. If there ever was a reason to resist the corruption of government, at local, state and federal levels, it is now.
America was founded as a stand against tyranny, and it may be time for a refresher course in what sacrifices and commitment that requires of us, or we will sadly bring this grand experiment of a Republic to a close.