A question has been nagging at me. And while it might seem like a small technicality, the implications are worth considering.
In President Barack Obama’s failed attempt at convincing all Americans that he is a Christian, mostly simply by saying he is one, he has never made “things perfectly clear” as he so often attempts to do.
What would make it appear clearer? Perhaps the statement that might clear it up for more Americans, about 1 in 5 of which believe him to indeed be a Muslim, would be to emphatically state, “I am not nor have I ever been a Muslim”.
This would do two things. First it would possibly convince a few more Americans of his Christianity. Secondly, and possibly more important to Obama, it would alienate the Muslim community who has always expected to receive great benefit from his entering the White House as “their” president.
Should Muslims believe that he is not one of them, his failing attempt to convince them that he wants to improve American-Muslim relations, would completely collapse. He would be seen as an apostate, which in Islam is a sin worthy of death, not a popular role to assume for one who panders to Islam and seeks to be embraced by them.
Obama’s habit of lying on almost every occasion and about almost every issue he touches upon would keep some from believing him even if he renounced Islam. There may be validity in that skepticism because that could also be merely a lie. In the Islamic practice of Taqiyya, or Sacred Deception, a Muslim is not only allowed to but is encouraged to lie and deceive non-Muslims to advances Islam.
Rev. Billy Graham saw many people come to the altar around the world and accept Jesus without laying aside their previously held traditions or former religion. They were taking on another religion but were also holding onto the former ones they believed in. As such, claiming to be a Christian in itself is thin evidence to ones Christianity and even denouncing Islam may not be enough.
So how do we decide? We learned long ago that “we shall know them by their works”. What people do gives us a greater clue as to who they are than what they say. Even a child knows the phrase “action speaks louder than words”. So it seems a valid part of the decision making process to consider the fruit a person produces.
Obama’s continual pandering to Islam and the Muslim community is far out of balance for an American president, not even taking into consideration his “Christian” faith. Three speeches were made to the Muslim community before he felt inclined to speak to the very people who elected him. His first task was to speak to those who helped shaped his Muslim heritage that he boasted of in his speech in Turkey.
If you add to these concerns his Freudian slip while speaking in an interview with George Stephanopoulos where he referred to his “Muslim faith” without batting an eye and his gaff where he spoke of visiting 57 states during his campaign, (the Organization of Islamic States has 57 states), things get muddled.
A look at Obama’s endorsements as he ran for president turns up people like Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam and known Jew-hater. I find it odd that a Muslim with such influence would endorse a man he perceived to be an Israeli-supporting Christian.
Only days after Obama told the world in his Cairo speech that America is no longer a Christian nation, he spoke at Georgetown University where he had a Christian cross and a symbol of Jesus Christ covered with a piece of plywood painted black. Would he have instructed the same be done of the Islamic crescent moon. I doubt it.
In one of his book Obama praised the influence of the Muslim leader Malcolm X, who was very racist in his outlook of America. Obama has shown his own racism when opportunities present itself, the Professor Gates incident being one example. Going to Rev. Wright’s church certainly fed Obama’s racism as he sat under teachings inspired by Black Liberation Theology which promotes racism toward whites.
Why is racism important in this discussion of Obama’s religion? Islam was founded by Muhammad as a religion that he hoped would appeal to the Jewish community. He borrowed from their sacred Scriptures, twisting the stories to fit his own purpose, with the aim of convincing them that he was the last of the prophets in the same line as Adam, Abraham, Moses, David Jesus and others.
This did not work too well because the Jewish stories had been told and retold for centuries and the Jewish people knew Muhammad’s versions were perversions of what they knew to be the truth.
After 13 years of trying to convince them that his religion was in line with their own and that Allah was handing him revelations they should adhere to, he only garnering 150 converts. Having had enough, the Jews of Mecca exiled Muhammad. He traveled north about 100 miles to Medina and after about a year his “revelations” from Allah began to change. Suddenly the Jews, people Muhammad wanted so to be accepted by, became his enemies. He stole their property, beat them and exiled them from their homes.
When he began to deal with the third and last of the three tribes in Medina, he wasn’t satisfied to simply rob them of their possessions, beat them and send them into the desert to find a new home. This time he murdered 800-900 Jewish men and boys and enslaved their women. Since that day, Jews have been hated by Muslims. They are considered to be the offspring of apes and pigs according to the Qur’an. Muhammad himself added they were also rats.
Racism against Jews is ingrained into Islam and it grew into hatred against Christians and all non-Muslims. Only Muslim life is worthy of being seen as sacred by Islam. Racism abounds today in Islam.
How does this tie into Obama and our perception of his faith? When visiting the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was left alone in a room until he would come around to Obama’s point of view concerning Israel. Obama wanted Israel to stop building on their own property and give into Palestinian demands. Obama went to dinner and left the leader of a foreign country in his room as if he was a naughty child. Obama’s racism against Israel stems from his Islamic background and upbringing.
On no occasion has his “Christianity” caused him to act like one but his Muslim heritage seems to be what he relies upon for guidance. Whether Obama is a Muslim or not, perhaps only he and God knows. But if he were indeed a Muslim there is little he would have to change in his life. His visits to the Capitol Hill Islamic prayer meeting where he removes his shoes and prays with his Muslim visitors stands out in stark contrast to his profession of Christianity. His refusal to attend a Christian church with his family any longer smacks in opposition to his claims of Christianity as well.
As Thomas Jefferson truthfully proclaimed, "Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." It also helps us to see who others are at their core as well. Their actions will delineate and define them. If there is anything that speaks louder than Obama's teleprompter-reading rhetoric, it is his actions.
