Thursday, December 27, 2018

Not All History Is Worth Making

With the new Congress coming in January, it is not without controversy. Among disconcerting factors is the election of two Muslim women to Congress and ever since then, deception has been the order of the day.

Even before they have taken office, facts have emerged that dispel the assumption that they are merely good Americans seeking to work for America and the American people. But is that true?

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Harbi Tlaib of Michigan have made history by becoming the first Muslim women to be elected to Congress. But not all history is good history.

Rashida Tlaib has chosen to be sworn in, not on the Bible, but on the Qur’an once owned by President Thomas Jefferson. She claims it as a symbol that Muslims have always been here in America. True to form, she is seeking to deceive America. Thomas Jefferson did indeed own that Qur’an, but it was not because he sought to embrace or even to include Islam in the American landscape. He acquired it as a means by which to know his enemy.

In 1786, Jefferson and John Adams traveled to London to meet with Sidi Haji Abdrahaman, the aid to Tripolitania’s Ambassador to London. Jefferson’s concern was understanding why they sought to wage war against America when we had not shown aggression against them. The reply he got was a warning then, and a warning now, to America.

Jefferson wrote that the Ambassador stated that their reason for aggression “was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

This sentiment is still prevalent and exhibited in the terrorist attacks around the world today. It is the underlying theme of modern Islamic terrorism and it is also the underlying theme of Muslims that seek to obtain office in a country they are instructed to abhor.

The elected Muslim women bring with them other concerns as well. America has a tremendous ally in Israel and considering the fact that Islam is anti-Israeli as established in their Qur’an and their Prophet’s lifestyle, their election is not beneficial for American-Israeli relations.

Both women proclaimed themselves to hold a “moderate” view of Israel but their past shows something different. They both have supported the BDS Movement. The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement challenges Israel’s right to exist. They oppose continued military aid to Israel and oppose the two-state solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict, which would allow for the Palestinian state to exist along side of Israel. Instead, they support a one-state solution which would, over time, by sheer numbers, replace Israel with a Palestinian state, erasing Israel from the map, as many Islamic dictators vow to do.

Ilhan Omar replaces a Muslim man, Keith Ellison in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district. In her acceptance speech, she opened with the typical Arabic greeting, “As-Salam Alaikum” and there was no America flag present, a disconcerting fact in itself.

She also noted in her speech that she was the first woman in her new position to wear a hijab, the Islamic head covering that some see as a symbol of oppression of women who are seen as second-class citizens in Islam.

Her troubling past includes a Tweet from November 2012 where she wrote, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Such statements would seem to disqualify her to be in support of workable American-Israeli relations.

After her Tweet came to light, she attempted to walk it back and denounced her support for the BDS Movement. However, a week after being elected, her office released a statement which read in part, “Ilhan believes in and supports the BDS movement, and has fought to make sure people’s rights to support it isn’t criminalized. She does, however, have reservations on the effectiveness of the movement in accomplishing a lasting solution.”

On September of this year, she spoke at a fundraiser which was attempting to raise money for Palestinians in Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas, an organization that has been designated as a terrorist group by the U.S. State Department. Hardly an endorsement for a representative of the United States.

The other Muslim woman to be elected to Congress, Rashida Tlaib, won a race where she had no Republican challenger, practically ensuring her victory. The night of her acceptance speech, no American flag was seen in the room and she draped herself in a Palestinian flag. She declared, “A lot of my strength comes from being Palestinian.”

As far as being supportive of Israel, she changed her public persona, as did Ilhan Omar, when after winning the Primaries she stated when asked if she supported a two-state solution, “One state. It has to be one state. Separate but equal does not work… This idea of a two-state solution, it doesn’t work.”

“Separate but equal” is not the Islamic stance concerning Israel and Israel’s right to exist is always threatened by any opposition to that idea. So, while many applaud the election of these two Muslim women to Congress as being historic, when you look beyond the surface and see the implications of those victories, there is cause for concern. And while they are still outnumbered in Congress and their views are not held by the majority, Islam now has a growing foothold in the process by which America is governed.

2018 saw a record number of Muslims being elected to various offices in America, from local to the federal level. As Omar Ahman, the founder of the Council for American Islamic Relations, CAIR, once stated proudly, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an, the Muslim book of Scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion of earth.”

So, instead of celebrating the election of Muslims into our government perhaps it should not be celebrated as much as viewed with suspicion. This has nothing to do with embracing “diversity” or “cultural sensitivity” but is an ominous warning of the dilution of American values, a dangerous trend.

The Democratic Party, of which these two Muslim women are a member of, have been seeking to rewrite history by erasing the Confederate portion of it by crumbling statues and misinterpreting historical facts. Trying to weave Islam into the fabric of America is both deceptive and devious.

Yes, Islam has played a role in the history of America, but it has been as an enemy, not a friend. While no Islamic army is powerful enough to force its desire to have America become an Islamic nation upon us directly, Islam is now working from within to accomplish that same goal it declared to Thomas Jefferson early in our existence.

Just as Jefferson did in 1805 and again in 1815, we must resist the Islamic demands that would bind us to a philosophy that is contrary to all we stand for. Call it Politically Incorrect or whatever you want to. America’s survival depends upon recognizing our enemies, knowing how they operate, and acting accordingly to preserve this great American experiment.

The old question, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time,” still holds true. America cannot be devoured instantly, but by one bite at a time it can disappear into the dust bins of history as have all of what used to be the Christian Middle East and Europe.

Islam needs to know that America is off the menu.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Will Gun Control Prevent Suicides?

Anti-gun advocates cite the prevention of suicide as one of the reasons to further restrict gun ownership or as a reason for totally disarming the population eventually. But is disarmament effective in reducing the suicide rate of any given country?

The country with the highest suicide rate in the world is South Korea, where there are 24.7 suicides per 100,000 people. In 2007, there were estimated 510,000 firearms in civilian hands in South Korea. That number includes rifles and shotguns along with handguns. By 2017, that number had been reduced to just 79,000 firearms, with the number of handguns in civilian hands being just 1,758, the most popular firearm of choice for suicide. Yet, South Korea still has the highest suicide rate in the world.

Hungary ranks second with 21.0 suicides per 100,000 people. Only 22,963 handguns are in the hands of the citizenry and Hungary ranks 74th out of 178 countries in firearm ownership. Yet it boasts a suicide rate second only to South Korea.

