America is engaged in a war not of her own choosing. It isn’t a war that you will see statistics printed in the newspaper listing deaths, injuries or costs. It isn’t found as the headline story of any TV or Cable network. In fact, you may not even realize it but it is a war that has been fought many times in history. It is the war between a people and their government and the United States government is at war with its people.
When one stops to ponder the idea, it is apparent that this is nothing new. Wars are not of nation against nation. Even our own Revolutionary War was not a war between nations. Wars are government against government. Wars are declared by governments against governments but the cruelest are those declared by a government against its own people.
Sometimes, as after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the people condone an
d even insist upon a declaration of war. They see it as justified and necessary for their own survival. But the most dangerous of wars, the wars I refer to between a government and its people, doesn’t come with public support but at public expense.
Adolph Hitler’s greatest atrocities were not committed against the American soldier, or the Russian soldier, but against the people of his own country. Chairman Mao was a man with the blood of upwards by some estimates of 70 million of his own people on his hands.
During the 70 years that Communism infected this globe, the U.S.S.R. was at constant war with its own people the greatest victims, with some estimates reaching 150 million. Any government that seeks to deprive its people of liberty, freedom and property has chosen to walk a path that can only lead to war. Why? Because people do not voluntarily hand over their liberties, freedoms and property but only do so when forced to do so by the might of a powerful government. At that point they are no longer free but subjects.
Never in the history of this country has there been such an attempt to repress liberties, restrict freedoms and confiscate and redistribute property from its people as it is under the Barack Obama Presidency. Almost daily it seems the hands of this administration reaches in to meddle with another aspect of America, creating problems where there are none, attempting to “solve” problems that do not exist, demanding obeisance and homage from a questioning people who are growing more considered every day.
Every politician makes promises that they feel will endear them to the voters, and many times those promises are not kept. Often those promises are impossible to keep and should have never been made. But sadly such is the political scene.
Yet this administration has made a practice of breaking those promises, the very commitments that got Obama elected in the first place. Closing Guantanamo Bay detention center and justly dealing with the detainees held there has become much more of a problem than he, in his naiveté, thought it would be. But the promise sounded good to those who are more concerned with the rights of those who killed 2,800 innocent Americans than for the rights of those who died.
America was attacked by a visible enemy and yet on the last anniversary of that fateful day, President Obama neglected to single them out in his appeasement speech and insulted every American. Not being willing to call out ones attackers for what and who they are is an affront to those who died that day and an insult to every America that was horrified by the events of 9/11.
Calling it a “Day of Remembrance and Service” was nothing more than an continued attempt at appeasement aimed at the Muslim world, one that now elected Obama, embraces with understanding but denied his connection with during the campaign. The “War on Terror” has now, under the direction of the White House, become an “Overseas Contingency”, a way of toning down its importance yet it belittles the sacredness of every life lost in this endless battle.
Other promises such as swearing not to take away our guns was a lie of misdirection with every appointee of Obama’s strongly anti-gun ownership. The laws and regulations underway that will hinder every Americans right or ability to possess a firearm, while doing nothing towards the removal of guns from the lawless criminal, is another broken promise.
The majority of people in the United States do not believe that abortion should be as accessible as it is and see the 50 million babies that have been aborted since the Roe vs. Wade decision a national shame. Yet this administration in pushing its pro-abortion stance doesn’t care what the majority of people think.
Obama was the only Senator to speak out against a bill that would assure that a baby born through a botched abortion would receive every available medical treatment to protect his/her life. He said it would someday have an affect on a woman’s right to choose even though the bill dealt entirely with a baby already born. To show how out-of-touch he was, the bill passed 90-1 in spite of his gauged rhetoric on the floor.
In showing his lack of concern for a newly born baby he showed his contempt for life and liberty of the most innocent among our nation. His agenda and continued approval of the slaughter of 4,000 babies a day is more important to him than protecting life. In a campaign speech he called babies a “punishment for making a mistake”. It sickened and angered me to hear that phrase.