In spite of all we have begun to learn of the racism, bigotry and hatred Islam extends toward all non-Muslims, Obama seems to be in a continual state of praise for the religion. In Cairo he referred to Islam as a 'revealed' religion. This simple use of that one word reveals that Barack Hussein Obama believes that Islam is a faith revealed to the world by God Himself. Who else was it to have been revealed by?
While most in America missed the importance of that statement, I am certain it was not wasted on the Muslim community he addressed because it reaffirmed their belief that their faith was revealed to Muhammad directly from God as they have always claimed. What Christian would have uttered such words. Not even in the desire to be tolerant would any Christian who knows what their Christianity is founded upon would have made such a claim.
Calling the murder of 13 people in the Fort Hood massacre carried out by a devout Muslim calling himself a “Soldier of Allah” is merely an example of “workplace violence” as seen by Obama’s administration. It is further proof of his attempt to either pander to the feelings of Muslims or blatantly seek to advance Islam by white-washing its acts of violence.
Muslim, Christian or apostate? Until Obama shows himself definitively to be one or the other, people will question his faith, and his leadership. Should he indeed be a Muslim at heart, it will certainly affect the way he governs this country. It already has. And that makes this issue bigger than any of us want to admit.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Clearing Up The Confusion Behind the NYC Mosque
With all the confusion surrounding the building of New York City’s Ground Zero mosque, willful blindness seems to prevail. Granted that the building site is over 2 blocks from actual Ground Zero, but a part of one of the planes ended up inside the abandoned building on 9/11. That makes it in my opinion a part of Ground Zero.
The White House has said that the building of the mosque is a “local” issue, forgetting that all of America was attacked on that September morning, not just New York City. This seems to be a fact that NY politicians are willing to over look as they pander to Islam’s whims and wished.
The argument being made by some, mainly Liberal Democrats & Islamic apologists, is that the proposed NYC mosque is not being built on hollowed ground at all since it is a couple of blocks away, like that really makes any difference. ALL America is hallowed ground and I re-emphasize, all of America was attacked on 9/11.
Are we to suppose that had the attack been made Memphis, TN or Lexington, KY that it would simply be their concern. Apparently that perspective might be taken by national leaders as we saw how the devastating floods of Nashville were ignored while Liberal politicians clamored to send aid to Haiti and more recently to Pakistan.
We all know how our national government responded to the Katrina disaster and yet the State Department is currently using our taxpayer money to send a radical Muslim around the Middle East to find funds for the mosque.
Some may disagree with the term radical as opposed to the White House position that he Feisal Abdul Rauf is a “moderate” Muslim. Yet as he still refuses to label Hamas a terrorist organization, and as he has written in his book that this mosque is seen as an outreach tool to advance Islam in America, and since he supports Sharia Law being implemented in the U.S., I find it very difficult to call him a moderate.
Basically I have trouble with the term “moderate Muslim” anyway. A true, practicing Muslim believes the words in the Qur’an are the infallible, incorruptible word of Allah as spoken to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel and as such cannot be revised or changed. Why change that which is perfect?
To become a Muslim, one must recite the Shahada which is "ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH". Translated it means "I bear witness that there is no deity (none truely to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah".
A true Muslim also believes that Muhammad is “an excellent model of conduct” (Qur’an 33:21) and an “exalted standard of character” (Qur’an 68:4). All true Muslims are likewise Muhammadians, accepting his example as the purist form of adherence to Allah’s bidding and instruction.
Why is it so important for Islamic apologists to demand acceptance of the myth that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”? Think about the alternative. If Extremists did not hijack the peaceful religion in an attempt to make it violent, then it is in fact violent in nature and our war against terrorism actually IS a war on Islam.
This is a frightening thought to those who would rather ignore 1400 years of historical evidence in an attempt to morph Islam into a sort of modern, watered-down version of simply a benign religious movement promoting peace for all.
Easily seen, this was not at the core of Islam nor was it the motivation of Muhammad who called for, and initiated jihad to promote, Islamic supremacy. Muhammad’s dying words were that all Jews were to be driven from Arabia, and in the following years they were. His last campaign was design to do the same thing to the Christians and though he died before initiating it, his followers have carried on that fight as well for centuries.
It would have been a wonderful revelation if Muhammad had instructed his followers that after his death they were to extend a loving out reach to all people everywhere and use love, compassion and tolerance as a means to bring people to Allah. However, since that is not the truth, his actual instruction negates once again all previous peacefulness from Islam.
The practice of “Abrogation”, the nullifying of former instructions of Allah and previous verses in the Qur’an that conflicted with later revelations, in effect replaces the “peaceful” Muhammad with the warrior Muhammad. Abrogation also replaces the peaceful verses of the Qur’an with the ones calling for punishment of all non-Muslims for their rejection of Allah and his prophet. Whatever came later is the final word of Allah and Muhammad. It trumps all other revelations, instruction or decrees. Period. End of discussion.
That is why the life and practices of Muhammad is of paramount importance in Islam and cannot be neglected in any attempt to understand the philosophy. Based on this truth and the eternal reverence of Muhammad and the Qur’anic text, moderate Muslims exist only in the identity of those who deny Muhammad, deny the instructions of the Qur’an, and question the incorruptible word of Allah. For those I have only one question: What makes you think you are Muslim?
If Islam is radical then all true Muslims are radicals as well, and no apology by wishful thinking political leaders or laymen can ever change that. Islam can only be changed from within, and since such an act would be construed as offensive to Allah and Muhammad, such an individual would probably not live long in an Islamic country. Deviating from the eternal word of Allah carries a death sentence so how can true reform ever become a reality when its advocates are certain to be labeled apostates and have a fatwa (religious proclamation) sworn against them?
When a cartoonist who dares depict Muhammad in any form is targeted for murder, how far would one get who tries to discredit the word of Allah or Muhammad by saying they are less than perfect and need changing? Reform of Islam is simply not possible.