Japan has the third highest rate of suicide with 19.4 per 100,000 committing suicide. Japan has only a reported number of handguns in civilian hands totaling a mere 77. Yet, Japan has the third highest suicide rate in the world.

Japan’s suicide rate is 60% higher than the global average, according to the World Health Organization. In 2014, the year that statistic was compiled, 25,000 Japanese citizens killed themselves, about 70 a day. Among children ages 10-19 in Japan, suicide is the leading cause of death. And while the suicide rate among older adults is declining, the rate among this 10-19 age group seems to be increasing. The greatest number of deaths seems to coincide with the return to school after summer break, with bullying, family issues and stress being the greatest factors.

With the availability of guns obviously not being the greatest contributing factor, the Japanese government has decided to try another approach and is attempting to lower the suicide rate by 30% by 2026. Hiring counselors for school-age youth and creating 24-hour Help Lines to address mental challenges being the goal. Such efforts are overdue, as the suicide rate in Japan among the young is the highest it has been in 30 years.

Belgium has the fourth highest rate of suicides in the world with 18.4 per 100,000 people. Only 5.8% of households in Belgium have a firearm of any kind. Belgium has established the legality of assisted suicide and from 2002-2011 some 5,500 have chosen that option. Close to 1% of all total deaths in Belgium are from euthanasia.

Coming in fifth is Finland with a suicide rate of 16.5 per 100,000 people. Only 13% of households in Finland have guns of any kind and yet it boasts the fifth highest in suicides. Half of all suicides in Finland were committed by people who were under the influence of alcohol or dependent upon the substance, with males being more likely to commit suicide than females.  

A suicide occurs somewhere in the world every 40 seconds with about 800,000 people killing themselves annually. When factoring in all the violent deaths worldwide, including those from wars, suicide accounts for 15% or five times as many violent deaths each year than those occurring in war zones.

Compare that to the United States which has a suicide rate of 10.1 per 100,000. In America, the number of households with one or more guns stands at a whopping 42.0%, much higher that South Korea, Hungary, Japan, Belgium or Finland. In fact, the US has somewhere between 111,300,000 to 114,000,000 handguns in civilian hands. Note, that is millions, not thousands, and some estimates go as high as 350,000,000, enough for every man, woman and child in America to have a gun.

The United States, among the 178 countries studied, is ranked #1 in private gun ownership and yet we are #10 of the top 26 countries in suicide. We have more guns in private ownership than every other country in the world and if you believe the Liberal gun-haters, we should have the highest suicide rate. Guns don’t cause suicides, mental attitudes and the inability to cope with circumstances in life itself causes suicides.

In contrast to it all, Greece has 1,920,000 guns, counting legal and illegal ones, and amazingly it has the lowest suicide rate in the world, coming in at a small 2.9 of 100,000 people. The number of households with one or more firearms in Greece rests at 20.6%. Greece shows that although 1 in 5 homes has firearms in them, suicide is not a naturally occurring result of gun ownership.

As South Korea, Hungary, Japan, Belgium and Finland prove, if guns are not available, people who want to die will find another way. With a cultural stigma attached in many cultures in the world to suicide, it can be assumed that the number of reported suicides might be lower than the actual number, making it a bigger problem than anyone will admit to.

True to form, beginning in 2019, Democrats have already vowed to make gun control a top priority when they regain power in the House come January. It is their pet cause regardless of the facts. If they really cared about public safety, guns would not be the target of their Liberal agenda. Mental illness should be. But then, that would not be a very popular campaign slogan to run on, now would it?

Friday, November 30, 2018

Our Borders Are Our Last Line of Defense

Our skin is the best defense our body has against outside infection, germs and disease. That is why we put Band-Aids over cuts and bandages over wounds. We clean and doctor them and try to fix any cut or abrasion. Even a tiny splinter gets our immediate attention. When our defense system is compromised and we seek to correct it right away. Prolonging or especially ignoring that, we are left open to all forms of complications, some even life-threatening.

The border that surrounds the United States of America, is America's skin. When it is breached and open, we are in the same danger as a country as we are in when our personal skin is cut as a human being.

Our southern border is being assaulted as a test to our resolve to defend ourselves and our way of life. It has become a polarizing issue and a confusing and a complicated one when really it is very basic.

When the president Bill Clinton called for stricter immigration laws and tighter borders he was applauded and got a standing ovation. Obama spoke of immigrant children crossing our borders and he said, “Send them back.” Hillary spoke of strengthening our borders. No one disagreed and everyone approved. Then comes the stain of politics.

Enter 2018, and the “Not My President,” as they call him, Donald Trump seeks to remedy the situation and he is called a racist, bigot, and a heartless monster.

Obama used pepper spray to force aggressive immigrants back from the border and we hear not a peep from the media or the global community. President Trump uses tear gas after barrages of rocks are thrown at Border Agents and crowds rush the border, and he is accused of cruelly assaulting women and children. (Incidentally, reporters to the scene report that the men, which comprise most of the caravan, forced women and children to the forefront as human shields as they attacked.)

Thousands have arrived at the border to California and even the Tijuana city government does not want them there. Bemoaning the fact that it costs that city over $30,000 a day to house, care and pick up after them as they trash the town, they just want them gone.

It has been reported that about one-third of the immigrants have medical conditions such as lice, drug addiction or communicable diseases dangerous to the public at large. Maladies such as TB, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, and an ever-changing list of current threats like polio, cholera, diphtheria, smallpox, or severe acute respiratory syndromes are a fact. HIV has even been found in several among those now at the border. Chris Cabrera, a Southern Texas Border Patrol agent warns us: "What's coming over into the US could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chicken pox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, and different viruses."

When people attempt to immigrate to America the correct way, they undergo medical screenings in their home country before they are allowed into this country. If they fail, they aren’t allowed to come. That is another reason the uninvited thousands making up these caravans are so dangerous. We don’t have a clue what they are carrying medically speaking nor what their intentions are once they arrive, as in the case of MS-13 and other brutal gangs who have infiltrated the caravan.

These are diseases many of which we have eradicated from America over the years and they are being reintroduced into a population which has not been vaccinated for them. This is not just a political issue, but a safety and national security issue.

Thousands more are on their way, so the situation is not even close to being resolved. This is a very important test for America and this Trump administration. Even the UN weighs in on the issue and demands we let them in.

Europe is seeing the negative effects of their open borders with crime, rapes and murders but they are too stubborn to admit they need to change their open-border policies. Some countries are getting the message, but sadly, not all of them.

