Friday, March 9, 2018

The Law of Saturation, Islam's Trojan Horse - The art of taking over a country without firing a shot

During Muhammad’s early “ministry,” he was merely a preacher spreading Islam by talking about his revelations and spreading the word of Islam peacefully, even though this caused confrontations between him and the Jews and followers of other religions, of which there were 365 or so in Mecca at the time.

So how did every Arab in Saudi Arabia become Muslim by the time of his death? After he became a warrior for Allah and a Jihadist and politician in Medina, his followers increased rapidly. Converted Muslims who engaged in Jihad shared in war booty taken from non-Muslims. This was not a part of Islam in Mecca where he garnered only about 150 converts in 13 years. It was a part of the appeal of Islam, profit and gain of material goods, land and slaves.

Inhabitants were oppressed and persecuted, rights were stripped away from them and they were forced to become Muslims to relieve the pressure on them and their families. Those that wanted to hold onto their former religion were forced to pay a tax, jizya, for the right to do so. And this came with severe restrictions and punishments if they were violated.

These people became dhimmis and Muslims say they are a protected people, but it is merely protection as though they were one’s property. Their rights were limited and they were second-class citizens at best. They were forced to wear strange clothes so they would not be mistaken for a Muslim. They had to cross the street to allow a Muslim to pass. They were often forbidden to leave their house when it rained because they might step in a puddle of water and a Muslim might step in it later contaminating themselves.

They could not ride a horse but a poorly mule was acceptable and at times they were only allowed to ride it backwards. Christians had to wear funny dunce-style hats to distinguish them from Muslims. The yellow patch Adolph Hitler made Jews wear in World War II was inspired by the yellow cloth Jews were made to wear in some Islamic-conquered countries at various times in history. Christians were allowed to wear a cross around their neck, but it had to be too large to conceal and weigh about 2 pounds. Everything they were demanded to do was meant to humiliate them, as the Qur’an suggested. To escape these torturous demands all they had to do was to become Muslims, so after years or generations, they did just that and the Muslim population increased, not by a desire to embrace Islam, but as a means to escape unreasonable financial and societal demands placed upon them.

These tactics have limited success in today’s modern world so how does Islam grow to the point where a country becomes Islamic? Saturation.  is how.

As the number of Muslims in any given country grows, demands begin to be made that the non-Muslims conform to the edicts of Islam even though they are not Muslims themselves. And some compliance always seems to follow. Closing the swimming pool or an amusement park on a certain day reserving it just for Muslims. Remove offensive symbols, such as crosses, from their view. Remove nativity scenes from areas where a Muslim might see them because it is offensive to them. Demanding that women be allowed to cover their faces for driver’s license photos. All these appeasements and more, make us Sharia-compliant and it makes us behave like Muslims, even when we are not.

As the Islamic population grows, more demands are made, more appeasement follows and Muslims begin to gain power. In today’s world, even with the violence we see in Islamic countries, violence isn’t always necessary.

The immigration into non-Muslim countries by thousands of Muslims in the past few years has seen countries readily forsake their own values and in the name of tolerance, accept Islamic traditions and doctrine and even make excuses for crimes committed by Muslims because it is simply their culture to act a certain way. Sharia Law is at first tolerated, then promoted as acceptable and then allowed to become the law of the land for Muslims.

No-Go Zones, places where Muslims are allowed to govern themselves instead of being ruled by the country’s own law, enable the spread of Sharia-compliant communities. Pieces of their own country are given up freely by governments and slowly the country loses its identity.

By sheer saturation and appeasement, entire countries become Islamic. Turkey, for example, used to be a Christian nation called Anatolia. Slowly over a period of about 400 years, it became what it is today, a Muslim country where over 99% of its people are Muslim and the remaining portion of a percent of the population are oppressed inhabitants.

To deny that it could ever happen in America is to deny the historical record of Islam. Every country that allows Muslim immigrants and tolerates their bigotry against non-Muslims and makes excuses for their culture of oppression and domination, eventually succumbs to the growing Islamic influence and becomes Islamic in the end.

After all, once Muslims numbers grow to a majority through continued immigration and birth rates that are some of the highest in the world, cultures dating back thousands of years die and are replaced by an Islamic society.

No country that allows unbridled immigration of Muslims will survive. Coexistence is a myth. Muslims are taught from their Qur’an that non-believers are the vilest of all creatures and that tricking, lying and deceiving non-Muslims is allowed until all become followers of Allah.

There is a point when this saturation can no longer be quelled. When a country reaches that point, becoming a Sharia-compliant country is inevitable. Their culture, values and society will cease to exist and there is no going back to what they once were.

