Just as money freely given is seldom appreciated because we did not invest our own blood and sweat in the attaining of it and is quickly and easily lost, so do the freedoms and liberties we have that we did not invest our own blood and sweat in attaining become taken for granted, unappreciated and can be quickly and easily lost.
The liberties and freedoms that all in this country enjoy are due to the sacrifice of those past and present who offered their own blood and sweat to create and to preserve this Republic. Few understand that it is easier to give birth the idea of a free nation than it is to keep it once it becomes a reality. It has taken thousands more sacrifices to preserve America than it did to give birth to it.
Not only do we not fully understand what that cost has been, we don’t fully understand what the true cost will be should we fail to keep it, both to us as Americans and to the world that has been blessed by our very existence.
America was created with the full knowledge of the dignity and sanctity of life but over the past 4 decades we have replaced that precious responsibility with casualness toward the unborn and apathy toward life itself. What some see today as an infringement upon other countries and a will to impose our lifestyle upon them is actually an attempt to make sure that people all over this globe experience what freedom taste like.
American has always been a moral nation but as those morals have eroded and the sanctity of life of both born and unborn has suffered neglect, we are losing our position of respect and influence in the world. Powerful politicians and the “Blame America First” crowd would have us believe it is because of our arrogance and interference that we have suffered this diminished reputation, but as we began to devalue human life, especially of the unborn, God’s protective hand began to be lifted from our shoulders.
Value for human life is not only a Biblical principle but it is a foundational principle of a civilized society. To lose that principle means to cease to be a civilized community and the door is opened for a myriad of problems and challenges and all the while we struggle to understand why they befell us.
With the slipping of traditional morality, traditional marriage and family values began to erode. Families are what makes up a community, communities make up cities and states and states make a nation. When the foundation is cracked and crumbling, all that was built upon it begins to show signs of stress and cracks and its days are numbered.
As we devalue one building block of a strong society after another all that America once was begins to change and we all suffer because of it.
Our 33rd president Harry Truman penned it perfectly when he wrote, “The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus, and Saint Matthew, from Isaiah and Saint Paul…. If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State”. America is in danger of that very prediction today.
As he left office in 1796 President George Washington warned us with these words, “It is substantially true that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric?
I echo his sentiment. No one calling themselves a friend of free government and freedom of the people can allow apathy to cloud their vision when they see concerted efforts being made to shake the very foundations upon which this great country was founded. To do so informs us all that he is not a friend of America who turns a blind eye to those who would dismantle this Republic. And it certainly says the same of those who would shake America in an attempt to “fundamentally change the United States of America”, to use our current presidents own words spoken five days before being elected to our highest office.
This shaking is not coming from without, even though we have been openly attacked from outside our borders. The greatest danger America faces is from within the ranks of our own self-serving government which boasts of the fundamental changes its leaders want to make. I say boast because they are obviously more proud of their attempts to degrade and tear down America than they are of what America stands for. When our fundamentals change, we are no longer the same country. While some desire it, I warn against it.
And what becomes of those who speak to expose such treason against America? They are labeled as Nazis, paid-dissidents, part of a false movement with no value and even un-American. All the while the ones whose desire is to destroy the foundation of this country are heralded as patriots. Somewhere we have gotten our wires crossed.
Why are Tea Party participants maligned daily by those in power? Why are those who ask probing questions smeared at every turn? Why is every voice that speaks against a socialistic take over of the health care industry tagged an un-American “Right-winged extremists”? There is but one answer and it is not a complicated one. They are purveyors of the truth and the truth cannot be tolerated by those who wish to re-make America in their image. Their agenda cannot withstand exposure to the light.
Politicians need to understand fully that the desire to debate issues like freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear arms, climate change, energy resources, independence, renewal and responsibility, true health care reform, moral integrity, freedom of, not from, religion and so much more IS truly the American way. It is the desire to stop and to hinder debate and questioning that is un-American and politicians should know that or they have no business taking our money on the pretense of “serving” us. They do not deserve the trust we placed in them and it is time to give their seat to one who does.