The Democrats are shaping the debate instead of having any commonsense discussions about immigration. Historically, most immigrants vote for Democratic Party, perhaps because they think that the term “Democratic” means they stand for Democracy and America, when those of us who live here, and who pay attention to their deceptive actions and words, know differently.

It was once said that “The truth is a lion that does not need to be defended; just let it out and it will defend itself.” I hope that is true, but daily I see evidence that the truth is scoffed at, maligned, ridiculed and given unfair labels that tag it as being anything but the truth.

The truth always seems to take a back seat to an agenda of one kind or another and instead of logic and sensible debate, everything devolves into name-calling and outright dismissals because of alleged claims of racism, bigotry, supremacism, Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia or whatever other term they choose to use at the moment to stifle and smother the conversation. Such terms remind me of children who put their fingers in their ears while saying, “na-na-na-na-na” so they won’t be able to hear what you are saying. Childishness is truly an appropriate word these days.

If they can’t debate the message, and they usually can’t, they attack the messenger and label him or her negatively so they can declare they are not worth listening to. A successful tactic that all too often works, but it is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. It is counter-productive to the expanse of the truth and of information we, as concerned Americans, need to know.

In an ideal world, politics and agendas would take second seat to truth, honesty and what is good for Americans and people in general. But I guess that utopia will never arrive, even though Liberals actually think that if we all thought like they did, it would be a paradise. But remember, even Paradise had a serpent bent on destroying the work of God, so how do we ever expect to stand a chance of preserving the America God helped design and create, when we can’t recognize the serpent for what it is?

Monday, November 19, 2018

Are We Seeing "Fire Jihad" in California?

Are We Seeing “Fire Jihad” in California?

Just as the calls for more gun control are the result of every mass shooting as regular as clockwork, a new fire, or tornado, hurricane or any other normal weather activity, increases the surge of calls for more money and effort to be put into climate change, the most popular wealth distribution ploy seen in recent years.

When I was in high school the greatest fear was the coming ice age, which of course never materialized. Now it is Global Warming and the disasters that man has caused and will continue to cause, if you believe the official storyline.

Everything that happens now is blamed on climate change (the adopted term because global warming didn’t cover enough scenarios and limited the eco-terrorist’s agenda).

In spite of its many flaws, the “science” of climate change has been relegated to the bin of junk science. Yet, many still tout it as the greatest threat known to man. And, as it always does, to adopt a myopic, narrow view of anything, always becomes a filter that hides the truth. It pays to look at what is right in front of our eyes.

On a daily basis, the fires in California demand our attention as they spread and continue to destroy much of our national and natural forests. Few disasters destroy as much as wildfires which are so hard to contain, much less eradicate. And of course, according to the Liberal mindset, is caused by man-made climate change.

They may be half right, the “man-made” half anyway. Yet, here is a theory few want to consider because of the tendency to excuse actions of militant Islamists and radical Muslims without honest consideration.

As most would have you believe, the term “jihad” is basically a doctrine referring to an inner inspection and a spiritual awakening and introspection. In reality, only 3% of Islamic jihad deals with that benign perspective while 97% of all cases and instruction deals with overt, outward assaults upon the “infidel,” or non-Muslim, who denies the deity of Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad.

Besides the Qur’an and the life of Muhammad as a guide to determine Muslim behavior, Islamic instruction also comes from modern clerics in the form of fatwas, which range from how to live an acceptable Islamic life, to direct calls for jihad against non-Muslims, especially Israel and the West, specifically the United States.

The tactic I refer to is “jihad by arson.” The principle has been around for years but only recently has it gained popularity, perhaps because of its ease of operation and its effectiveness and the fact that it rarely points fingers at Islam itself.

On October 27, 2011, this fatwa was issued by Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi: “Every Muslim should participate and contribute in sabotaging the economies of the Crusader states, whether this is through economic boycott or by targeting their property with vandalism and arson.”

This fatwa calls for the direct participation of all Muslims to conduct jihad in this manner. We tend to label this the rants of an extremist and in so doing we choose to dismiss his commands. But It has been acted upon since its issuance.

As far back as 2007 jihadis have claimed credit for starting California wildfires. A G2 bulletin reported a post which stated, “this is an invitation to the Muslims of Europe and America, Australia and Russia to burn forests.” Could it be any clearer than that?

A video by Abu Mus’ab al Suri circulated around that time which advocated for the setting of forest fires as a tactic of jihad.

As far back as 2003 an FBI memo warned law enforcement officials when it said a detainee affiliated with Al-Qaida had bragged about masterminding a plot to set forest fires in the western United States.

Fast forward to today and we are seeing the greatest devastation by forest fires in history. The fatwa called for an assault on the economy and almost $3 billion of damage has occurred already and millions have been spent on fighting the fires. To date 7,579 separate fires are burning and 1,667,855 acres have been destroyed. Over 80 confirmed dead and over 1,000 still missing and unaccounted for.

Do we really think that so many fires happening all at the same time is a coincidence? Honestly can this all be blamed on climate change? Is that even plausible?

Of course, it is not plausible, but that story is far easier to believe and defend than to examine the possibility that perhaps, just perhaps, Islamic assault is being taken against us in unprecedented ways.

Israel was possibly the proving ground for this tactic as was evidenced by five sperate fires in five different neighborhoods in Israel all burning at the same time back in 2012 and many since. Another coincidence?

In a July 2012 news report, hundreds of fires were burning in Jerusalem and the surrounding forest areas. Two Arabs were arrested in that case.

A recently released statement read: “O America. This is the punishment of bombing Muslims in Syria. This is Allah’s punishment for you. And in shaa Allah (Allah willing), you will see more fires. Praise be to Allah.”

An ISIS inspired magazine reported, “incendiary attacks have played a significant role in modern and guerrilla warfare, as well as in “lone wolf” terrorism.” It claimed a fire at a furniture factory in Russia and other wildfires in Israel as events that “demonstrated the lethality of such an effortless operation.”

Yes, setting fires is easy and effective and a go-to tool now that Islamic extremists see as viable and effective. Unfortunately, there is little we can do to stop it either.

So, any intelligent person might ask, are these 7,500 plus fires a result of a coordinated effort to follow Islamic fatwas and burn America to the ground? Can we not at least investigate this possibility without making blanket excuses of denials without honest evaluation and consideration? Sometimes our worst fears, the ones we refuse to acknowledge, do confront us and only by addressing them honestly can we ever defend ourselves and protect what is precious to us, whether Politically Correct or not.