There is one possibility however, and that is to change the “appearance” of Islam to seem peaceful and tolerant. This is done by Taqiyya, a form of Sacred Deception allowed and promoted by Muhammad and Allah so as to advance Islam by resenting a false face before non-Muslims. We see this every time a Muslim on TV claims Islam is a religion of peace or that vocal clerics proclaiming jihad and death to America are not representing the “true” Islam. In all actuality, they are representing it faithfully as commanded by Allah and his prophet Muhammad.
So where does that leave us on the New York City Ground Zero mosque issue? With one understanding, one which recognizes that the “hijackers” of Islam former President George W. Bush referred to that carried out the attacks on America on 9/11/01 do not exist. They were in fact following 1400 year old, unchangeable, perfect orders from Allah and his prophet to “…strike terror into the hearts of the kafirs because they worship others besides Allah, which He gave them no permission to do. Their home will be the Fire, a terrible resting place for the evildoers”. (Qur’an 3:151)
“Moderate” Muslims might say this verse is not correctly interrupted and that such actions are not really required of Muslims. Their Hadith Bukhari 4,52,46 tells a different story. Muhammad said: “A Muslim holy warrior, fighting for Allah’s cause is like a person who does nothing but fast and pray. Allah promises that anyone killed while fighting for His cause will be admitted without question to Paradise. If such a holy warrior survives the battles, he can return home with the captured property and possession of the defeated”.
And what of the Muslim who refuses to fight in Allah’s cause? Muhammad said according to Hadith Muslim 020,4696 that “the man who dies without participating in jihad, who never desired to wage holy war, dies the death of a hypocrite”.
As we understand it, a hypocrite is one who says one thing and acts not in accordance with that believe. Therefore to say one is a Muslim and yet to not desire to participate in jihad makes one a hypocrite. So much for the moderate Muslim.
Some apologists try and deflect the issue by saying the NYC mosque has nothing to do with 9/11 but is merely the Muslim people exercising their right to practice religious freedom. If the NYC mosque has nothing to do with Ground Zero, why do some Muslims say it is a monument to honor the dead of 9/11 attacks? Why did they want to open in on 9/11? That would be a strange coincidence.
Are not “houses of worship” built in areas where there are people to attend them? Why then is the preferred building site of the NYC Ground Zero mosque lower Manhattan where no Muslims live, especially considering the fact that 100 other, more conveniently located mosques, already exist?
David A. Paterson, Governor of New York, sought to diffuse the tension surrounding the issue by offering Muslims another piece of ground farther from Ground Zero to build on and they flatly refused. Why, if it has nothing to do with Ground Zero and the site of the 9/11 attacks?
Also, if the mosque is meant to build bridges between the religions, why are not a Christian Chapel or a Jewish Synagogue being incorporated into it? Why does the design not have a Cross or a Star of David on it if the mosque is considered to be a symbol of multi-cultural outreach? Simple. It is not a symbol of out reach but a symbol of Islamic victory over a destroyed piece of American real estate and a place where the lives of almost 3,000 Americans were murdered in the name of Allah and Islam.
All the arguments you are hearing and will continue to hear while this debate ensues in defense of the mosque, is pure Taqiyya, statements of deception designed to make uninformed non-Muslims think it is a religious issue and not a political one. If we can be convinced it is religious freedom being assaulted by those opposing it, then the country will fall in line to promote the building of it. America is all about religious freedom, unless of course, you are promoting Christianity, which has been under attack by Liberals for decades aided by the ACLU and others.
We all know that it is forbidden to place a Christmas manger scene on government property such as a public park or courthouse square because of the myth of “Separation of Church and State”. That makes it even more curious when you discover that taxpayer dollars are used to build foot baths in airport so Muslims can wash their feet before they travel as commanded by their religion. What happened to that so strongly enforced separation in those cases?
If people understand that Islam’s building of the NYC mosque is a political statement, as is evidenced by the facts stated above, and not so much a religious freedom issue, then it should be treated as a foreign political system seeking approval to build a headquarters in the United States. As such it must be denied.
Islam has spread through the ages based on ignorance. Conquered individuals were prohibited from studying the life of Muhammad, (the Sira), and forbidden to read the Qur’an. Islam is designed to keep those it wants to conquer ignorant of its methods and goals. It wants us to rely on what they say and ignore our instincts, and never to question the wisdom of Islam.
In America, we sometimes have the nasty habit of wanting to know the truth and the facts concerning issues that confront us. Sometimes we are mislead by silver-tongued rhetoric and don’t follow our gut. Sometimes we follow the hapless crowd and want to see “history” made at all costs.
We are learning that such adherence to following without questioning is dangerous and leads us down roads we would not have chosen to travel had we only questioned what was being handed us to believe.
America is under assault by Islam all across the nation. Until and unless we refuse to follow the dictates of Political Correctness and question what we are told not to question, we will continue to stumble in the dark, watching our country being dismantled right before our eyes and we won’t even know what happened.
I am certain you have been admonished before, as Thomas Jefferson said, to question with boldness. Only them will Taqiyya be seen for what it is and the truth about this mosque, and about Islam in general, be exposed for the anti-liberty and anti-freedom philosophy it is.
This is about more than a single building being built upon a particular block in New York City that will never be seen by most Americans. It is about the liberty and freedom that is being assaulted daily in every city in America, aimed at every individual in America, by a system that would happily steal those qualities that make America what it is today if we would allow it through our ignorance.
Refuse to be ignorant and refuse to be silent. Your freedoms are at state. America is at stake. Islam, Sharia Law in incompatible with the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our much cherished freedom. The only thing necessary for the evil of Islam to triumph is for true Americans to remain silent and do nothing.
