While President Joe Biden is still attempting to blame Trump for his own debacle in Afghanistan, America needs to be reminded of something. That country has spent centuries being at war and has never been truly unified. It is a collection of tribes all warring against each other, switching sides when it pleases them and then switching back when the tide turns. War is all they know, and they accept that.
Under President Bush, we had as many as 25,000 soldiers there at the peak of the conflict. But Barack Obama, the man who got a Peace Prize prematurely for what they "thought" he would do, quadrupled that number to 100,000 and that year we saw more men and women wounded than during Bush’s entire tenure in the White House, over 1,200.
We may think that “This is just war and in war people die,” but the reality of the disaster came because Obama was an ideological coward and even hindered our troops from seriously fighting the Taliban. Supposedly he thought we could change the hearts and minds of eternal fighters but instead it cost lives. Or perhaps, he was trying just not to kill his Muslim friends. Only he truly knows. Our troops had guns but were restrained from using them.
The reality is that Al Qaeda, ISIS and other Jihadi factions will always use Afghanistan as a base to attack the West and even fellow Muslims who they feel are not fundamentally Islamic enough. It will never end.
Islam has been at war with the world since Muhammad put away his role as a preacher of Islam and became a warrior for Islam. Muhammad IS Islam so it will always be so, whether we like it, or admit to it, or not.
And while the media and clueless Liberals choose to still repeat the tireless mantra that Islam is a religion of peace, they continue to kill, rape, and plunder at will. After all, they have their Prophet and Allah's permission to do so.
The idea that our involvement in Afghanistan keeps us safe, is a farce, especially when you consider that since his botched withdrawal Biden has brought to America, to neighbors all across this country, the same people who have known war and aggression to be a lifestyle. We will see Americans die here, because of his failure and all the covering by the media will soon wax old and ineffective.
Unvetted, how many terrorists have we brought here, on the taxpayer’s dime, to begin their plotting from the inside now instead of the outside?
Due to Political Correctness nonsense, among other things, we have become cowards and timid when it comes to calling an enemy an enemy. And it is impossible to fight an enemy you refuse to admit exists. As you'll remember, Obama instituted the policy of not even referring to “Islamic terrorism” as a reality and we are doomed to fail as long as we refuse to name our enemy.
Without the ability, or the wherewithal, to name a problem, it is impossible to address it correctly. That is Commonsense 101.
As long as there are people and cultures in this world that are starkly different from us in fundamental ways, we have to be willing to recognize the difference and understand it has nothing to do with racism or bigotry but survival, especially when those differences are life-threatening. Liberals bemoan the idea of walls and even having a border is declared inhumane. This is lunacy and self-destructive for a nation.
We may think that seeing the best in other cultures is taking the enlightened path and shows our superiority over hatred when in fact it shows how naïve we choose to be. Not all differences between us and others are bad, but to assume there is no difference is suicidal.
We continue to think that we should go to war in some justifiable instances, but we go with the premise that it is not necessary to win. So then, how can we do anything but forfeit blood and treasure for nothing?
America is not like any other nation on the planet or in that has ever existed in history but the new mindset seems to be that we are not exceptional. That myth will bring us down, not bring others up. We are not like all the others and the others will never be like us and to think otherwise is delusional and to be detached from reality. And rest assured, we will pay the price.
Glen Spicer