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Left's Mid-Term Election Hypocrisy

The Left’s Mid-Term Election Hypocrisy

While the term “Blue Wave” was on every newscaster’s and Liberal pundit’s lips leading up to the mid-term election earlier this month, the reality was far from a wave, perhaps more of a splash.

For a year now, Democrats have been blasting Republicans and Conservatives by calling them, "deplorables" (by Hillary Clinton), "dregs of society" (by Joe Biden), Nazis (by Nancy Pelosi) and racists, bigots, Islamophobes, sexists, xenophobes and homophobes and more by almost all of them. Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters has openly called for the public harassment of Republicans at restaurants, stores, parking lots or any place they might be encountered. She believes, as do many other Democrats, that Republicans are true enemies of state and she wants them treated as such. Some such encounters have already happened due to her incitement.

And that Blue Wave that was supposed to be an affirmation that millions of Americans believed that way also, just didn't happen.

Democrats won 20 seats in the House. Not really much of a wave. In the 2010 midterms, Republicans took 63 seats. That could be considered a wave next to the Blue ripple we recently saw.

American voters have shown that the Left’s falsehoods and misleading tactics are not to be believed or validated and their attacks upon President Trump, Republicans and Conservatives, say more about them than it does about those they attack.

Among some of their victories that they took great stock in were: Ayanna Pressley became the first Black congresswoman from Massachusetts. Jarod Polis won the governorship in Colorado making him the first openly Gay governor in the United States. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar became the first Muslim women elected to Congress.

All these are legitimate victories in their own right. But you may notice they were all Democrats. Liberals are quick to applaud victory by a woman, Muslim, Gay, Transgender, Black, overt Socialist, or almost any other category of individual who wears a label they endorse. They call for more “women of color” to be elected as evidence of a great progressive move forward. But in their minds, some things simply cross the line of acceptable tolerance.

Strangely absent from all the accolades was Young Kim, who became the first Korean-American woman to be elected in Congress. Why the omission? Simple, she happens to be a Republican. It matters little that she was a “first” or for that matter a woman. They feel being a Republican nullifies all of that.

During the election cycle of Barack Obama, anyone who did not vote for him, no matter the reason, was labeled a racist. It was par for the course. People who did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 were labeled sexist, even though there may have been a hundred reasons not to vote for her, and her sex had nothing to do with any of them.

But when it comes to Republicans, it matters little if you are a woman, even though they clamor for more women in politics. You’ll be ridiculed and smeared, as was Sarah Palin in 2016. It matters little if you are Black if you are Republican. You’ll be labeled an “Uncle Tom, a “sell out” or traitor to their race. After all, Democrat votes for Ben Carson or Herman Cain were hard to come because being Black in their cases suddenly didn’t advance the prejudice of their narrative.

So, what happens now that the Democrats will resume some power in January? Will they, as Hillary Clinton promised, bring civility back to politics? Don’t count on it. Power only feeds their aggression and Nancy Pelosi has already vowed to heighten the search for more evidence to impeach President Trump with, ever being the obstructionist, she and her party members have proudly become.

We can only hope they will not continue the nonsense they have become known for, and will cease the attacks on the other side of the aisle in favor of working for America. Perhaps they’ll stop trying to prove that Hillary’s loss was due to then-candidate Donald Trump’s corruption efforts or collusion with Russia. Perhaps they will even remember they are Americans and do something positive like, you know, their job of working FOR America. That would be a refreshing change. Oh well, hope springs eternal.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Masculinity Under Attack

Masculinity Under Attack

Feminism used to be a movement to help project women ahead, to advance their aspirations and dreams, to make possible what had been unobtainable for them in prior times. Now it has become a weapon to destroy the influence and importance of men in general. The idea of masculinity was its first casualty.

It has become normal to imagine that a man should express no level of autonomy or power that has always been considered a masculine trait.

Hollywood, through its sitcoms and commercials, has emasculated men and turned them into morons who can’t think for themselves. A show like “Father Knows Best” would never make it today. Rather, we have the Al Bundy’s and Homer Simpsons who are anything but father figures that help shape their children’s lives in a positive manner.

Effeminate Gay men seem to be a part of every sitcom and their femininity far exceeds their masculinity, as if it is the desired new norm, or at least that is the reality Hollywood would have us embrace.

TV commercials present men as bungling idiots who clean fish on wooden countertops, measure their kitchen for cabinets using their shoe, and don’t know how to dress for a first date. Once you begin to notice it, you’ll see this tendency exhibited in commercials by companies like Sling TV, American Express, Lowe’s, Clorox, Progressive Insurance and The Hartford.

Why do advertisers think that they can sell products by degrading men? Because women respond to ads more than men do, they are less concerned with the way men are portrayed. But does making a man look like a loser make a woman buy more? It is a method designed to build her up by making her look like the decision maker and the sensible, sane one in the family, and tearing him down is the method they use to accomplish this. Properly targeted ads sell and portraying men as bumblers is the by-product of successful advertising.

This movement to shoddily portray men as incompetent has become politicized and to gain favor for an agenda, all you have to do is diminish the influence that men have to make your point.

The murder of Millie Tibbits is a perfect example. Murdered by an illegal alien, her case drew national attention to the challenges of illegals in America. But Liberals refuse to see the crime as reflecting in any way against people who are not legally in this country because it does not fit their agenda. So, they ignore the immigration aspect and blame her death on “toxic masculinity,” whatever that is.

Throughout history, there has always been jobs and duties thought of as typically suited for males and for females. The feminists and political correctness of today seek to change all that. School books no longer present the woman as a homemaker and mother who stayed at home and reared the kids and took care of the home but rather they seek to present her as gender neutral and assigning anything to her as “typically female,” such as ironing clothes or washing dishes, is frowned upon. Leaders see such ideas as limiting and demeaning to women. What used to be seen as honorable and necessary for women has become undesirable and sexist.

Even the use of “he” and “she” is frowned upon in an attempt to make every character in schoolbooks gender neutral. It has become absurd. Misguidedly, the use of terms like “mankind” has been labeled as offensive to the modern feminist.

In Italy, the Left Party is promoting a movement that would require men to sit when urinating. They claim that it is more hygienic for them to do so but is really a backhand way to proclaim the uncleanliness of men using public restrooms.