Exposure to the truth is to them as one who exits a dark theatre on a bright sunny Saturday afternoon. The sun’s light hurts their eyes. They wince. They try and shield their faces from the light until their vision adjusts.
Today’s politicians with only darkness as a goal for America, are blinded by the light of the truth. They wince. They shield their eyes from the truth. Truth can be blinding when one does not desire to see. There is nothing wrong with the truth, just as there is nothing wrong with the sunlight.
They have simply been living in the darkness of their own greed, self-serving policies and the interests of those who spread money for them to walk on. It feels like soft clover to bare feet and they love it more than they love the responsibility they swore an oath to serve. They love the darkness more than they love the light of freedom and to correct the situation they try and extinguish the light.
It is time that we shine the light of truth squarely into their face, pull their hands from their faces and force them to see the light that is America. It is time we hold them to their post as they try and retreat back into the darkness they have grown to love for the darkness is the only place that their actions can thrive. It is time to remove that option.
Why do they continue to love the darkness? Why do they continue to slip acts past us in the dead of night? It is their way and they love the darkness more than they love the light. Eventually the truth always manifests itself. So why do they try so hard to deny the truth and hide from the light? Stubbornness? An un-teachable spirit? A childish, “I want my way” attitude?
It is time that our leaders put away the childish ways of name-calling, degradation of true citizens, and embrace debate. It is time to shy away from the half-truths and outright lies that plague the political system and embrace the light of the truth, even if it is uncomfortable to do so. And they should be fore-warned: If they cannot embrace the light of the truth, they will be replaced at the earliest opportunity with a true American who understands the foundations upon which America was built and who understands that their office is a place of service not entitlement.
If “public service” feels beneath them, cut them free to find work in the real world where responsibility and accountability are the norm. Let them reconnect with the common people by once again becoming one of them. Let them learn the hard way that the elitism of political office is a fairy tale and theirs is about to end.
The disgrace that has become our system of government has run its course. It is time for a correction, not a “new system” like the radical Van Jones shouts about. America needs some tweaking, some refining, some modifications but it does not need a total overhaul. It is time to recognize the good and the bright among us and to listen to them giving no regard to whether they wear the Republican, Democrat, or Independent label.
America is circling the drain and she did not get here in the past eight months. It has been a long time in the making and there is plenty of blame to go around. But the time for blaming has past. Only so much can be blamed on George W. Bush. Only so much can be blamed on Barack Obama. And we as a people shoulder part of the blame because we did not recognize the power we have to change a system that is bound to destroy America. We allowed apathy to overcome us and we chose the posture of an ostrich rather than a lion to challenge the system.
As we all shoulder the challenge for returning America back to her fundamental values while they can still be recognized, we must put aside the labels when they divide us but not be afraid to label those who pose a danger to America. Political Correctness can no longer be tolerated and it should be shown the door.
The issues that need to be faced must be faced even if it hurts someone’s feelings or ruffles a few feathers. There is too much at stake and the time for games is over. It is time for the truth to prevail even if it is uncomfortable to implement policies that are controversial. Controversial is acceptable but those bulging with half-truths and lies, misleading platitudes and our-right lies are not.
It is time we question boldly those policies that serve a few and play to the pettiness of politicians. It is time to wake and be counted among the ranks of those that readily admit to the importance of our foundational principles, their source and vow to preserve this Republic.
America was founded upon morality and it is to that end, or to that renewed beginning, we must submit ourselves.
Should we neglect the moral instruction with which this country was begun, as the Statesman Daniel Webster said, “no man can tell how suddenly a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity”.
We cannot afford to forsake our morality for the sake of any cause. Without it America is nothing and we need too reclaim it with utmost haste. Time is not on our side, but we must always be on the side of truth.
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