Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says that “there is too much emphasis on telling the U.S. story and not enough on building trust and credibility”. Since Obama became president, some feel that the image of the U.S. has improved in many parts of the world. However, the troubling news is that this is not true in the Arab and Muslim world, particularly Turkey, Pakistan and Palestinian territories, where animosity toward the U.S. continues “to run deep and unabated” in spite of Obama “Apologetics Tour” of the region where he railed against America’s intolerance of Islam and its arrogance.
I am sure this troubles Obama as he has tried to convince these people, at the expense of America, that we are not to be feared but should be seen as one offering an olive branch for mutual understanding. Having mutual understanding with an enemy, and yes I did say “enemy” contrary to what the president wishes were true, is impossible when hatred for us, simply because we are not like them in our culture and religion, persists. And how long will this hatred persist? It will persist until we are governed by Sharia Law and Allah is our only God. These requirements are non-negotiable and set in the stony regions of the heart of Islam.
So the continued apologies coming from this administration, and now from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are both a waste of energy and a delay in addressing the real problem. With all due respect Mr. President, contrary to what you so boldly profess, we ARE at war with Islam and we have been for over 200 years. The non-believing world has been at war with Islam for over 14 centuries. Facts are facts, period, politically correct or not.
Our desire to appease Muslims goes all the way back to the battle fought against piracy and Islamic terrorist during the turn of the 19th century at Tripoli,” a Muslim stronghold that was used as a base of operations for Barbary pirates. Muslim nations were hostile to what they perceived as “Christian nations” habitually preying on their ships and enslaving their seamen. This war against Islamic terrorists is nothing new and the desire to appease them as a means to ward off trouble and battle is nothing new also.
But just as it did not do anything more than embolden them in 1805, it does nothing less in 2009. When we refuse to learn what history has shown us, we learn the lesson all over again, only this time the losses and the death toll will far surpass the historical lesson. The Treaty of 1797 was supposed to appease the Muslims and yet it did not. We promised that we would not try and convert the Muslim people. And in our present world words such as “Islam is a great religion” and “a Religion of Peace” that came from President George W. Bush did not make them back off. President Barack Obama’s words that “America is one of the largest Muslim nations in the world” and that “America is no longer a Christian nation” did not either.
The continued stroking of Islamic terrorists only makes us appear weak and easy targets unclear about the rules of the game. We should remember the words of Thomas Jefferson who said, “Too long, for the honor of nations, have those Barbarians been suffered (permitted) to trample on the sacred faith of treaties, on the rights and laws of human nature!” That being understood, how can mere words calm the turbulent waters that span the gulf between Islam and any nation who rejects Islam? They cannot. The basic tenants of Islam haven’t changed so it is still submission and conversion, becoming a second class citizen and paying for the privilege with a special and often disproportional tax, or death are the only options given to unbelievers. And my prayer is that America will always be listed among the infidels who refuses to submit.
The sentiment of the Ambassador Abdrahaman, Tripoli’s Ambassador to Great Britain during that time, still pervades Islamic attitudes today. He said, “A non-aggressing nation is still at war with Islam, as long as it hasn’t embraced Islam”. Understand fully what he is saying. “A non-aggressive nation” meaning one that is not engaged in fighting back, is still at war. It is much like two kids on the schoolyard with one determined to punch the face of the other and the second one being content to allow it and not fight back. There is still a battle going on with the one doing the most damage being the one who does not refrain from throwing the punches. Even if America is determined to remain passive and not fight back, Islam still sees us as the enemy, albeit a weaker one. As long as we refuse to “embrace Islam” they will gladly continue to throw punches.
Jefferson argued that the United States was not at war with Tripoli and Islam (sound familiar?) but that did not make any difference. The reason was explained to him this way: “it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise”. It was requested of America that they pay a fee to keep the peace which amounted to $1.3 million a year by the time all concerned were “paid off”, (a tremendous amount of money for a young country). This came with no guarantee that the Muslims would honor the treaty as they had not honored the Treaty of 1797. Nothing has changed for Islam and the demands they make of infidels.
Fast forward to 2009 and ask how could this be made clearer? And why does our weak, appeasement-bent President still think they don’t mean it? How can he believe that they will not continue to take aim at us even if we “play nice” or even if we bow to them, literally? Their stern warnings have been ignored at the peril of all Americans. America IS at war with Islam Fundamentalists. As long as they see us as their enemy they are ours and must be treated as such. To do less is to proceed in folly at the risk of American lives here and abroad.
The Koran is not a “living document” that changes over time depending upon society the way that Obama feels our Constitution is. Islam does not change their laws or rules of conduct and to even suggest they do can be a death sentence. Muhammad, the wishes of Allah spoken to him, the Koran and the books of the Hadith, are infallible. Negotiation is out of the question. Our president wishing it was different and that his smooth tongue will convince them otherwise plays no role in their faith.
And how does President Obama seek to handle the treat here at home? Quietly, and unknown to most, he and Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano have appointed Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as Assistant Secretary of Policy Development at the Department of Homeland Security. Alikhan was instrumental in the halting of “Muslim Mapping” programs in the Los Angeles Police Department back in 2007, a program that was believed needed to identify hotbeds of extremism in the area.
But surely the new Assistant Secretary of Policy Development won’t let a silly thing like aggressively pursuing Muslim extremists get in the way of defending the country against another attack, would he? Or is a fox now guarding the henhouse?
To add icing to the “Insanity cake”, they also swore in Kareem Shora, a Syrian born Muslim as the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee National Executive Director as a part of Homeland Security. So now we have a Muslim who will be instrumental in setting policy concerning the American position concerning Muslims and another Muslim in charge of making sure no one discriminates against Muslims.
Perhaps they will be great at their job, but with all that is happening in Washington these days, I am having trouble discerning just what Obama’s appointees are considering their job.
With countless czars, some professed Communists, radicals and convicted criminals, what do you suppose is their main goal? Keeping America safe or continuing their efforts to undermine the society they deplore might not be one of their goals. And it seems that their previous actions have been rewarded by Obama’s confidence and we all know what rewarding someone for their efforts gets us – more of the same. America cannot afford more of the same. Obama’s efforts to stamp out “business as usual in Washington” has caused him to turn America on its head. Business as usual in Washington needed some attention and revision certainly, but even that form of corruption is preferable to what we are being subjected to now.
Speaking boldly and with that ever familiar raised nose and arrogant stance, Obama promised if elected he would “fundamentally change America” and he is determined to do it too. The fundamentals of America do not need to be changed. The fundamentals of free speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and all the rights granted to us in our Constitution, right down to LIMITED federal government not ever-expanding federal government, are the fundamentals that made this country. Even with all her faults, America is still the brightest hope for the future of the planet but changing it into a third-world country where we are no better than the rest, cheats us and cheats the world.
Leave our fundamentals alone. Leave our rights alone. Leave our liberties alone. Leave our Constitution alone. Leave America better than you found it, not in rubble. America is still the “shining city on the hill” and she’ll remain so if we can stop this Administration from turning out the lights.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
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