Now with health care, abortion, as much as he has denied it, is included in the final bill he wants written. Efforts to keep it out have been blocked, making it clear that abortion is important to this administration and to the Democratic Congress at large.
Most people in America believe that the illegal immigration issue be addressed firmly while Obama seeks amnesty for the 12-20 million lawbreakers who disregarded our laws to come here. Crossing our borders every day are Hispanics seeking a better life and that is commendable but there are lawful ways to enter this country. Showing a disregard for our laws is not the way to do it.
Not addressed are the OTMs that are crossing the border as well, “Other Than Mexicans”. And that number could include Muslim terrorists or anyone else who simply walks across the invisible line in the sand or climbs an inadequate fence. Border agents are understaffed and often have their hands tied where they cannot properly do their job. Government wishes over the wishes of the people once again are evident.
Freedom of speech is under attack daily. From Cable news outlets to individuals that dare to question this administration are labeled as “opponents”. Opponents? Are battle lines being drawn in a stand-off to restrict freedom of speech? You had better believe it.
“No taxes on the middle class” was a promise that is disingenuous as well and the health care proposals will ensure that almost every American will see higher taxes. Higher energy costs are in effect taxes as EPA restrictions are increased to chase a phony “green” policy.
No civilization has ever survived when the energy source they depend upon is cut or hindered. We are an oil-based society and until we create another source to replace it we cannot afford to expand costs and levy heavy restrictions because of its use. In this economy it is suicidal. But the government really doesn’t care about the people in this respect but cares more about the planet, buying into the phony science that redistributes the wealth and hinders progress into the future.
Just as no sensible person quits a job until the have another one and we as a nation should not close the door to progress that continued use of oil can bring until we have an alternative that works. It doesn’t hurt the government as much as the people.
Make no mistake about it, our government is drawing a line in the sand between itself and its people and that path only leads to war. There are 300 million Americans that love their way of life and they will not give it up or hand it over to bureaucrats freely. And the war between a people and its government and its people lies down the path that this administration has chosen to walk.
We have the examples of Russia, China, Germany and some African nations to study and pay attention to. An oppressive government is simply that, an oppressive government and people who have tasted liberty, freedom and prosperity will not allow it to be striped from their grasps.
But of course before that ever happened in any country, the populace was disarmed and that is happening in America today. And then it will matter little what the people will have to say. The government will have free reign to force its agenda, no matter how radical and no matter how anti-Constitutional it is, upon a helpless people.
Before you say it can’t happen here, tell that to the people of Germany (20.9 million civilians killed), Russia (83 million), China (45 million), Japan (5.9 million), Vietnam (1.6 million), Poland (1.5 million to “ethnic cleansing”). Tell that to the two million people slaughtered by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia as they lost 30% of their population to violence from their own government. Tell that to the one million Armenians that lost their lives at the hands of the Turks after they were systematically disarmed in the early 1900’s.
This scenario was repeated in Uganda, Rwanda, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, and Sudan, to name a few. Our founding fathers did not wish for us to be armed as a protection against each other as much as a protection against a government gone awry.
No government can exercise genocide against or even undue control over its people as long as they are armed. Any government seeking ultimate control knows that and will disarm its people as a prelude to their going to far in their thirst for power. It is the first step even if taken years before things get out of hand. Even using those weapons is not necessary but that possibility keeps out-of-control governments in check.
An armed people are a free people. Slaves are not allowed to “keep and bear arms”, only free men can. The removal or severe limitation of this one specific right will spell the end of freedom in America. History has proven that power hungry men choose to dominate their people and power hungry certainly describes this administration.
While there are no records that indicate any democratic government has directly or indirectly been involved in the extermination or genocide of its own people, absolutism certainly has. When a government garners absolute control of the populace by government take over of private industries, banks, large corporations, as apparently is the aim of this administration, dangerous times loom ahead.