The LBGT community proclaims that men are not even essential any longer in the act of procreation and having a man’s influence in the household as a parent is no longer necessary in the rearing of well-balanced children. That is a whole twisted topic in itself as we see boys being taught that the male influence is of little or no value. Male role models will soon go the way of the Dodo bird.

We all know boys can be more energetic at schools than girls, who usually pride themselves in being more civil. This fact has boys being prescribed drugs for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder at a rate twice that of girls. This is seen as a viable and effective way to “control” masculine energy.

Men are being “kept in line” by the popular #METOO movement. Now it is even dangerous to give an honest compliment to a woman for fear she’ll scream harassment and you’ll lose your job and your reputation based on the accusation alone, no real facts needed, just the hint of impropriety.

In the UK, it was found that only 7% of men would offer a woman a seat on a bus because of a fear of offending them. Indeed, some women who demand to be thought of as equals, scold men who hold doors for them or offer them a seat on a crowded bus. Personally, it feels like an unfavorable consequence of feminism and women are losing out on simple acts of courtesy and respect.

A survey of 5,000 men showed that over a third of them would not offer to help a mother struggling to go up or down a set of stairs with a stroller and baby for fear of offending them. Three-quarters of men would refuse to help a woman carry a heavy bag or suitcase for the same reason.

A law was proposed in England that would make it a crime for a man to ask a woman for her phone number on a public bus, if the very act offended her. When did we become so thin-skinned? When did we begin to see every act of a man as suspect and with ill intent?

Historically, women have always seemed to appreciate the “little things” done for them by men which men view as common courtesy. In the climate of women demanding to be thought of as equals, men are now often confused and simply opt out of offering any assistance to stave off the wrath of a woman who might not appreciate the courtesy and act of simple good manners.

Men have always been seen as the “stronger sex,” so it is understandable that men should desire to aid a struggling woman, but even expressing that view riles some woman who see such assistance as offensive and patronizing. Also, that phrase implies that the woman is the “weaker sex” and now this is intolerable to declare.

Chivalry appears to be dying on a global scale.

There are a couple ways to have the best house on the block. You can dress up or paint your house, landscape the yard, add curb appeal in various ways, or you can simply burn down everyone else’s house. Feminism and the search for equality seem to prefer the later approach. Things have gone beyond a simple desire for equal pay for equal work. Often the destruction of masculinity is erroneously portrayed as necessary to accomplish equality for women.

There will always be differences between men and women, whether anyone likes it or not. Feminist seeks to eliminate the differences because to admit to them would demand we also recognize men and women for their weaknesses as well as their strengths. We were not created exactly the same and to think otherwise is delusional.

Forcing feminine traits on men to replace masculine ones seems to be their solution. Take an average man and add a dash of emotional sensitivity and the propensity to nurture and you have the ideal man. Well, not exactly.

We all know of men who could be more sensitive and understanding, who have the ability to see things through a woman’s eyes. But can this not be done without the tendency to erase masculinity altogether?

Like adding two colors together, a new and different color is created. One wasn’t enhanced, it was changed into something totally different and to think otherwise confuses everyone. Such an effort of redefining male characteristics to be more feminine does not erase undesirable “masculine” traits that some men exhibit.

A man can be a good father and an effective provider for his family and defender of them and still be considered a man. A man doesn’t have to relinquish his “manhood” to be strong for his family or community. Men have always donned that role and the very essence of a man does not have to be destroyed to make him a better human being. Today even John Wayne would have a tough time portraying his manliness without repercussions.

There are negative masculine traits, certainly. What keeps it all in balance is the attitudes of the individual. Men tend to focus on a narrow part, while feminine energy tends to focus on the whole, whether the family or the community. Women often forsake their own desires to fulfill the needs of her children or family. Actions taken to benefit others are a balance between the two, just as all of life is a balancing act.

What ever happened to the fight against negative masculine traits? Now, such actions are excused too often. Blame is placed on the economy, schoolyard or internet bullying or they have been demeaned for racial reasons. If Hitler were killing Jews today the “enlightened” among us would blame it on his rough childhood and the fact that his overbearingly “masculine” father would not allow him to pursue his love of art and painting. A “COEXIST” bumper sticker might even have his picture on it these days.

It doesn’t take the destruction of masculinity to set the world right. And any attempt to tear men down for the betterment of humanity, whether it is to portray men as abusive no-counts or as incompetent, bungling boobs, is misguided and self-defeating.

Honor masculinity. Honor femininity. Honor the differences. In attempting to destroy the differences, we are destroying what makes us uniquely human in the first place.

The NFL’s Disrespect of America is Subsidized by Us

The NFL’s Disrespect of America is Subsidized by Us

We are seeing a lot of discontent in the NFL nowadays, and all of it is not taking place on the field in the form of a kneeling player, or a pandering NFL Commissioner.

It is being seen among fans who have been loyal and entertained for decades but are getting fed up with the disrespect players are showing. Some have vowed to never watch another televised game. Others have burned the jerseys of players they used to root for. And there is good reason to be dismayed at the behavior of both the players as well as the ownership of the teams and the league.

Here is another reason for disgust you may not be aware of:

Since 1997, one finding showed, the NFL has built numerous new stadiums, aided by $7 BILLION in taxpayer money. Teams are also given discounts on municipal services like police and fire department protection and utility costs on top of that to keep them happy and local.

Two years ago, one study claimed that total might be as high as $10-12 Billion in taxpayer money being funneled to the sports entities.

Teams often get tax breaks on the money they spend on construction of these stadiums as well. Most spending is financed with tax free municipal bonds, which were originally created by Congress to help fund roads and schools. Special consideration for land and infrastructure concessions also increase their bottom line and save them millions.

In spite of this, enter Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers who devolved after a few years into a player no longer in demand. His claim to fame will be his taking a kneel to protest racism and inequality in America. His protest for social injustice was soon followed by teammates and other players from other teams and has led to the dwindling support of the NFL.

Kaepernick is now unemployed looking for a team to play with and many football fans couldn’t be happier, as the majority of them never sided with him and his displays of disrespect for America. He once wore a pair of socks that depicted police as pigs, but go no reprimand from the NFL. In fact, 64% of Americans disagree with his protest with a mere 24% support him. Disrespect for America will likely never be mainstream, even though Liberals politicians of today are certainly trying to portray it as such.

So, every time you see players "take a knee" to protest civil injustice in America, they are not just expressing false outrage, they are disrespecting the police, the military, the government and President Trump. But did you ever stop to think that they are also thumbing up their nose at the benefactors of that $7-12 Billion they gladly pocket — YOU, the taxpayer!