We are seeing that in the UK, portions of Europe and Africa. Australia is under assault as is America. Islam has one goal, to see every human being either bowing to Allah and His government established, or their extinction. There a can be no middle ground, no compromise, and appeasement must come from the non-Muslims, not from Muslims themselves.

Immigration is Jihad. Every time some Muslim moves to a non-Muslim land, he is practicing what Muhammad did. Muhammad’s migration to Medina marked the beginning of the end for that city. It is not about the desire for a better life but it is done in the name of Islam to conquer that city or that country for Allah, and it works. And in today’s climate of appeasement and tolerance of the most intolerable doctrine on the planet, it will always work.

Refusal to see the historic record of Islam for exactly what it has always been, is suicidal for any culture or society. Islam is a Trojan Horse and once allowed behind the walls, no city can survive.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

School Educators Are Spawning School Mass Shooters

While most concerned citizens are calling for “common sense” solutions to gun violence in both our schools and in the public venue, though most only want to look like they are doing something constructive, Liberal policies are actually adding to the problem, not the solution.

Officials in Broward County, Florida, where the latest mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School took place, made what they thought would be the cure for these tragedies, back in 2013. They proclaimed it as an example for other counties across America to copy. And now, in 2018, it has become evident that is was far from the cure but aided in the killing of 17 of their own.

On November of that year, the Boward County School Board, along with the Chief Justice of the 17th Judicial District, the Office of the State Attorney, the Sheriff of Boward County, the Fort Lauderdale Police Department and about a dozen other organizations, implemented a policy entitled the “Collaborative Agreement on School Discipline.” The entire covenant can be found online should you want to read it word for word.

The problems in this document are numerous. Instead of targeting problem kids for actual discipline, or even punishment when it is deserved, they shield, pander and appease them, all in the name of “protecting the future” of these kids.

It even begins with a flawed premise: “WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge that law enforcement plays an essential role in maintaining safety in the community.” (Sounds good so far, right?) But it continues: “However, the use of arrests and referrals to the criminal justice system may decrease a student’s chance of graduation, entering higher education, joining the military, and getting a job.”

So, arresting students who engage in criminal activities that SHOULD have gained them entrance into the justice system, might make things hard on them? I submit that their own activities are the problem, NOT that they might be arrested for them.

Do sensible people really believe that the problem is arresting them and not the behavior itself that is the problem?

The document states that in the 2011-12 school year, the Department of Juvenile Justice reported 1,062 school-related arrests in Howard County and 71% were for misdemeanor offenses with over half of them never having being referred to the Juvenile Justice System before. These were new cases and new offenders which should signal there is a dire problem with discipline.

Intelligent people can see that if criminal activity is ignored or appeased instead of being dealt with it, those perpetrating these crimes in effect “get away with it.” As such, it is a reward system, not an accountability system, and rewarded behavior is repeated behavior.

The CASD also cites that people of color are impacted disproportionately by being arrested more than others. Seeking “balance” minority offenders are not arrested or disciplined simply because they are a part of a minority group. In an attempt to solve racism in the prosecution of minorities, they are simply excused based on racist policies themselves. Does anyone really think that arresting an equal number of Whites as you do those of minorities is a viable or even reasonable solution? Do all races commit crimes on an equal basis? I doubt it. The system is blamed instead of the individuals.

To increase the absurdity of the whole process of looking the other way when students commit crimes, the Boward County Sheriff’s Department brags that the record of these instances are down. Of, course they are down. They are no longer reported or addressed. How ridiculous!

In effect, we can surmise that if we stopped keeping a record of stabbing we could celebrate the report that stabbing assaults are down. Ludicrous, ignorant and insulting to a civilized society.

So, as a result of these policies, a young man named Nikolas Cruz, was repeatedly sent back and forth between schools for disciplinary reasons. He had assaulted and cursed teachers, kicked doors in school, engaged in fist fights, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pointed a rifle at his mother, and practiced self-abuse by cutting himself.

All these “cries for help” were ignored as he was simply shuffled back and forth throughout his high school years. Did this Liberal policy of ignoring his actions, never making him accountable for his choices, result in reformed or mainstream acceptable behavior? For educators who signed their name to the CASD, it might seem so. But for the families of the 17 dead and numerous wounded left behind in the wake of Cruz’s rampage, not so much.

As long as we continue to be ruled by Political Correctness and ignore the disciplining children for the sake of “equality,” others will die and those responsible for finding solutions for student violence in our schools will continue to scratch their heads and wonder why progress isn’t being made.

These educators, in their attempt to disrupt the “school-to-prison pipeline” by making excuses for the misguided students’ behavior in the name of racial equality and doing what’s best for the student’s future opportunities, will only increase the incidence of the “school-to-the-grave pipeline” for innocents who will pay the price for these so-called educated people’s insanity.