Monday, August 16, 2010

Clearing Up The Confusion Behind the NYC Mosque

With all the confusion surrounding the building of New York City’s Ground Zero mosque, willful blindness seems to prevail. Granted that the building site is over 2 blocks from actual Ground Zero, but a part of one of the planes ended up inside the abandoned building on 9/11. That makes it in my opinion a part of Ground Zero.

The White House has said that the building of the mosque is a “local” issue, forgetting that all of America was attacked on that September morning, not just New York City. This seems to be a fact that NY politicians are willing to over look as they pander to Islam’s whims and wished.

The argument being made by some, mainly Liberal Democrats & Islamic apologists, is that the proposed NYC mosque is not being built on hollowed ground at all since it is a couple of blocks away, like that really makes any difference. ALL America is hallowed ground and I re-emphasize, all of America was attacked on 9/11.

Are we to suppose that had the attack been made Memphis, TN or Lexington, KY that it would simply be their concern. Apparently that perspective might be taken by national leaders as we saw how the devastating floods of Nashville were ignored while Liberal politicians clamored to send aid to Haiti and more recently to Pakistan.

We all know how our national government responded to the Katrina disaster and yet the State Department is currently using our taxpayer money to send a radical Muslim around the Middle East to find funds for the mosque.

Some may disagree with the term radical as opposed to the White House position that he Feisal Abdul Rauf is a “moderate” Muslim. Yet as he still refuses to label Hamas a terrorist organization, and as he has written in his book that this mosque is seen as an outreach tool to advance Islam in America, and since he supports Sharia Law being implemented in the U.S., I find it very difficult to call him a moderate.

Basically I have trouble with the term “moderate Muslim” anyway. A true, practicing Muslim believes the words in the Qur’an are the infallible, incorruptible word of Allah as spoken to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel and as such cannot be revised or changed. Why change that which is perfect?

To become a Muslim, one must recite the Shahada which is "ASH-HADU ANLA ELAHA ILLA-ALLAH WA ASH-HADU ANNA MOHAMMADAN RASUL-ALLAH". Translated it means "I bear witness that there is no deity (none truely to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah".

A true Muslim also believes that Muhammad is “an excellent model of conduct” (Qur’an 33:21) and an “exalted standard of character” (Qur’an 68:4). All true Muslims are likewise Muhammadians, accepting his example as the purist form of adherence to Allah’s bidding and instruction.

Why is it so important for Islamic apologists to demand acceptance of the myth that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”? Think about the alternative. If Extremists did not hijack the peaceful religion in an attempt to make it violent, then it is in fact violent in nature and our war against terrorism actually IS a war on Islam.

This is a frightening thought to those who would rather ignore 1400 years of historical evidence in an attempt to morph Islam into a sort of modern, watered-down version of simply a benign religious movement promoting peace for all.

Easily seen, this was not at the core of Islam nor was it the motivation of Muhammad who called for, and initiated jihad to promote, Islamic supremacy. Muhammad’s dying words were that all Jews were to be driven from Arabia, and in the following years they were. His last campaign was design to do the same thing to the Christians and though he died before initiating it, his followers have carried on that fight as well for centuries.

It would have been a wonderful revelation if Muhammad had instructed his followers that after his death they were to extend a loving out reach to all people everywhere and use love, compassion and tolerance as a means to bring people to Allah. However, since that is not the truth, his actual instruction negates once again all previous peacefulness from Islam.

The practice of “Abrogation”, the nullifying of former instructions of Allah and previous verses in the Qur’an that conflicted with later revelations, in effect replaces the “peaceful” Muhammad with the warrior Muhammad. Abrogation also replaces the peaceful verses of the Qur’an with the ones calling for punishment of all non-Muslims for their rejection of Allah and his prophet. Whatever came later is the final word of Allah and Muhammad. It trumps all other revelations, instruction or decrees. Period. End of discussion.

That is why the life and practices of Muhammad is of paramount importance in Islam and cannot be neglected in any attempt to understand the philosophy. Based on this truth and the eternal reverence of Muhammad and the Qur’anic text, moderate Muslims exist only in the identity of those who deny Muhammad, deny the instructions of the Qur’an, and question the incorruptible word of Allah. For those I have only one question: What makes you think you are Muslim?

If Islam is radical then all true Muslims are radicals as well, and no apology by wishful thinking political leaders or laymen can ever change that. Islam can only be changed from within, and since such an act would be construed as offensive to Allah and Muhammad, such an individual would probably not live long in an Islamic country. Deviating from the eternal word of Allah carries a death sentence so how can true reform ever become a reality when its advocates are certain to be labeled apostates and have a fatwa (religious proclamation) sworn against them?

When a cartoonist who dares depict Muhammad in any form is targeted for murder, how far would one get who tries to discredit the word of Allah or Muhammad by saying they are less than perfect and need changing? Reform of Islam is simply not possible.

There is one possibility however, and that is to change the “appearance” of Islam to seem peaceful and tolerant. This is done by Taqiyya, a form of Sacred Deception allowed and promoted by Muhammad and Allah so as to advance Islam by resenting a false face before non-Muslims. We see this every time a Muslim on TV claims Islam is a religion of peace or that vocal clerics proclaiming jihad and death to America are not representing the “true” Islam. In all actuality, they are representing it faithfully as commanded by Allah and his prophet Muhammad.