Since this is federally collected money, a taxpayer in Hawaii may be, in effect, helping finance a new stadium in New York City, for instance, 5,000 miles away from their home, giving money they will never see a benefit from for a stadium they will unlikely ever even visit.

These subsidies go toward baseball, basketball and football entities, compounding the problem. For instance, $431 million was funneled to Yankee Stadium since 2000 alone.

Pro athletes live high-on-the-hog, as we say in the South, at the sacrifice of the very people they willingly choose to dishonor. We, the American taxpayer, are the reason for their very existence and the fabulous lifestyle they enjoy as pro athletes. In reality, you and I pay our hard-earned money so they can enjoy the life they live. Even if you are not a fan and never watch a single game, you pad their bank accounts. Add that to their total disrespect of America and its values, and there is reason for real outrage.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Corrosive Power of Liberalism

 Does anyone else get tired of the hypocrisy and the double standard that exists in the Left and with the media these days as I do? It is beyond infuriating.
 For example: The same immigration policy has been in effect for 8 years of GW Bush, 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama and now almost 2 years of Donald Trump but President Trump is declared a bigot and a hater who separates families. Never mind that he has literally rescued 10,000 children from human traffickers and smugglers, not stripped them from their parents, who, incidentally, willingly gave them to the smugglers.
Then there’s their eagerness to declare a Christian baker a bigot and a homophobe for refusing to bake a cake celebrating gay marriage because it is against his Christian belief. However, the Left and the media applauds the Red Hen restaurant when they kick out Sarah Huckabee refusing to provide service to her and her family because she works for the White House.
Then there is Rosanne who had her show canceled because they didn’t like what she said, but Peter Fonda was perfectly in line when he said that Barron Trump should be locked in a cage with pedophiles. He can still make all the movies he wants without worrying about being black-balled.
Black actor Jamie Foxx went on Saturday Night Live and talked about how cool it was for him to kill a bunch of White folks in his movie Django and he gets cheers from the crowd. Were there repercussions? Not exactly; he now has his own show on TV.
Hollywood’s Superman has had his “Truth, Justice and the American way” tossed in the trash in favor of “Lies, Unfairness and any way but American.” Sylvester Stallone was once asked if he had considered his movies of the “Expendable” series too patriotic, as if that would be a bad thing. Hollywood’s Wonder Woman’s costume was changed from the Red, White and Blue it has been for decades to a more neutral, all-inclusive one because the former one fashioned after the American flag might offend someone.
The logic of the Left and the Left-pandering media is non-existent. Whatever they want goes. No rhyme or reason needed. They have a license to be rude, crude, bigoted, anti-Christian, anti-American hypocrites and outright liars and they get standing ovations for it.
Our values are no longer reflected in commercials or TV shows, much less honored. Liberal politicians who have God the furthest from their minds most of the time, invoke Him when they can use a quote from the Bible as a slur against President Trump, as if it adds credibility to their attacks and logic to their reasoning.
Liberalism is a cancer that is eating away at its host – America. Socialist presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders take center stage as if their desire to turn America into a Socialist nation like the others that have failed, is a badge of honor. Proudly they declare, as candidate Barack Hussein Obama did before his first election, to “fundamentally change America.”
We have Keith Ellison, a Muslim Senator, in office who, after the swearing in ceremony, was photographed with his hands on the Qur’an, along with smiling and clueless Nancy Pelosi, as a sign of his allegiance to Allah over the God of the Bible. Considering that no true Muslim prefers the American system of government over Islam’s totalitarian one, what is he doing in office in America in the first place? There are currently over 90 different Muslims vying for public office in America. Their elections will change the face of America forever.
Even President Trump declaration to “Make America Great Again” and to “Put America and Americans First” seems so offensive to Liberals that they foam at the mouth in hatred and vow to block him at every opportunity.
The greatest change that America can make today is to declare that we will no longer tolerate the attempts of Liberals and America-haters to represent us and that their place in our political system will no longer be tolerated. We must show bold support for the values of America and deny their corruption a foothold.
There is a point when it will be too late to take America back and the great experiment that was begun as a shining example of what a country can be, will have failed. God’s hand was actively involved in the creation of the United States of America and since His presence is no longer desired in our schools or public squares, we have replaced a dependence upon God with human arrogance. 
The crosses on soldiers’ graves are being targeted for removal. Some demand that “In God We Trust” be erased from our money. His Ten Commandments are time and time again being stripped from our courthouse walls as if to declare that He isn’t needed or wanted any longer. Statues of Satan are being erected in public squares to show our inclusivity.
High school students who wear an American flag on a tee shirt are made to go home and change because that symbol might offend an immigrant from Mexico. The names of holidays are being changed as to not offend people. Some businesses are too afraid to even say “Merry Christmas” for fear of offending someone who doesn’t celebrate it and opt for a neutral “Happy Holidays” instead.
Muslims enroll in Catholic schools and then demand statues of Saints be removed because they, and the sign of the cross, offend their faith. Muslims can block streets for prayer and announce their message over loud speakers but Christians are arrested for passing out Bibles on the street corner.
Traditional marriage is now on the hate list but Gay Pride celebrations of the vilest nature are acceptable on our streets and promoted by city governments.
America is under siege and we don’t know it or we refuse to admit it. At any rate, we are slack in defending either America or God and when someone stands up for either, he/she is slandered and attacked to the point that they cowardly apologize for offending the easily offended.
American history is being rewritten as if that will change the past. All it does is to transform informed individuals who have the opportunity to learn from history into ignorant people who don’t know their history and will be doomed to repeat its mistakes.
Our politicians finish their speeches with “God Bless America” and yet they do everything in their power to see that he has no reason to.
America is more than its buildings or its land. It resides in the hearts of people. It is defined by who we are as a nation and what we hold dear, and all that is changing. It is time that America wake up or we will be like the legendary character Rip Van Winkle and awaken one day to find the America we once knew and loved, no longer exists and what has taken its place, will be a shameful place forsaken by truth, integrity, dignity and honor, and even by God Himself.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Left's Newest Useful Idiot, David Hogg

The Left has made a rock star of David Hogg, as he hogs the spotlight (I couldn't resist) that he has been thrust into, to gain attention for their anti-America and anti-gun agenda. He wants his opinions to be taken seriously and at the same time calls himself a "kid" who is fed up with gun violence. So, which is it? Are you an adult who has legitimate ideas or are you a spoiled kid being used as a puppet for those who need a new voice for their nonsense?