Will America right its course and not become another added to the above list or will it continue to travel the road of denied liberties, withdrawn freedoms and stolen property? There is a point of no return and I can’t say where that line is. I simply hope we don’t cross it.
When one stops to ponder the idea, it is apparent that this is nothing new. Wars are not of nation against nation. Even our own Revolutionary War was not a war between nations. Wars are government against government. Wars are declared by governments against governments but the cruelest are those declared by a government against its own people.
Sometimes, as after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the people condone an
d even insist upon a declaration of war. They see it as justified and necessary for their own survival. But the most dangerous of wars, the wars I refer to between a government and its people, doesn’t come with public support but at public expense.
Adolph Hitler’s greatest atrocities were not committed against the American soldier, or the Russian soldier, but against the people of his own country. Chairman Mao was a man with the blood of upwards by some estimates of 70 million of his own people on his hands.
During the 70 years that Communism infected this globe, the U.S.S.R. was at constant war with its own people the greatest victims, with some estimates reaching 150 million. Any government that seeks to deprive its people of liberty, freedom and property has chosen to walk a path that can only lead to war. Why? Because people do not voluntarily hand over their liberties, freedoms and property but only do so when forced to do so by the might of a powerful government. At that point they are no longer free but subjects.
Never in the history of this country has there been such an attempt to repress liberties, restrict freedoms and confiscate and redistribute property from its people as it is under the Barack Obama Presidency. Almost daily it seems the hands of this administration reaches in to meddle with another aspect of America, creating problems where there are none, attempting to “solve” problems that do not exist, demanding obeisance and homage from a questioning people who are growing more considered every day.
Every politician makes promises that they feel will endear them to the voters, and many times those promises are not kept. Often those promises are impossible to keep and should have never been made. But sadly such is the political scene.
Yet this administration has made a practice of breaking those promises, the very commitments that got Obama elected in the first place. Closing Guantanamo Bay detention center and justly dealing with the detainees held there has become much more of a problem than he, in his naiveté, thought it would be. But the promise sounded good to those who are more concerned with the rights of those who killed 2,800 innocent Americans than for the rights of those who died.
America was attacked by a visible enemy and yet on the last anniversary of that fateful day, President Obama neglected to single them out in his appeasement speech and insulted every American. Not being willing to call out ones attackers for what and who they are is an affront to those who died that day and an insult to every America that was horrified by the events of 9/11.
Calling it a “Day of Remembrance and Service” was nothing more than an continued attempt at appeasement aimed at the Muslim world, one that now elected Obama, embraces with understanding but denied his connection with during the campaign. The “War on Terror” has now, under the direction of the White House, become an “Overseas Contingency”, a way of toning down its importance yet it belittles the sacredness of every life lost in this endless battle.
Other promises such as swearing not to take away our guns was a lie of misdirection with every appointee of Obama’s strongly anti-gun ownership. The laws and regulations underway that will hinder every Americans right or ability to possess a firearm, while doing nothing towards the removal of guns from the lawless criminal, is another broken promise.
The majority of people in the United States do not believe that abortion should be as accessible as it is and see the 50 million babies that have been aborted since the Roe vs. Wade decision a national shame. Yet this administration in pushing its pro-abortion stance doesn’t care what the majority of people think.
Obama was the only Senator to speak out against a bill that would assure that a baby born through a botched abortion would receive every available medical treatment to protect his/her life. He said it would someday have an affect on a woman’s right to choose even though the bill dealt entirely with a baby already born. To show how out-of-touch he was, the bill passed 90-1 in spite of his gauged rhetoric on the floor.
In showing his lack of concern for a newly born baby he showed his contempt for life and liberty of the most innocent among our nation. His agenda and continued approval of the slaughter of 4,000 babies a day is more important to him than protecting life. In a campaign speech he called babies a “punishment for making a mistake”. It sickened and angered me to hear that phrase.
Now with health care, abortion, as much as he has denied it, is included in the final bill he wants written. Efforts to keep it out have been blocked, making it clear that abortion is important to this administration and to the Democratic Congress at large.