The White House has said that the building of the mosque is a “local” issue, forgetting that all of America was attacked on that September morning, not just New York City. This seems to be a fact that NY politicians are willing to over look as they pander to Islam’s whims and wished.
The argument being made by some, mainly Liberal Democrats & Islamic apologists, is that the proposed NYC mosque is not being built on hollowed ground at all since it is a couple of blocks away, like that really makes any difference. ALL America is hallowed ground and I re-emphasize, all of America was attacked on 9/11.
Are we to suppose that had the attack been made Memphis, TN or Lexington, KY that it would simply be their concern. Apparently that perspective might be taken by national leaders as we saw how the devastating floods of Nashville were ignored while Liberal politicians clamored to send aid to Haiti and more recently to Pakistan.
We all know how our national government responded to the Katrina disaster and yet the State Department is currently using our taxpayer money to send a radical Muslim around the Middle East to find funds for the mosque.
Some may disagree with the term radical as opposed to the White House position that he Feisal Abdul Rauf is a “moderate” Muslim. Yet as he still refuses to label Hamas a terrorist organization, and as he has written in his book that this mosque is seen as an outreach tool to advance Islam in America, and since he supports Sharia Law being implemented in the U.S., I find it very difficult to call him a moderate.
Basically I have trouble with the term “moderate Muslim” anyway. A true, practicing Muslim believes the words in the Qur’an are the infallible, incorruptible word of Allah as spoken to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel and as such cannot be revised or changed. Why change that which is perfect?
To become a Muslim, one must recite the Shahada which is "ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH". Translated it means "I bear witness that there is no deity (none truely to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah".
A true Muslim also believes that Muhammad is “an excellent model of conduct” (Qur’an 33:21) and an “exalted standard of character” (Qur’an 68:4). All true Muslims are likewise Muhammadians, accepting his example as the purist form of adherence to Allah’s bidding and instruction.
Why is it so important for Islamic apologists to demand acceptance of the myth that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”? Think about the alternative. If Extremists did not hijack the peaceful religion in an attempt to make it violent, then it is in fact violent in nature and our war against terrorism actually IS a war on Islam.
This is a frightening thought to those who would rather ignore 1400 years of historical evidence in an attempt to morph Islam into a sort of modern, watered-down version of simply a benign religious movement promoting peace for all.
Easily seen, this was not at the core of Islam nor was it the motivation of Muhammad who called for, and initiated jihad to promote, Islamic supremacy. Muhammad’s dying words were that all Jews were to be driven from Arabia, and in the following years they were. His last campaign was design to do the same thing to the Christians and though he died before initiating it, his followers have carried on that fight as well for centuries.
It would have been a wonderful revelation if Muhammad had instructed his followers that after his death they were to extend a loving out reach to all people everywhere and use love, compassion and tolerance as a means to bring people to Allah. However, since that is not the truth, his actual instruction negates once again all previous peacefulness from Islam.
The practice of “Abrogation”, the nullifying of former instructions of Allah and previous verses in the Qur’an that conflicted with later revelations, in effect replaces the “peaceful” Muhammad with the warrior Muhammad. Abrogation also replaces the peaceful verses of the Qur’an with the ones calling for punishment of all non-Muslims for their rejection of Allah and his prophet. Whatever came later is the final word of Allah and Muhammad. It trumps all other revelations, instruction or decrees. Period. End of discussion.
That is why the life and practices of Muhammad is of paramount importance in Islam and cannot be neglected in any attempt to understand the philosophy. Based on this truth and the eternal reverence of Muhammad and the Qur’anic text, moderate Muslims exist only in the identity of those who deny Muhammad, deny the instructions of the Qur’an, and question the incorruptible word of Allah. For those I have only one question: What makes you think you are Muslim?
If Islam is radical then all true Muslims are radicals as well, and no apology by wishful thinking political leaders or laymen can ever change that. Islam can only be changed from within, and since such an act would be construed as offensive to Allah and Muhammad, such an individual would probably not live long in an Islamic country. Deviating from the eternal word of Allah carries a death sentence so how can true reform ever become a reality when its advocates are certain to be labeled apostates and have a fatwa (religious proclamation) sworn against them?
When a cartoonist who dares depict Muhammad in any form is targeted for murder, how far would one get who tries to discredit the word of Allah or Muhammad by saying they are less than perfect and need changing? Reform of Islam is simply not possible.
There is one possibility however, and that is to change the “appearance” of Islam to seem peaceful and tolerant. This is done by Taqiyya, a form of Sacred Deception allowed and promoted by Muhammad and Allah so as to advance Islam by resenting a false face before non-Muslims. We see this every time a Muslim on TV claims Islam is a religion of peace or that vocal clerics proclaiming jihad and death to America are not representing the “true” Islam. In all actuality, they are representing it faithfully as commanded by Allah and his prophet Muhammad.
So where does that leave us on the New York City Ground Zero mosque issue? With one understanding, one which recognizes that the “hijackers” of Islam former President George W. Bush referred to that carried out the attacks on America on 9/11/01 do not exist. They were in fact following 1400 year old, unchangeable, perfect orders from Allah and his prophet to “…strike terror into the hearts of the kafirs because they worship others besides Allah, which He gave them no permission to do. Their home will be the Fire, a terrible resting place for the evildoers”. (Qur’an 3:151)
“Moderate” Muslims might say this verse is not correctly interrupted and that such actions are not really required of Muslims. Their Hadith Bukhari 4,52,46 tells a different story. Muhammad said: “A Muslim holy warrior, fighting for Allah’s cause is like a person who does nothing but fast and pray. Allah promises that anyone killed while fighting for His cause will be admitted without question to Paradise. If such a holy warrior survives the battles, he can return home with the captured property and possession of the defeated”.