Does anyone really think he would be given all this press and praise and fame if he were AGAINST gun control, or against the trashing of the Constitution? Of course, he wouldn’t have gained any attention, except as perhaps a nut case and then he’d get summarily dismissed with a little patronizing, "Well, bless his little heart."

David Hogg has had his 15 minutes of fame and we have had enough of him too. Get back in class and out of our faces. Take the time to find out what it takes to be a real American who contributes to society instead of trying to manipulate it with clenched fists and tough-sounding sound bites. Take the time to learn the value of the Constitution and why and how it has shaped the greatest country in the history of the civilized world and get a grip on why it must be defended, not attacked or dismantled.

The Left needs new voices to promote their nonsense because the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and CNN’s talking heads aren't getting the job done. Liberals love a good crisis and a good act of violence. They stand tall on the bodies of dead children and point attention and blame at the NRA and against guns, the inanimate objects they blame for all the violence. That is easier to do that than to address the troubled souls who commit the violence. Guns don't walk into schools, malls or churches and shoot people. They are merely tools and sometimes they are used in atrocious ways, but then so are knives, baseball bats, and speeding vehicles.

The FBI claims more people are killed every year by hands and feet than by assault-style rifles but hands and feet cannot be a target for liberty-haters, but guns and scary-looking “assault rifles” can be. Knives accounted for 1,604 deaths in 2016 while only 374 were attributed to rifles of all sorts. So where is the cry to ban knives? Logic has nothing to do with anti-gun arguments.

Let's get real about this debate and speak to the good guns actually do. When they are used to stop crimes by average citizens, we get silence from the media. Their reporting is all one-sided and we hear only what advances their agenda. They sling their lies, half-truths and misconceptions knowing if they do it often enough, some of it will stick and be taken as gospel. A lie told enough times will eventually be seen by some of the gullible and truly uninformed, as fact. But the truth remains the truth and lies, no matter how fervently they are believed, will still be lies.

No problem can be addressed effectively without taking into consideration the truth and not just the myths surrounding it. Anti-gun organizations twist facts into falsehoods and parade them as the gospel truth, doing a disservice to all Americans, including those that would benefit from the truth but are so adamant in spreading lies that they cannot see they harm themselves too.

Falsehoods serve no one. Include both sides of the story in the conversation and let the chips fall when they may. Stop demonizing everyone who doesn't believe like you do. If that's all you got to fight back with, you have already lost. That is what adults do and what kids will never understand, not even 17-year-olds like David Hogg. The system they are trying to destroy is what makes this country work and what makes it great.

They, like most people, do not like being lied to but somehow, they think it is their duty and right, of course, for the "greater good," to lie to you and I. Imagine the world we would live in if lying was not possible and everyone had to tell the truth. Since it would ever come to that, we have to sort out the lies for the truths and act accordingly. It is on us to declare our side and to remember that the truth will defend itself in the end. Lies will always lose at some point, at least, we must believe that and stand for the truth when we can. Silence sometimes has the same effect as consent.  

As for the flash-in-the-pan wanna-be celebrities who seek to destroy America for the sake of their utopia-style vision of what they think this country should be, just refuse to give them your attention. Let them fade away into irrelevancy. America is too powerful and important to be destroyed by mindless puppets who parrot what they are told, whether true or not.

Sometimes we just need to let the truth out of its cage, and like a lion, it will defend itself. As for the peddlers of lies, myths and uninformed opinions, well, “Bless their little hearts.”

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Law of Saturation, Islam's Trojan Horse - The art of taking over a country without firing a shot

During Muhammad’s early “ministry,” he was merely a preacher spreading Islam by talking about his revelations and spreading the word of Islam peacefully, even though this caused confrontations between him and the Jews and followers of other religions, of which there were 365 or so in Mecca at the time.

So how did every Arab in Saudi Arabia become Muslim by the time of his death? After he became a warrior for Allah and a Jihadist and politician in Medina, his followers increased rapidly. Converted Muslims who engaged in Jihad shared in war booty taken from non-Muslims. This was not a part of Islam in Mecca where he garnered only about 150 converts in 13 years. It was a part of the appeal of Islam, profit and gain of material goods, land and slaves.

Inhabitants were oppressed and persecuted, rights were stripped away from them and they were forced to become Muslims to relieve the pressure on them and their families. Those that wanted to hold onto their former religion were forced to pay a tax, jizya, for the right to do so. And this came with severe restrictions and punishments if they were violated.

These people became dhimmis and Muslims say they are a protected people, but it is merely protection as though they were one’s property. Their rights were limited and they were second-class citizens at best. They were forced to wear strange clothes so they would not be mistaken for a Muslim. They had to cross the street to allow a Muslim to pass. They were often forbidden to leave their house when it rained because they might step in a puddle of water and a Muslim might step in it later contaminating themselves.

They could not ride a horse but a poorly mule was acceptable and at times they were only allowed to ride it backwards. Christians had to wear funny dunce-style hats to distinguish them from Muslims. The yellow patch Adolph Hitler made Jews wear in World War II was inspired by the yellow cloth Jews were made to wear in some Islamic-conquered countries at various times in history. Christians were allowed to wear a cross around their neck, but it had to be too large to conceal and weigh about 2 pounds. Everything they were demanded to do was meant to humiliate them, as the Qur’an suggested. To escape these torturous demands all they had to do was to become Muslims, so after years or generations, they did just that and the Muslim population increased, not by a desire to embrace Islam, but as a means to escape unreasonable financial and societal demands placed upon them.

These tactics have limited success in today’s modern world so how does Islam grow to the point where a country becomes Islamic? Saturation.  is how.

As the number of Muslims in any given country grows, demands begin to be made that the non-Muslims conform to the edicts of Islam even though they are not Muslims themselves. And some compliance always seems to follow. Closing the swimming pool or an amusement park on a certain day reserving it just for Muslims. Remove offensive symbols, such as crosses, from their view. Remove nativity scenes from areas where a Muslim might see them because it is offensive to them. Demanding that women be allowed to cover their faces for driver’s license photos. All these appeasements and more, make us Sharia-compliant and it makes us behave like Muslims, even when we are not.

As the Islamic population grows, more demands are made, more appeasement follows and Muslims begin to gain power. In today’s world, even with the violence we see in Islamic countries, violence isn’t always necessary.