Most people in America believe that the illegal immigration issue be addressed firmly while Obama seeks amnesty for the 12-20 million lawbreakers who disregarded our laws to come here. Crossing our borders every day are Hispanics seeking a better life and that is commendable but there are lawful ways to enter this country. Showing a disregard for our laws is not the way to do it.
Not addressed are the OTMs that are crossing the border as well, “Other Than Mexicans”. And that number could include Muslim terrorists or anyone else who simply walks across the invisible line in the sand or climbs an inadequate fence. Border agents are understaffed and often have their hands tied where they cannot properly do their job. Government wishes over the wishes of the people once again are evident.
Freedom of speech is under attack daily. From Cable news outlets to individuals that dare to question this administration are labeled as “opponents”. Opponents? Are battle lines being drawn in a stand-off to restrict freedom of speech? You had better believe it.
“No taxes on the middle class” was a promise that is disingenuous as well and the health care proposals will ensure that almost every American will see higher taxes. Higher energy costs are in effect taxes as EPA restrictions are increased to chase a phony “green” policy.
No civilization has ever survived when the energy source they depend upon is cut or hindered. We are an oil-based society and until we create another source to replace it we cannot afford to expand costs and levy heavy restrictions because of its use. In this economy it is suicidal. But the government really doesn’t care about the people in this respect but cares more about the planet, buying into the phony science that redistributes the wealth and hinders progress into the future.
Just as no sensible person quits a job until the have another one and we as a nation should not close the door to progress that continued use of oil can bring until we have an alternative that works. It doesn’t hurt the government as much as the people.
Make no mistake about it, our government is drawing a line in the sand between itself and its people and that path only leads to war. There are 300 million Americans that love their way of life and they will not give it up or hand it over to bureaucrats freely. And the war between a people and its government and its people lies down the path that this administration has chosen to walk.
We have the examples of Russia, China, Germany and some African nations to study and pay attention to. An oppressive government is simply that, an oppressive government and people who have tasted liberty, freedom and prosperity will not allow it to be striped from their grasps.
But of course before that ever happened in any country, the populace was disarmed and that is happening in America today. And then it will matter little what the people will have to say. The government will have free reign to force its agenda, no matter how radical and no matter how anti-Constitutional it is, upon a helpless people.
Before you say it can’t happen here, tell that to the people of Germany (20.9 million civilians killed), Russia (83 million), China (45 million), Japan (5.9 million), Vietnam (1.6 million), Poland (1.5 million to “ethnic cleansing”). Tell that to the two million people slaughtered by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia as they lost 30% of their population to violence from their own government. Tell that to the one million Armenians that lost their lives at the hands of the Turks after they were systematically disarmed in the early 1900’s.
This scenario was repeated in Uganda, Rwanda, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, and Sudan, to name a few. Our founding fathers did not wish for us to be armed as a protection against each other as much as a protection against a government gone awry.
No government can exercise genocide against or even undue control over its people as long as they are armed. Any government seeking ultimate control knows that and will disarm its people as a prelude to their going to far in their thirst for power. It is the first step even if taken years before things get out of hand. Even using those weapons is not necessary but that possibility keeps out-of-control governments in check.
An armed people are a free people. Slaves are not allowed to “keep and bear arms”, only free men can. The removal or severe limitation of this one specific right will spell the end of freedom in America. History has proven that power hungry men choose to dominate their people and power hungry certainly describes this administration.
While there are no records that indicate any democratic government has directly or indirectly been involved in the extermination or genocide of its own people, absolutism certainly has. When a government garners absolute control of the populace by government take over of private industries, banks, large corporations, as apparently is the aim of this administration, dangerous times loom ahead.
Will America right its course and not become another added to the above list or will it continue to travel the road of denied liberties, withdrawn freedoms and stolen property? There is a point of no return and I can’t say where that line is. I simply hope we don’t cross it.
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