And what of the Muslim who refuses to fight in Allah’s cause? Muhammad said according to Hadith Muslim 020,4696 that “the man who dies without participating in jihad, who never desired to wage holy war, dies the death of a hypocrite”.
As we understand it, a hypocrite is one who says one thing and acts not in accordance with that believe. Therefore to say one is a Muslim and yet to not desire to participate in jihad makes one a hypocrite. So much for the moderate Muslim.
Some apologists try and deflect the issue by saying the NYC mosque has nothing to do with 9/11 but is merely the Muslim people exercising their right to practice religious freedom. If the NYC mosque has nothing to do with Ground Zero, why do some Muslims say it is a monument to honor the dead of 9/11 attacks? Why did they want to open in on 9/11? That would be a strange coincidence.
Are not “houses of worship” built in areas where there are people to attend them? Why then is the preferred building site of the NYC Ground Zero mosque lower Manhattan where no Muslims live, especially considering the fact that 100 other, more conveniently located mosques, already exist?
David A. Paterson, Governor of New York, sought to diffuse the tension surrounding the issue by offering Muslims another piece of ground farther from Ground Zero to build on and they flatly refused. Why, if it has nothing to do with Ground Zero and the site of the 9/11 attacks?
Also, if the mosque is meant to build bridges between the religions, why are not a Christian Chapel or a Jewish Synagogue being incorporated into it? Why does the design not have a Cross or a Star of David on it if the mosque is considered to be a symbol of multi-cultural outreach? Simple. It is not a symbol of out reach but a symbol of Islamic victory over a destroyed piece of American real estate and a place where the lives of almost 3,000 Americans were murdered in the name of Allah and Islam.
All the arguments you are hearing and will continue to hear while this debate ensues in defense of the mosque, is pure Taqiyya, statements of deception designed to make uninformed non-Muslims think it is a religious issue and not a political one. If we can be convinced it is religious freedom being assaulted by those opposing it, then the country will fall in line to promote the building of it. America is all about religious freedom, unless of course, you are promoting Christianity, which has been under attack by Liberals for decades aided by the ACLU and others.
We all know that it is forbidden to place a Christmas manger scene on government property such as a public park or courthouse square because of the myth of “Separation of Church and State”. That makes it even more curious when you discover that taxpayer dollars are used to build foot baths in airport so Muslims can wash their feet before they travel as commanded by their religion. What happened to that so strongly enforced separation in those cases?
If people understand that Islam’s building of the NYC mosque is a political statement, as is evidenced by the facts stated above, and not so much a religious freedom issue, then it should be treated as a foreign political system seeking approval to build a headquarters in the United States. As such it must be denied.
Islam has spread through the ages based on ignorance. Conquered individuals were prohibited from studying the life of Muhammad, (the Sira), and forbidden to read the Qur’an. Islam is designed to keep those it wants to conquer ignorant of its methods and goals. It wants us to rely on what they say and ignore our instincts, and never to question the wisdom of Islam.
In America, we sometimes have the nasty habit of wanting to know the truth and the facts concerning issues that confront us. Sometimes we are mislead by silver-tongued rhetoric and don’t follow our gut. Sometimes we follow the hapless crowd and want to see “history” made at all costs.
We are learning that such adherence to following without questioning is dangerous and leads us down roads we would not have chosen to travel had we only questioned what was being handed us to believe.
America is under assault by Islam all across the nation. Until and unless we refuse to follow the dictates of Political Correctness and question what we are told not to question, we will continue to stumble in the dark, watching our country being dismantled right before our eyes and we won’t even know what happened.
I am certain you have been admonished before, as Thomas Jefferson said, to question with boldness. Only them will Taqiyya be seen for what it is and the truth about this mosque, and about Islam in general, be exposed for the anti-liberty and anti-freedom philosophy it is.
This is about more than a single building being built upon a particular block in New York City that will never be seen by most Americans. It is about the liberty and freedom that is being assaulted daily in every city in America, aimed at every individual in America, by a system that would happily steal those qualities that make America what it is today if we would allow it through our ignorance.
Refuse to be ignorant and refuse to be silent. Your freedoms are at state. America is at stake. Islam, Sharia Law in incompatible with the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our much cherished freedom. The only thing necessary for the evil of Islam to triumph is for true Americans to remain silent and do nothing.
New York City,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Islam's Assault Upon Women And Decency
Growing up in America, young boys become aware at one point of the existence of girls. Oh, we always knew they existed but one day, almost without warning, we really knew they existed.
Before that period they were baseball buddies, everyday companions and the softer side, sometimes anyway, of our friend relationships. We all knew ‘tomboys’ who could run and catch and slide into second base with the best of us.
Suddenly, we noticed the differences and the pleasing aspects we had been almost blind to before. Winning the attention and affection of them became a focus for us. In school anyone who was ‘normal’ had a girlfriend, or two. And those curious beings that had once been just another kid on the baseball team or soccer squad suddenly became valuable and wonderfully different.
In America girls and women play a prominent role in the culture, almost an esteemed one. Often placed upon pedestals they define beauty for many of us. Their very presence softens our tough exterior and life is never the same after that realization, and we would not have it any other way. The female half of our society rarely gets the credit for being the treasure they were always designed and created to be.
Across the world there are varied cultures that are never blessed to see women in that way. For centuries they have been seen as possessions, less intelligent and inherently inferior to the men who almost always run those societies. As this global world becomes smaller and the associations between countries become more commonplace, those differences become glaring.
The things we used to abhor, if we were cognizant of them at all, always took place on the other side of the world, in dark mysterious lands with cultures we knew little of. The world is different know. The atrocities that happen over seas now end up on our TVs and certainly our computer screens less than an hour later. As the world shrinks the global community that is mankind is enormously affected by every violent act as soon as it happens.
