Friday, May 28, 2010

Our Prisons- Islamic Jihad Training Grounds

Speaking to a captive audience is a dream of many speakers. Radical Islam is speaking a captive audience everyday, literally.

Feeding on the discontent felt by prisoners incarcerated in our prison system, Islam is converting about 1/5 of those prisoners. What will happen when they get out, no one knows. It cannot be ignored however that they had a penchant toward crime and anti-social behavior when they went in so how can it be any better to have been recruited by hate-filled imams while there?

We incarcerate prisoners and forget about them. They are lost to society, but not to Islam and that appeals to these forgotten men and women, making them easy targets of radicals.

I found it curious that the current administration released a report a year ago citing their concern about disgruntled Vets and their being easily radicalized when the Department of Corrections is virtually handing over to radical Islamic advocates our prison population for their next line of soldiers.

We are concerned about our next door neighbor becoming a home-grown terrorist when the government is aiding in the process by allowing prisoners to be subjected to extremism when they’re looking for someone to blame for their "unjust" treatment.

Most all of these, but not all, are black prisoners. Islam uses whatever tool it can to wage jihad on its own behalf and here is a ready and willing population to fill the bill. In the 70's there was concern and still today one occasionally hears of a coming "race war" in the United States.

Racism is still promoted and fed today. Inequality and class differences bring it to the forefront and now an army of radicals is being formed to level the playing field.

Interestingly enough, Islam has never been kind to the Black race. In Arabic the same word, abed, that is used to describe the color black is the same word used to describe a black slave. Slavery of the Black men and women of the past has always been practiced by Islam, even to the supplying of those slaves to America.

Slavery is so ingrained into the Islamic culture that there are 40 words in Arabic to describe one kind of slave or another. There is the white slave, the black slave, the child slave, and the runaway slave, among them. Muhammad boasted of having slaves and gave instruction as to how to obtain and treat slaves, right down to the rules governing the acceptable rape of slaves. Our society demonizes the “white man” for his role in slavery when the very slaves that were brought to our shores in the 17 and 1800’s were provided by Muslim slave traders.

Muhammad passed around slaves for the sexual pleasure of his commanders and even today Islamic clerics promote the notion that a “kafir”, a non-Muslim, is there for the taking and no different than a cow walking down the street.

Muhammad’s favorite sexual partner was a white slave woman and even today a white woman is thought of as the most valued slave for sexual pleasure and brings the highest price on the market. Information on Islamic slave practices would and indeed has filled volumes.

While Islamic participation does not excuse the practice here in our early years as a country, it certainly also does not excuse the role Islam has played in the practice. Today it is estimated that 400,000 Muslim-held slaves exist in Africa, but rarely is that mentioned because it is so Politically Incorrect to criticize Islam.

To address the problem is deemed Islamophobic and even the mentioning of it is frowned upon. The United Nations considers it "hate speech" against the religion of Islam to even bring it up. It is acceptable to cite the involvement of the white men who engaged in the practice, but to mention the suppliers that kept millions captive is unacceptable, even though it still exists today.

Because slavery is mentioned in the Koran and the Hadith and because Muhammad himself set the example, slavery cannot be eradicated from Islam. It will always be a part of the "Religion of Peace" to own human beings as property.

As a senator running for the office of president, Barack Hussein Obama, himself with a Muslim background he proudly claimed in speeches given around the world after the election, said that the practice of human trafficking would be a “top priority” of his as president. This promise is as forgotten as the other platitudes he spewed to pander to voters in order to gain his unqualified term in office.

Now that he is in president, he is more concerned about the control of your life and mine than he is of effectively hindering the slave trade. He admitted publicly to Pastor Rick Warren in his televised interview that it is a problem right here in America concerning thousands held against their will, but even that doesn’t seem enough of a motivation for him to address the challenge. Indeed he might be more concerned about the slave traders having health insurance than the business they are in. I say that with my tongue only partly in my cheek.

Muslim Chaplains continue their quest for recruits and the government, the press and the penal system not only turn a blind eye to it, they encourage and even fund it. Yes, our government is funding the recruitment and training of terrorists in the United States Bureau of Prisons. How are they doing this? This is accomplished by the shameless appointment of Islamic Chaplains in the prison system.

Imam Warith-Deen Umar was one of the first Muslim chaplains to be hired to lead prayer in prisons. Responsible for the hiring and firing of chaplains he created a force of 56 Muslim chaplains in the state of New York alone. His radical views and pro-9/11 mentality was widely known by the government but not challenged for years.

The government report entitled the “Review of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Selection of Muslim Religious Service Providers” stated that Umar, himself a Black Muslim convert and ex-con, believed that “black inmates who converted to Islam in prison were logical recruits for committing future terrorist attacks against the United States”.

Yet our government has the audacity to tell us to be on the lookout for such “right-wing” radicals that are signified by their views against illegal immigration, who believe in the end time Biblical prophesies, returning vets, and pro-life advocates as the real terrorist threats to the country.

Our prisons are the brewing pot getting read to boil over and the mess it will make will not be pretty. A small spark has historically been all that was needed to ignite race riots, looting, destruction of personal property and even killings. When the spark is lit that will ignite the coming race crisis in this country, the ranks filled by Black Muslim prison converts will reek more havoc that we can imagine. It will be their time to “get even”.

Destroying America from the inside has always been an easier task to accomplish than doing it from without. It is more feasible today than it was in the past. The best time to stop such a tragedy is to squelch it before it happens but no one is paying attention to the gathering forces.

The inflamed rhetoric is going forth. The kindling is being piled up in the form of discontented prisoners and the blaze will reach the heavens when the spark is added to the mix. Neighbor will be turned against neighbor when the color of ones skin and the ideology of ones thinking will be all it takes to define the “enemy”. America’s second Civil War is not that far in the future, though wishful thinkers would rather ignore the smoke beginning to rise than stamp it out.

We cannot afford such a conflict. The economic, financial and human toll it will bring will be insurmountable. America has many enemies seeking here destruction. The most dangerous ones are those right inside our gates. It’s the enemy we ignore that will refuse to be ignored any longer and our governmental agencies are gathering the fuel and stoking the flame and no one yet sees the small plume of smoke that already is rising on the horizon.

To stop it, a drastic shift must occur in the thinking of the leadership and the individual citizen of this country. And although it will rail against the promise of President Barack Obama that we are not and never will be at war with Islam, that shift must include the naming of our greatest enemy, political Islam.

The Political Correctness that shelters our enemies is a hindrance that must be expunged from our society if we are to be effective in the preservation of America as a free land. Name the enemy America for until you do you’ll be powerless to wage an effective campaign against it, and we will most assuredly lose the war of a lifetime.

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