So where does that leave us on the New York City Ground Zero mosque issue? With one understanding, one which recognizes that the “hijackers” of Islam former President George W. Bush referred to that carried out the attacks on America on 9/11/01 do not exist. They were in fact following 1400 year old, unchangeable, perfect orders from Allah and his prophet to “…strike terror into the hearts of the kafirs because they worship others besides Allah, which He gave them no permission to do. Their home will be the Fire, a terrible resting place for the evildoers”. (Qur’an 3:151)

“Moderate” Muslims might say this verse is not correctly interrupted and that such actions are not really required of Muslims. Their Hadith Bukhari 4,52,46 tells a different story. Muhammad said: “A Muslim holy warrior, fighting for Allah’s cause is like a person who does nothing but fast and pray. Allah promises that anyone killed while fighting for His cause will be admitted without question to Paradise. If such a holy warrior survives the battles, he can return home with the captured property and possession of the defeated”.

And what of the Muslim who refuses to fight in Allah’s cause? Muhammad said according to Hadith Muslim 020,4696 that “the man who dies without participating in jihad, who never desired to wage holy war, dies the death of a hypocrite”.

As we understand it, a hypocrite is one who says one thing and acts not in accordance with that believe. Therefore to say one is a Muslim and yet to not desire to participate in jihad makes one a hypocrite. So much for the moderate Muslim.

Some apologists try and deflect the issue by saying the NYC mosque has nothing to do with 9/11 but is merely the Muslim people exercising their right to practice religious freedom. If the NYC mosque has nothing to do with Ground Zero, why do some Muslims say it is a monument to honor the dead of 9/11 attacks? Why did they want to open in on 9/11? That would be a strange coincidence.

Are not “houses of worship” built in areas where there are people to attend them? Why then is the preferred building site of the NYC Ground Zero mosque lower Manhattan where no Muslims live, especially considering the fact that 100 other, more conveniently located mosques, already exist?

David A. Paterson, Governor of New York, sought to diffuse the tension surrounding the issue by offering Muslims another piece of ground farther from Ground Zero to build on and they flatly refused. Why, if it has nothing to do with Ground Zero and the site of the 9/11 attacks?

Also, if the mosque is meant to build bridges between the religions, why are not a Christian Chapel or a Jewish Synagogue being incorporated into it? Why does the design not have a Cross or a Star of David on it if the mosque is considered to be a symbol of multi-cultural outreach? Simple. It is not a symbol of out reach but a symbol of Islamic victory over a destroyed piece of American real estate and a place where the lives of almost 3,000 Americans were murdered in the name of Allah and Islam.

All the arguments you are hearing and will continue to hear while this debate ensues in defense of the mosque, is pure Taqiyya, statements of deception designed to make uninformed non-Muslims think it is a religious issue and not a political one. If we can be convinced it is religious freedom being assaulted by those opposing it, then the country will fall in line to promote the building of it. America is all about religious freedom, unless of course, you are promoting Christianity, which has been under attack by Liberals for decades aided by the ACLU and others.

We all know that it is forbidden to place a Christmas manger scene on government property such as a public park or courthouse square because of the myth of “Separation of Church and State”. That makes it even more curious when you discover that taxpayer dollars are used to build foot baths in airport so Muslims can wash their feet before they travel as commanded by their religion. What happened to that so strongly enforced separation in those cases?

If people understand that Islam’s building of the NYC mosque is a political statement, as is evidenced by the facts stated above, and not so much a religious freedom issue, then it should be treated as a foreign political system seeking approval to build a headquarters in the United States. As such it must be denied.

Islam has spread through the ages based on ignorance. Conquered individuals were prohibited from studying the life of Muhammad, (the Sira), and forbidden to read the Qur’an. Islam is designed to keep those it wants to conquer ignorant of its methods and goals. It wants us to rely on what they say and ignore our instincts, and never to question the wisdom of Islam.

In America, we sometimes have the nasty habit of wanting to know the truth and the facts concerning issues that confront us. Sometimes we are mislead by silver-tongued rhetoric and don’t follow our gut. Sometimes we follow the hapless crowd and want to see “history” made at all costs.

We are learning that such adherence to following without questioning is dangerous and leads us down roads we would not have chosen to travel had we only questioned what was being handed us to believe.

America is under assault by Islam all across the nation. Until and unless we refuse to follow the dictates of Political Correctness and question what we are told not to question, we will continue to stumble in the dark, watching our country being dismantled right before our eyes and we won’t even know what happened.

I am certain you have been admonished before, as Thomas Jefferson said, to question with boldness. Only them will Taqiyya be seen for what it is and the truth about this mosque, and about Islam in general, be exposed for the anti-liberty and anti-freedom philosophy it is.

This is about more than a single building being built upon a particular block in New York City that will never be seen by most Americans. It is about the liberty and freedom that is being assaulted daily in every city in America, aimed at every individual in America, by a system that would happily steal those qualities that make America what it is today if we would allow it through our ignorance.

Refuse to be ignorant and refuse to be silent. Your freedoms are at state. America is at stake. Islam, Sharia Law in incompatible with the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our much cherished freedom. The only thing necessary for the evil of Islam to triumph is for true Americans to remain silent and do nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when there was all that fuss about building a christian community center near the Oklahoma City Bombing site. People were outraged...oh wait.