The face of America is changing, some say for the better, though I have my doubts. The violence against women now not only happens in backward societies on the other side of the globe, it is being imported into our country. Certainly there has always been violence against women here, but not condoned by a system of government that not only allows it but condones and defends it boldly before the rest of the gasping world.
With the increase of Islamic infiltration into our society we are being met with challenges we have never had to face. Islamic Sharia Law as practiced in Islamic countries today, calls for the stoning of women who report being raped because it takes four witnesses to prove she was a victim and that is highly unlike to be the case in rape.
So the victim of the rape also becomes the victim of the judicial system that sees her as one who has shamed her family and dishonored the morals of Islam. As such her torment continues even after the horrendous rape stops.
Rape in Muslim countries is almost a constant. Muslim clerics accuse women who improperly expose a lock of hair on their forehead, an ankle or a wrist as sending an invitation to be raped. It is as if Muslim men are powerless to resist an inch of flesh. Of course, to blame women is absurd in such cases but in the Islamic society, run by men without conscious, it is a daily occurrence.
Raped women are tried for adultery if they are married or for improper sexual conduct if single. The bias against women in the law extends to even being seen in public talking to a man they are not married to and God help them if this conversation takes places in a more private setting.
Beatings of women, some publicly done are commonplace. Honor killings to “restore the family honor” happen often in Islamic societies.
A Jordanian man confessed to killing his 16-year-old niece to save his family’s ‘honor’ after she was sexually assaulted, according to a judicial official. She had been sexually assaulted by a man currently being tried for the crime but somehow she is seen not as a victim but as guilty and deserving punishment. Her uncle saw his duty as to kill her and did so with a machine gun, firing 30 rounds in her direction.
Murder in Jordan can carry the death sentence but if it is proven to be a justified killing, the court can reduce the sentence or commute it altogether. Such is Sharia justice for women.
In Afghanistan, a country we are trying to free of oppression and terrorism, the effects sometimes seem insignificant. There, Bibi Sanubar, a pregnant Afghan widow, was publicly given 200 lashes for “alleged adultery” by Taliban religious leaders. Following her savage beating she was shot in the head three times for her “crime”.
According to the UK Mirror, insurgent commander Mullah Daoud said the woman was whipped, then shot in front of locals after he and two other Taliban chiefs passed sentence. Daoud said: “We gave this decision so in future no one should have these illegal affairs. We whipped her in front of all the local people, to show them an example. Then we shot her.”
Muslim men can however feed their sexual desire in several ways. It is permissible to have up to four wives and Muslim men have the ability to enter into a “nikah mut’a, or temporary marriage which can be simply overnight, a few days or longer if he chooses. The man pays a fee for this ‘right’ and once they agree on a time frame and it is completed, the deal is done and they walk away.
This arrangement sounds much more like legalized prostitution than a ‘marriage’ as is basically a way to get around that taboo. Women, by the way, do not control such arrangements just as they are not in control of a marriage, a divorce nor are they permitted to have four husbands even though Muslim men can legally have up to four wives.
A Muslim man can verbally say, “I divorce you” three times and they are legally divorced. A woman cannot however divorce so easily. Women’s rights are almost non-existent in Islam although Islamic apologists say that women are “protected and honored”. One Muslim woman even described herself as a Muslim wife as being one of liberation. I have great difficulty with that idea.
Abdullah Aal Mahmoud, a Middle Eastern Muslim Cleric instructs on the specifics of a man’s permissible treatment of his wife when he states, "If the husband wants to use beatings to control his wife" he "must not cause bleeding or bruises to her body," and "breaking bones is not allowed." Beating one's wife is acceptable, but taking it to the point of serious physical injury "violates the laws of Allah," he proclaimed.
The ancient act of stoning is alive and well in Islamic countries today. An estimated 40-50 women are in prison awaiting stoning for adultery charges in Iran at this present time. Stoning in Islam is designed to be cruel. Stones are chosen that are not too small as the will cause little pain. And they cannot be so large as to kill immediately, but are chosen with the idea that they are large enough to cause pain and when enough of them are thrown, it will eventually cause death. It is designed to be a torturous event.
Doesn’t that make you wonder why Muhammad so often said things like “Allah, the merciful and kind” and “Allah knows best”?
In Tehran, there are an estimated 84,000 women and girls involved in prostitution, many on street corners while others work out of the 250 brothels that reportedly operate in the city. The trade is also international as thousands of Iranian women and young girls have been sold into sexual slavery abroad. They have even been discovered in America.
The taking of slaves is ingrained in Islam. Muhammad himself had many slaves and wrote extensively of the allowing of Muslim men to rapes women slaves. Muhammad claimed his favorite sex slave was a white woman he acquired. If Muhammad did it, no Muslim will ever claim it is wrong. Disrespect for Muhammad is a killing offense in Islam.
Women have always been treated as property to do with as Muslim men please. The dualism of Islam says do not beat your women, but if you do, try not to hit them in the face. A wife who does not please her husband can be barred for the bed and forced to sleep in another room (not sure why that is considered punishment) but if that doesn’t straighten her out, the husband can beat her “lightly”.
Any culture that not only makes allowances for the beating of women, not to mention the stoning and murder of them as punishment for trumpeted-up charges, has no place in a civilized world and will always be seen as evil by any decent society. Such practices were allowed in early America but a sign of a progressive society is that it makes changes over time. Slavery was eventually abolished in America, but Islam still holds onto the right to enslave, rape and beat both men and women.
Islam allows for no evolution of its philosophy and rules but it does allow for “appearing” to change while they are small in number and until they can take control of a society. Muslims can lie and deceive to advance Islam as long as their heart knows the real truth. This makes believability on the part of kafirs (non-Muslims) suspect. Finding that line between deception and out-right lies difficult to find.