The immigration into non-Muslim countries by thousands of Muslims in the past few years has seen countries readily forsake their own values and in the name of tolerance, accept Islamic traditions and doctrine and even make excuses for crimes committed by Muslims because it is simply their culture to act a certain way. Sharia Law is at first tolerated, then promoted as acceptable and then allowed to become the law of the land for Muslims.

No-Go Zones, places where Muslims are allowed to govern themselves instead of being ruled by the country’s own law, enable the spread of Sharia-compliant communities. Pieces of their own country are given up freely by governments and slowly the country loses its identity.

By sheer saturation and appeasement, entire countries become Islamic. Turkey, for example, used to be a Christian nation called Anatolia. Slowly over a period of about 400 years, it became what it is today, a Muslim country where over 99% of its people are Muslim and the remaining portion of a percent of the population are oppressed inhabitants.

To deny that it could ever happen in America is to deny the historical record of Islam. Every country that allows Muslim immigrants and tolerates their bigotry against non-Muslims and makes excuses for their culture of oppression and domination, eventually succumbs to the growing Islamic influence and becomes Islamic in the end.

After all, once Muslims numbers grow to a majority through continued immigration and birth rates that are some of the highest in the world, cultures dating back thousands of years die and are replaced by an Islamic society.

No country that allows unbridled immigration of Muslims will survive. Coexistence is a myth. Muslims are taught from their Qur’an that non-believers are the vilest of all creatures and that tricking, lying and deceiving non-Muslims is allowed until all become followers of Allah.

There is a point when this saturation can no longer be quelled. When a country reaches that point, becoming a Sharia-compliant country is inevitable. Their culture, values and society will cease to exist and there is no going back to what they once were.

We are seeing that in the UK, portions of Europe and Africa. Australia is under assault as is America. Islam has one goal, to see every human being either bowing to Allah and His government established, or their extinction. There a can be no middle ground, no compromise, and appeasement must come from the non-Muslims, not from Muslims themselves.

Immigration is Jihad. Every time some Muslim moves to a non-Muslim land, he is practicing what Muhammad did. Muhammad’s migration to Medina marked the beginning of the end for that city. It is not about the desire for a better life but it is done in the name of Islam to conquer that city or that country for Allah, and it works. And in today’s climate of appeasement and tolerance of the most intolerable doctrine on the planet, it will always work.

Refusal to see the historic record of Islam for exactly what it has always been, is suicidal for any culture or society. Islam is a Trojan Horse and once allowed behind the walls, no city can survive.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

School Educators Are Spawning School Mass Shooters

While most concerned citizens are calling for “common sense” solutions to gun violence in both our schools and in the public venue, though most only want to look like they are doing something constructive, Liberal policies are actually adding to the problem, not the solution.

Officials in Broward County, Florida, where the latest mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School took place, made what they thought would be the cure for these tragedies, back in 2013. They proclaimed it as an example for other counties across America to copy. And now, in 2018, it has become evident that is was far from the cure but aided in the killing of 17 of their own.

On November of that year, the Boward County School Board, along with the Chief Justice of the 17th Judicial District, the Office of the State Attorney, the Sheriff of Boward County, the Fort Lauderdale Police Department and about a dozen other organizations, implemented a policy entitled the “Collaborative Agreement on School Discipline.” The entire covenant can be found online should you want to read it word for word.

The problems in this document are numerous. Instead of targeting problem kids for actual discipline, or even punishment when it is deserved, they shield, pander and appease them, all in the name of “protecting the future” of these kids.

It even begins with a flawed premise: “WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge that law enforcement plays an essential role in maintaining safety in the community.” (Sounds good so far, right?) But it continues: “However, the use of arrests and referrals to the criminal justice system may decrease a student’s chance of graduation, entering higher education, joining the military, and getting a job.”

So, arresting students who engage in criminal activities that SHOULD have gained them entrance into the justice system, might make things hard on them? I submit that their own activities are the problem, NOT that they might be arrested for them.

Do sensible people really believe that the problem is arresting them and not the behavior itself that is the problem?

The document states that in the 2011-12 school year, the Department of Juvenile Justice reported 1,062 school-related arrests in Howard County and 71% were for misdemeanor offenses with over half of them never having being referred to the Juvenile Justice System before. These were new cases and new offenders which should signal there is a dire problem with discipline.

Intelligent people can see that if criminal activity is ignored or appeased instead of being dealt with it, those perpetrating these crimes in effect “get away with it.” As such, it is a reward system, not an accountability system, and rewarded behavior is repeated behavior.

The CASD also cites that people of color are impacted disproportionately by being arrested more than others. Seeking “balance” minority offenders are not arrested or disciplined simply because they are a part of a minority group. In an attempt to solve racism in the prosecution of minorities, they are simply excused based on racist policies themselves. Does anyone really think that arresting an equal number of Whites as you do those of minorities is a viable or even reasonable solution? Do all races commit crimes on an equal basis? I doubt it. The system is blamed instead of the individuals.

To increase the absurdity of the whole process of looking the other way when students commit crimes, the Boward County Sheriff’s Department brags that the record of these instances are down. Of, course they are down. They are no longer reported or addressed. How ridiculous!

In effect, we can surmise that if we stopped keeping a record of stabbing we could celebrate the report that stabbing assaults are down. Ludicrous, ignorant and insulting to a civilized society.

So, as a result of these policies, a young man named Nikolas Cruz, was repeatedly sent back and forth between schools for disciplinary reasons. He had assaulted and cursed teachers, kicked doors in school, engaged in fist fights, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pointed a rifle at his mother, and practiced self-abuse by cutting himself.

All these “cries for help” were ignored as he was simply shuffled back and forth throughout his high school years. Did this Liberal policy of ignoring his actions, never making him accountable for his choices, result in reformed or mainstream acceptable behavior? For educators who signed their name to the CASD, it might seem so. But for the families of the 17 dead and numerous wounded left behind in the wake of Cruz’s rampage, not so much.

As long as we continue to be ruled by Political Correctness and ignore the disciplining children for the sake of “equality,” others will die and those responsible for finding solutions for student violence in our schools will continue to scratch their heads and wonder why progress isn’t being made.

These educators, in their attempt to disrupt the “school-to-prison pipeline” by making excuses for the misguided students’ behavior in the name of racial equality and doing what’s best for the student’s future opportunities, will only increase the incidence of the “school-to-the-grave pipeline” for innocents who will pay the price for these so-called educated people’s insanity.