Thursday, March 8, 2018

School Educators Are Spawning School Mass Shooters

While most concerned citizens are calling for “common sense” solutions to gun violence in both our schools and in the public venue, though most only want to look like they are doing something constructive, Liberal policies are actually adding to the problem, not the solution.

Officials in Broward County, Florida, where the latest mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School took place, made what they thought would be the cure for these tragedies, back in 2013. They proclaimed it as an example for other counties across America to copy. And now, in 2018, it has become evident that is was far from the cure but aided in the killing of 17 of their own.

On November of that year, the Boward County School Board, along with the Chief Justice of the 17th Judicial District, the Office of the State Attorney, the Sheriff of Boward County, the Fort Lauderdale Police Department and about a dozen other organizations, implemented a policy entitled the “Collaborative Agreement on School Discipline.” The entire covenant can be found online should you want to read it word for word.

The problems in this document are numerous. Instead of targeting problem kids for actual discipline, or even punishment when it is deserved, they shield, pander and appease them, all in the name of “protecting the future” of these kids.

It even begins with a flawed premise: “WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge that law enforcement plays an essential role in maintaining safety in the community.” (Sounds good so far, right?) But it continues: “However, the use of arrests and referrals to the criminal justice system may decrease a student’s chance of graduation, entering higher education, joining the military, and getting a job.”

So, arresting students who engage in criminal activities that SHOULD have gained them entrance into the justice system, might make things hard on them? I submit that their own activities are the problem, NOT that they might be arrested for them.

Do sensible people really believe that the problem is arresting them and not the behavior itself that is the problem?

The document states that in the 2011-12 school year, the Department of Juvenile Justice reported 1,062 school-related arrests in Howard County and 71% were for misdemeanor offenses with over half of them never having being referred to the Juvenile Justice System before. These were new cases and new offenders which should signal there is a dire problem with discipline.

Intelligent people can see that if criminal activity is ignored or appeased instead of being dealt with it, those perpetrating these crimes in effect “get away with it.” As such, it is a reward system, not an accountability system, and rewarded behavior is repeated behavior.

The CASD also cites that people of color are impacted disproportionately by being arrested more than others. Seeking “balance” minority offenders are not arrested or disciplined simply because they are a part of a minority group. In an attempt to solve racism in the prosecution of minorities, they are simply excused based on racist policies themselves. Does anyone really think that arresting an equal number of Whites as you do those of minorities is a viable or even reasonable solution? Do all races commit crimes on an equal basis? I doubt it. The system is blamed instead of the individuals.

To increase the absurdity of the whole process of looking the other way when students commit crimes, the Boward County Sheriff’s Department brags that the record of these instances are down. Of, course they are down. They are no longer reported or addressed. How ridiculous!

In effect, we can surmise that if we stopped keeping a record of stabbing we could celebrate the report that stabbing assaults are down. Ludicrous, ignorant and insulting to a civilized society.

So, as a result of these policies, a young man named Nikolas Cruz, was repeatedly sent back and forth between schools for disciplinary reasons. He had assaulted and cursed teachers, kicked doors in school, engaged in fist fights, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pointed a rifle at his mother, and practiced self-abuse by cutting himself.

All these “cries for help” were ignored as he was simply shuffled back and forth throughout his high school years. Did this Liberal policy of ignoring his actions, never making him accountable for his choices, result in reformed or mainstream acceptable behavior? For educators who signed their name to the CASD, it might seem so. But for the families of the 17 dead and numerous wounded left behind in the wake of Cruz’s rampage, not so much.

As long as we continue to be ruled by Political Correctness and ignore the disciplining children for the sake of “equality,” others will die and those responsible for finding solutions for student violence in our schools will continue to scratch their heads and wonder why progress isn’t being made.

These educators, in their attempt to disrupt the “school-to-prison pipeline” by making excuses for the misguided students’ behavior in the name of racial equality and doing what’s best for the student’s future opportunities, will only increase the incidence of the “school-to-the-grave pipeline” for innocents who will pay the price for these so-called educated people’s insanity.

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