Sadly, this problem has crept into our country as traditional beliefs are brought here by Muslims who adhere to such strict interpretation of their law. And this is why an alarm must be sounded.
The Sharia Academy of America has online courses and branches in Detroit, Houston, Montreal Canada, and Tampa, Florida with the goal of spreading acceptance of Sharia Law here in the United States. Sharia is completely incompatible with the Constitution of the United States, not to mention incompatible with humanity as a whole.
Some sections of this country already are imposing Sharia “Light” upon its citizens. Dearborn, Michigan saw the arrest of four Christian men who were peaceably (as proven by video evidence) passing out the Gospel of John written in Arabic to Muslims on the street outside of an Arab Festival. Proselytizing for any religion other than Islam is forbidden in Islamic countries, and is also forbidden in some places here it seems.
With Sharia compliance comes permission to restrict freedom of speech and religion, subjugate women and impose an ideology foreign to the decency of the American way of life. This must be guarded against vigilantly.
It is our blind allegiance to Political Correctness that keeps us from confronting the dangers that are present in Islamic culture. As we strive to not be “culturally insensitive” we foolishly welcome ideals which oppose American virtues.
A New Jersey judge yields to the insanity of Islam when he claims a wife was not raped because in Islam a wife cannot refuse sex to her husband. This took place in an America courtroom, remember.
The judge stated, “This court does not feel that, under the circumstances, that this defendant had a criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault or to sexually contact the plaintiff when he did. The court believes that he was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited.”
So since when does an American judicial system excuse rape on the ground of “religious rights”? An appellant court overturned his ruling, but how long before such madness is eventually upheld in our attempt not to be seen as “Culturally insensitive”.
I believe it is time for a little cultural insensitivity in the name of humanity and simple right and wrong, before we lose our very soul.
Islam will never see women as the treasure they are and our deferring to their ideology will never bring reform, if reform is even possible. They will continue to be treated as inferior, less intelligent second class citizens by a religion of 1.5 billion people.
This insanity must not be condoned by the United States nor by decent people anywhere. Refusal to take a stand will result in the advancement of a cultural philosophy that will return us to the medieval attitudes that Islam still embraces today.
Before that period they were baseball buddies, everyday companions and the softer side, sometimes anyway, of our friend relationships. We all knew ‘tomboys’ who could run and catch and slide into second base with the best of us.
Suddenly, we noticed the differences and the pleasing aspects we had been almost blind to before. Winning the attention and affection of them became a focus for us. In school anyone who was ‘normal’ had a girlfriend, or two. And those curious beings that had once been just another kid on the baseball team or soccer squad suddenly became valuable and wonderfully different.
In America girls and women play a prominent role in the culture, almost an esteemed one. Often placed upon pedestals they define beauty for many of us. Their very presence softens our tough exterior and life is never the same after that realization, and we would not have it any other way. The female half of our society rarely gets the credit for being the treasure they were always designed and created to be.
Across the world there are varied cultures that are never blessed to see women in that way. For centuries they have been seen as possessions, less intelligent and inherently inferior to the men who almost always run those societies. As this global world becomes smaller and the associations between countries become more commonplace, those differences become glaring.
The things we used to abhor, if we were cognizant of them at all, always took place on the other side of the world, in dark mysterious lands with cultures we knew little of. The world is different know. The atrocities that happen over seas now end up on our TVs and certainly our computer screens less than an hour later. As the world shrinks the global community that is mankind is enormously affected by every violent act as soon as it happens.
The face of America is changing, some say for the better, though I have my doubts. The violence against women now not only happens in backward societies on the other side of the globe, it is being imported into our country. Certainly there has always been violence against women here, but not condoned by a system of government that not only allows it but condones and defends it boldly before the rest of the gasping world.
With the increase of Islamic infiltration into our society we are being met with challenges we have never had to face. Islamic Sharia Law as practiced in Islamic countries today, calls for the stoning of women who report being raped because it takes four witnesses to prove she was a victim and that is highly unlike to be the case in rape.
So the victim of the rape also becomes the victim of the judicial system that sees her as one who has shamed her family and dishonored the morals of Islam. As such her torment continues even after the horrendous rape stops.
Rape in Muslim countries is almost a constant. Muslim clerics accuse women who improperly expose a lock of hair on their forehead, an ankle or a wrist as sending an invitation to be raped. It is as if Muslim men are powerless to resist an inch of flesh. Of course, to blame women is absurd in such cases but in the Islamic society, run by men without conscious, it is a daily occurrence.
Raped women are tried for adultery if they are married or for improper sexual conduct if single. The bias against women in the law extends to even being seen in public talking to a man they are not married to and God help them if this conversation takes places in a more private setting.
Beatings of women, some publicly done are commonplace. Honor killings to “restore the family honor” happen often in Islamic societies.
A Jordanian man confessed to killing his 16-year-old niece to save his family’s ‘honor’ after she was sexually assaulted, according to a judicial official. She had been sexually assaulted by a man currently being tried for the crime but somehow she is seen not as a victim but as guilty and deserving punishment. Her uncle saw his duty as to kill her and did so with a machine gun, firing 30 rounds in her direction.
Murder in Jordan can carry the death sentence but if it is proven to be a justified killing, the court can reduce the sentence or commute it altogether. Such is Sharia justice for women.
In Afghanistan, a country we are trying to free of oppression and terrorism, the effects sometimes seem insignificant. There, Bibi Sanubar, a pregnant Afghan widow, was publicly given 200 lashes for “alleged adultery” by Taliban religious leaders. Following her savage beating she was shot in the head three times for her “crime”.
According to the UK Mirror, insurgent commander Mullah Daoud said the woman was whipped, then shot in front of locals after he and two other Taliban chiefs passed sentence. Daoud said: “We gave this decision so in future no one should have these illegal affairs. We whipped her in front of all the local people, to show them an example. Then we shot her.”
Muslim men can however feed their sexual desire in several ways. It is permissible to have up to four wives and Muslim men have the ability to enter into a “nikah mut’a, or temporary marriage which can be simply overnight, a few days or longer if he chooses. The man pays a fee for this ‘right’ and once they agree on a time frame and it is completed, the deal is done and they walk away.
This arrangement sounds much more like legalized prostitution than a ‘marriage’ as is basically a way to get around that taboo. Women, by the way, do not control such arrangements just as they are not in control of a marriage, a divorce nor are they permitted to have four husbands even though Muslim men can legally have up to four wives.
A Muslim man can verbally say, “I divorce you” three times and they are legally divorced. A woman cannot however divorce so easily. Women’s rights are almost non-existent in Islam although Islamic apologists say that women are “protected and honored”. One Muslim woman even described herself as a Muslim wife as being one of liberation. I have great difficulty with that idea.
Abdullah Aal Mahmoud, a Middle Eastern Muslim Cleric instructs on the specifics of a man’s permissible treatment of his wife when he states, "If the husband wants to use beatings to control his wife" he "must not cause bleeding or bruises to her body," and "breaking bones is not allowed." Beating one's wife is acceptable, but taking it to the point of serious physical injury "violates the laws of Allah," he proclaimed.
The ancient act of stoning is alive and well in Islamic countries today. An estimated 40-50 women are in prison awaiting stoning for adultery charges in Iran at this present time. Stoning in Islam is designed to be cruel. Stones are chosen that are not too small as the will cause little pain. And they cannot be so large as to kill immediately, but are chosen with the idea that they are large enough to cause pain and when enough of them are thrown, it will eventually cause death. It is designed to be a torturous event.
Doesn’t that make you wonder why Muhammad so often said things like “Allah, the merciful and kind” and “Allah knows best”?
In Tehran, there are an estimated 84,000 women and girls involved in prostitution, many on street corners while others work out of the 250 brothels that reportedly operate in the city. The trade is also international as thousands of Iranian women and young girls have been sold into sexual slavery abroad. They have even been discovered in America.
The taking of slaves is ingrained in Islam. Muhammad himself had many slaves and wrote extensively of the allowing of Muslim men to rapes women slaves. Muhammad claimed his favorite sex slave was a white woman he acquired. If Muhammad did it, no Muslim will ever claim it is wrong. Disrespect for Muhammad is a killing offense in Islam.
Women have always been treated as property to do with as Muslim men please. The dualism of Islam says do not beat your women, but if you do, try not to hit them in the face. A wife who does not please her husband can be barred for the bed and forced to sleep in another room (not sure why that is considered punishment) but if that doesn’t straighten her out, the husband can beat her “lightly”.
Any culture that not only makes allowances for the beating of women, not to mention the stoning and murder of them as punishment for trumpeted-up charges, has no place in a civilized world and will always be seen as evil by any decent society. Such practices were allowed in early America but a sign of a progressive society is that it makes changes over time. Slavery was eventually abolished in America, but Islam still holds onto the right to enslave, rape and beat both men and women.
Islam allows for no evolution of its philosophy and rules but it does allow for “appearing” to change while they are small in number and until they can take control of a society. Muslims can lie and deceive to advance Islam as long as their heart knows the real truth. This makes believability on the part of kafirs (non-Muslims) suspect. Finding that line between deception and out-right lies difficult to find.
Sadly, this problem has crept into our country as traditional beliefs are brought here by Muslims who adhere to such strict interpretation of their law. And this is why an alarm must be sounded.
The Sharia Academy of America has online courses and branches in Detroit, Houston, Montreal Canada, and Tampa, Florida with the goal of spreading acceptance of Sharia Law here in the United States. Sharia is completely incompatible with the Constitution of the United States, not to mention incompatible with humanity as a whole.
Some sections of this country already are imposing Sharia “Light” upon its citizens. Dearborn, Michigan saw the arrest of four Christian men who were peaceably (as proven by video evidence) passing out the Gospel of John written in Arabic to Muslims on the street outside of an Arab Festival. Proselytizing for any religion other than Islam is forbidden in Islamic countries, and is also forbidden in some places here it seems.
With Sharia compliance comes permission to restrict freedom of speech and religion, subjugate women and impose an ideology foreign to the decency of the American way of life. This must be guarded against vigilantly.
It is our blind allegiance to Political Correctness that keeps us from confronting the dangers that are present in Islamic culture. As we strive to not be “culturally insensitive” we foolishly welcome ideals which oppose American virtues.
A New Jersey judge yields to the insanity of Islam when he claims a wife was not raped because in Islam a wife cannot refuse sex to her husband. This took place in an America courtroom, remember.
The judge stated, “This court does not feel that, under the circumstances, that this defendant had a criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault or to sexually contact the plaintiff when he did. The court believes that he was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited.”
So since when does an American judicial system excuse rape on the ground of “religious rights”? An appellant court overturned his ruling, but how long before such madness is eventually upheld in our attempt not to be seen as “Culturally insensitive”.
I believe it is time for a little cultural insensitivity in the name of humanity and simple right and wrong, before we lose our very soul.
Islam will never see women as the treasure they are and our deferring to their ideology will never bring reform, if reform is even possible. They will continue to be treated as inferior, less intelligent second class citizens by a religion of 1.5 billion people.
This insanity must not be condoned by the United States nor by decent people anywhere. Refusal to take a stand will result in the advancement of a cultural philosophy that will return us to the medieval attitudes that Islam still embraces today.
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